We would like to inform you that a seminar on “Artificial Intelligence: Introduction and Applications in Education” will be held at NUACA, conducted by Advisor of
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia is conducting the “Fundamentals of Project Management” course, which will launch on April 8.
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces that the Chair of Engineering Geodesy is launching the second stage of the courses on
We would like to inform you, that according to the Decision No 478-N of the RA Government “On Approval of the Requalification Procedure in the Field of Urban Development”
The High School of National University of Architecture and Construction Armenia is organizing an Olympiad in the subject “Graphics”. Students studying in grades 7-12 who are interested in graphics can...
We would like to announce that the course “Application of the “LIRA SAPR” Software Package in the Field of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Design ” is launching.
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ LISS24 Project, NUACA is organizing interactive courses on “Generating Innovative Business Ideas” and “B2B Sales.”
We would like to inform you that the spring semester of university seminars organized by the Chairs will start at National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia.
We would like to invite you to participate in the meeting-discussion dedicated to the Book Giving Day, which will be conducted by Doctor of Historical Sciences Hayk Demoyan.
We would like to inform you that within the framework of the Erasmus+ international mobility Program between NUACA and Liepāja University, Latvia, a lecture will
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, in collaboration with IGT Armenia, is organizing a seminar entitled “Latest Technologies in Geodesy and Geographic Information Systems ...
We would like to inform you that the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia invites citizens with higher education in the specialties of Architecture, Urban
The Embassy of Italy in Armenia announces that the Program “Invest Your Talent in Italy”, as in previous years, has once again extended Armenia’s presence on the list
We would like to inform you that a seminar on “The Planning and Implementation of Energy Efficiency Solutions in the Stages of Architectural Design and Construction
We would like to inform you that the 2nd semester of the I-III years of full-time undergraduate studies will start on February 3, in the IV years - on January 7, in the
We would like to inform you that a seminar-training on “Determining the Real Dimensions of Flat Figures in Perspective” organized by the Chair of Drawing and Computer
In accordance with Article 5, Clause 10 of the Charter of the Student Council, NUACA Student Council announces a competition for the position of the President.
We would like to inform you that the Government of Brazil is launching the selection process for the PEC-G 2026 Exchange Program for undergraduate students of 2026.
A competition for the vacancy of a teacher of “Drawing” (31 lessons), “Russian Language” (4 lessons) and “Chemistry” (3 lessons) subjects is announced at High School
We would like to inform you that the Eugen Ionescu Programme, funded by the Romanian Government, through the help of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
We would like to inform you that on December 6, a meeting will be held with representatives of 1SQ Realty, within the framework of which the representatives of the Company
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA-171 mobility programme, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces a competition to deliver
We would like to inform you that within the framework of the “Improvement of Practical Skills” programme organized by the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA-171 international mobility programme (2024-1-PL01-KA171-HED-000231465) National University of Architecture and Construction
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA-171 international mobility programme (2024-1-PL01-KA171-HED-000231465) National University of Architecture and Construction
The Individual-Interfaculty Blitz Chess Tournament organized by the Chair of Physical Education and Sports will be held on December 4, at 3:00 p.m.. Students of National University
We would like to inform you that at the invitation of NUACA Chair of Economics, Law and Management a seminar on “Legal Basis for the Implementation of Construction Projects”
We would like to inform you that the classes of the 1st year of the part-time undergraduate studies of the 2024-2025 academic year will start on November 25, 2024 and will end on December 13.
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA171 international mobility programme, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces a competition
We would like to inform you that the specialties and admission places for part-time studies of the 2024-2025 academic year of NUACA Secondary Vocational Education College are known.
We would like to inform you that today the report entitled “Ancient Manuscript Heritage” will be held, which will be presented by Senior Researcher of the Matenadaran, PhD in Philology Tamara Minasyan...
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia is organizing a workshop dedicated to the International Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day.
We would like to inform you that the “Application of “LIRA SAPR” Software Package in the Field of reinforced concrete Building Design” course is launching. “LIRA SAPR”
Within the framework of the Erasmus+KA171 grant programme, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces a competition to study at D’Annunzio
NUACA Chair of Engineering Geodesy organizes free courses on “Basics of Geoinformation Systems (GIS)” and “Digital Earth” topics within the framework of the
On the initiative of the Faculty of Design, on October 21-26, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, together with St. Petersburg State
Within the framework of the Erasmus+KA171 grant programme, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces a competition for undergraduate
We would like to inform you that the exhibition-open class on “Interior Doll as an Element of Decor” will take place soon. On the first day of this three-day event, an open
We would like to inform you that the autumn term seminars of the University organized by the Chairs have launched at National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia.
We are pleased to provide you with the dates of 2024-2025 academic year intra-University entrance exams to the part-time undergraduate “Design” specialty, according to the subjects
We would like to inform you that the TalentCode Career Development Training Center will hold a seminar at NUACA, during which issues related to the current labour market
If you are an applicant for the full-time undergraduate studies of the “Architecture” specialty of the 2024-2025 academic year, and now you want to apply for the part-time
NUACA Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Center carries out the “Pricing and Making an Estimate in the RA Construction Sector” training course, the aim of which is to provide
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ international grant programme, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces a competition
Starting from 2024-2025 academic year, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia is launching “Nature Protection and Natural Resource Management”
For the 2024-2025 academic year, part-time entrance exam applications for the RA higher education institutions will be conducted on Assessment and Testing Center (ATC) website - dimord.am until Septem...
A competition for the vacancy of a teacher of “Russian Language” (8 lessons), “Chemistry” (8 lessons), “Physics” (12 lessons) and “Sketch Drawing” (36 lessons) subjects is announced
In accordance with procedure approved by the RA Government Decision № 1125-N on July 3, 2020, “INCOME TAX REFUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF TUITION FEE COMPENSATION FOR EMPLOYEES
We are pleased to inform you that in order to support the postgraduate students of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, according to the Minutes
NUACA announces admission to part-time graduate programme for 2024-2025 academic year. Only citizens holding an undergraduate degree can be admitted to the graduate programme.
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces admission to part-time (state-funded) postgraduate studies for the 2024/2025 academic year in the following specialty:
On the initiative of Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland, the international scientific conference entitled “Materials, Structures, Technologies and Management
We would like to inform you that, according to the RA Decision No 478-N “On Approval of the Requalification Procedure in the Field of Urban Development”
We would like to inform you that students of “Design” specialty have the opportunity to participate in the “5th International Week” to be held at the La Escola
The deadline for applying to the 2nd international conference entitled “Architectural Heritage and Contemporary Architecture” (ICAHCA) organized by National University of Architecture
In order to receive NUACA entrance intra-University exam sheet for the 2024-2025 academic year, please approach the Admission Committee with your ID card (the document with which you filled out the ap...
By the decree of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia, the terms of the admission of foreign citizens and Diaspora Armenians for the 2024-2025
We would like to inform you that with the support of the British Council, the Program jointly organized by the Union of Architects of London and National University of Architecture and Construction of...
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, the University of Strasbourg, together with other partners, are conducting a Summer School funded
A seminar organized by the Chair of Drawing and Computer Graphics will be held at National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia. The theme of the Seminar is
Sociocenter (Социоцентр) Federal Autonomous Non-Profit Organization implements the “Summer University 2024” and “Summer University for Young Lecturers and Researchers”
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA) in accordance with the Order 1193-N of the RA Minister of Education and Science dated December 6
By the order of the Director of the Assessment and Testing Center, the days of the unified state examinations of the second stage of university admissions for the 2024 academic year have been approved...
All those students who have finished the 9th grade of the RA schools and in the 2024-2025 academic year want to continue their education in the 10th grade of High School after
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces admission to postgraduate full-time studies (state-funded and not state-funded) for the 2024/2025 academic year.
The “Inspection of Buildings for the Detection of Asbestos-Containing Materials” course is being launched, which is organized in Armenia with the financing of the United Nations
We are happy to inform you that the 2nd international conference entitled “Architectural Heritage and Contemporary Architecture” (ICAHCA) and organized by National
Within the framework of the cooperation of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia and the USAID “Armenia Improved Water Management
We would like to inform you that the Youth Expo 2024 program with the motto “Empower, Inspire, Act” will take place on May 17. The Expo is organized within the framework
If you are going to apply to the Faculty of Architecture or Design at National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, where taking an intra-university
The Student Council of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia is organizing a march to the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex this year
The submission process of university and specialty selection for admission to universities of the 2024-2025 academic year, and applying for the unified and intra-University exams defined for the chose...
Within the framework of the Erasmus+KA171 grant programme, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces a competition for undergraduate
We would like to inform you that the exhibition-competition of student projects organized by the Chair of Architectural Design and Design of Architectural
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ grant programme, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces a competition to study at the
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA171 programme, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces a competition to participate
We are pleased to inform you that in order to support the postgraduate students of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, according to the minutes
The Higher Education and Science Committee organizes the “Scientific Efficiency Promotion Grant Program — 2025” Competition, which was developed on the basis of the competition
Within the framework of the Erasmus+KA171 grant programme, NUACA announces a competition for undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students majoring
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA171 grant programme, NUACA announces a competition to study at D'Annunzio University of Chieti–Pescara in Italy for undergraduate
In accordance with the procedure for the organization of the competition for providing grants for the implementation of scientific-research activities by NUACA, the Competition Committee summarized th...
NUACA Scientific-Technical Council summarized the results of the Competition in the category “The Best Scientific Research of 2023”. According to the fields, the following research won the Competition...
The representative office of the Francophone University Agency in Armenia, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Brusov State University
The 7th Francophone film festival launches. The event is organized by the Embassy of France/French University in Armenia in cooperation with the Embassies of Switzerland, Belgium and Canada.
From March 16 till April 16, a Workshop entitled “Research of the Tatev Monastery, Adjacent Historical Areas and Settlements” will be held with the aim of including
“PROFAL” company is looking for an Engineer-Constructor and a PTD Engineer. The jobs are full-time. The required skills are knowledge of MS Word, MS Excel
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, together with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems
“EventToura” event tourism development agency provides a paid internship for the Project Coordinator position. The internship will be held at the company’s office
InTech Design company needs an estimator/engineer. The job is full-time or part-time. The job responsibilities are to perform basic calculations based on standard templates to assist the Project team.
Armenia Transformation Strategy (ATS) team invites the students and graduates of NUACA to cooperate on a volunteer basis for a period of at least 5 months for gaining interesting experience, skills an...
We would like to inform you that the deadline of the submission of the applications and documents for the partial reimbursement of tuition fee (discount) is March 1.
The Annual Science Olympiad of the Association of Armenian Scientists and Engineers of America (AESA) will be launched online on March 4-7 for schoolchildren participating from Armenia.
“HALDI CONSULT” LLC needs an architect assistant. The position is full-time, part-time is also possible. Students of the 3rd year and above, as well as those with a bachelor’s degree, can apply.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Center (InnESC) of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia implements the “Autodesk Revit Structure” professional course.
According to the procedure approved at the session of the Scientific Council of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia on June 9, 2023 (record No. 01-06/23
In order to encourage scientific-research activities, as well as to ensure the participation of students in their implementation, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announ...
The European Commission, in cooperation with Scientific and Innovation Partnership Assistance Center serving as the coordinating office of National Contact Points for the ...
During the regular session of December 21, the Government of the Republic of Armenia discussed a set of reported issues and adopted the Draft Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Armenia
We are happy to inform you that the exhibition entitled “Magical Power of Dolls” will be held soon. The designer dolls of Irina Vanyan, Head of NUACA Strategic Planning
According to the procedure established by the Decision N 597 of the Government of the Republic of Armenia dated 26.04.2012, the applicants of the 2024-2025 academic year can apply for and take the uni...
Within the framework of the Program, the Foundation sponsors those students who present Armenia in various prestigious international platforms through their works
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering and National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia are organizing a scientific conference on Advance
The Eugen Ionescu Programme, funded by the Romanian Government, through the help of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania and coordination of the Francophone
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia will host seminars entitled “Universal Design, Accessibility and Reasonable Accomodations”.
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA171 grant programme, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces a competition to study “Design” at University of Ecology
Within the framework of cooperation between National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia and Industrial University of Tyumen, courses will be held
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA171 grant programme, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces a competition to study
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA107 grant programme, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces a competition to study at University
The list of specialties and entrance examinations for the 2024-2025 academic year in higher education institutions of the Republic of Armenia, including undergraduate
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA107 grant programme, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces a competition to study
The “Grand Est” Solidarity and Cooperation for Development regional network announces an International Volunteering Solidarity Programme in favour of the preservation
Francophone University Agency (AUF) in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest are launching the second edition of the regional competition for
The Higher Education and Science Committee of the RA MօESCS announces a call for obtaining scientific equipment to modernize the material and technical base of state scientific organizations or scient...
An annual joint student project week (Workshop-2024) on the topic of “Issues of Historical Heritage Preservation in the Context of Sustainable Tourism Development”
There are vacancies available in “Expertise Center of the Republic of Armenia” SNPO. The vacancies include experts in the following fields: architectural and technical
The pre-selection stage of the Chess tournament “NUACA Cup” will be held at National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia. All NUACA students are eligible to participate in the tourn...
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia will host a seminar entitled “Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Concrete Using Chemical Additives
There are vacancies for various construction specialties in construction organizations. Fourth year and graduate students majoring in the field of construction can apply for the vacancies. The applica...
In the 2023/2024 academic year, part-time entrance exam applications for higher educational institutions of RA will be conducted on Assessment and Testing Center (ATC) website dimord.am from September...
NUACA announces admission to part-time graduate program for 2023-2024 academic year. Citizens of the Republic of Armenia holding an undergraduate degree, ...
NUACA Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Center is conducting the “Fundamentals of Project Management” training course, which will launch on September 19.
In accordance with procedure approved by the RA Government Decision № 1125-N on July 3, 2020, “INCOME TAX REFUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF TUITION FEE COMPENSATION FOR EMPLOYEES
The International scientific and practical symposium on “The Future of the Construction Industry: Challenges and Development Prospects” will be held in Moscow from September 18 to 22.
On the initiative of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA), through the mediation of the Ministry of Education, Science,
Applicants admitted to National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia must sign a contract with the University by August 20 of this year. Not state-funded applicants must pay the firs...
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA) in accordance with the Order 1193-N of the RA Minister of Education and Science dated December 6, 2007 “Procedure for Admission
All NUACA students have the opportunity to participate in the international scholarship programs of Walailak University of Thailand. The program is envisaged both for undergraduate and graduate stude...
“Rising Leaders Armenia” 2023 graduate scholarship program has been launched. The program is an initiative of “Armenia International Airports” Closed Joint-Stock Company, forming a part
The RA Science Committee organizes the second 2023 contest for the selection of proposals for scientific topics for the support of dual-purpose programs within the framework
The Jaga company in association with Termoros Armenia announces an open competition for the best design of climate equipment, in which organizations operating
By the decree of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia, the terms of the admission of foreign citizens and Diaspora Armenians for the 2023-2024 academic ye...
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia and the mining company “Lydian Armenia” jointly hold a project competition, which envisages development of a conceptual project of a res...
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy (MAECI) is offering grants to study in Italy in the fields of culture, science and technology for the 2023-2024 academic year
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia provides the Republic of Armenia with fully or partially funded scholarship places for undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate academic programmes, as well as for Arabic ...
The student project exhibition organized by the Faculty of Design has launched. It included student works of 2020-2023 related to academic programmes of Interior and Exterior Design, as well as Indust...
“Apaga” charitable foundation implements the new educational programme “One Step from Education to Work” the aim of which is to support students to have professional pursuit.
“MTS Armenia” CJSC has launched innovative internship program “Viva University 2023,” the purpose of which is to give participants the opportunity to master not only theoretical, but also practical sk...
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Center (InnESC) of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia implements the “Autodesk Revit MEP” professional course.
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces admission to postgraduate full-time studies (state-funded and not state-funded) for the 2023/2024 academic year.
The official representative office of the Francophone University Agency (AUF) in Armenia and French University in Armenia jointly organize the national stage of the famous international contest “My Th...
Francophone University Agency (AUF) in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest are launching the second edition of the regional competition
Vacancies are available at a number of NUACA partner organizations. Anyone with professional skills and abilities can apply. Jobs are full-time, part-time is also possible..
If you are going to apply to the Faculty of Architecture or Design at National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, where taking a university exam is required ․․․
The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia implements the “100 Ideas for Armenia” competition of innovative projects and scientific-technical elaborations.
The Austrian Space Forum runs a simulation every other year that simulates a research mission to the planet Mars, for which they choose a country, on the territory of which the flight simulation will ...
Within the framework of the Erasmus+KA107 grant programme, NUACA announces a competition for 2 places to participate in the Staff Week at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, in the second s...
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia and the Bilingual Drama Studio are jointly conducting a series of events entitled “At the Crossroads of the Arts”.
“MILLIMETER” LLC has a vacancy. The company needs a geodesist. “MILLIMETER” LLC carries out geodetic works of buildings and structures. It particularly implements geodetic works of dozens of buildings
The “Ruski Dom” in Yerevan announces “Armenia in EAEU” competition for undergraduate students of the RA universities. The purpose of the competition is to inform students about the preferences ...
The Chair of Interior and Exterior Design organizes the “The History of the Line” exhibition dedicated to the memory of late lecturer Gevorg Mshetsi-Javrushyan.
The Attaché for Educational and University Affairs of the Embassy of the French Republic Céline Guerin will visit National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia.
The International Cooperation Office of the University of Insubria, Italy announces a scholarship for students. It is envisaged to provide 20 scholarships in the amount of 10,000 EUR
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA171 grant programme, NUACA announces a competition for 1 place to deliver a lecture on “Design” for a week at the University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw,...
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA – Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej) has announced the acceptance of applications for graduate studies for the Stefan Banach Scholarship Prog...
“FLY DESIGN” company has vacancies. The company carries out design of residential and public spaces, interior planning, as well as design and graphic design.
The 6th Francophone Film Festival will take place from March 18 to 26. The event is organized in cooperation with the Embassies of Switzerland, Canada and Belgium.
Within the framework of the Bi-Monthly Francophonie Program, the Embassy of France in Armenia/French Institute in Armenia, together with the Armenian Foundation for Sustainable
On March 9, a meeting will be held between NUACA students and AAB Project LLC (AAB Construction) representatives, who will share their long years of effective experience
Within the framework of the “Invest Your Talent in Italy” program, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy, the Directorate General of Public and Cultural Diplomacy ․․․
Brescia University in Italy announces a scholarship for the 2023-2024 academic year. It will be provided to 12 students in the amount of 5,650 EUR per year for each student.
The Language Center of University of Milan regularly organizes Italian Language and Culture courses. The duration of the course is 3 weeks (90 hours). The Center offers up to 50 places to foreign citi...
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation announced that according to the 5th clause of the “Program of Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection for 2022-...
NUACA Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Center is conducting the “Fundamentals of Project Management” training course, which will launch on March 14.
The competition named after Armen Bubushyan was announced on December 13, 2022 - Armen Bubusyan's birthday. Undergraduate and graduate students of Armenian universities can participate in the competit...
NUACA Career Center, in collaboration with the “Arpi Solar” company, is organizing a workshop entitled “The Engineer’s Role in Solar Energy Industry”, during which the sectoral
NUACA partners are offering new opportunities for the students wishing to work. The jobs are professional in nature; knowledge in software, intelligence and flexibility ․․․
“Matsumae” International Foundation announces a competition for 2024 to provide fellowships to foreign researchers. To apply for the fellowship, it is necessary to send the documents to application@m...
A meeting is being planned between NUACA students and the Head of the High-Tech Department of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia ․․․
The High School after M. Abegyan of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia organizes an olympiad in the “Graphics” subject. All students of the school who study the
From December 15 to 21, the visit of lecturer at Universidade Laboral of Spain Mr. Jose Luis Vazquez Otero to NUACA is planned in order to implement the project “Improving Educational Processes ...
An international project dedicated to the development of modern anti-corruption compliance is being held on the basis of the “Compliance” Scientific-Research Center of the Faculty of Law of Lomonosov ...
A 3-day design-charrette (accelerated team creative workshop) entitled “Breaking the Inertia of Design: Interdisciplinary Journey” will be held at NUACA. It was organized ...
There is a new opportunity for students and recent graduates who want to work. “Seismic Protection Territorial Service” SNCO of the RA Ministry of Emergency Situations carries out its functions in acc...
According to the procedure established by the Decision N 597 of the Government of the Republic of Armenia dated 26.04.2012, the applicants of the 2023-2024 academic year can apply for and take the uni...
The International Center for Scientific Partnership “New Science” of the Russian Federation invites students of the higher and vocational levels of the educational system to participate in the final s...
“Dignisi” organization is hiring a construction project engagement manager in the fields of construction and project management. The remuneration includes fixed salary and bonuses. The work is full-ti...
We inform you that from January 27 to February 5, 2023 the National Superior School of Architecture of Clermont-Ferrand in France is planning to organize an annual joint student project week
The results of the entrance exam competition of part-time undergraduate studies of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia for the 2022-2023 academic year are known.
“National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia” Foundation announces a closed (intra-University) competition for occupying the following university positions:
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA107 grant programme, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces a competition for four students
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces a competition to participate in the Winter School “Current Challenges of Engineering and Environmental Protection” to be held ...
The HR Association non-governmental organisation of human resources management implements the annual employer rating program “Հայrate” in October-December, which conducts research among students.
The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia implements the “100 Ideas for Armenia” competition of innovative projects and scientific-technical elaborations.
NUACA Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Center organizes a free Training of Teachers (TOT) course to teach GeoStudio software suite, and then to introduce the mentioned course into NUACA academi...
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA107 grant programme, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces a competition for one ․․․
We inform that the 2022 “Stars of Cooperation” interstate award and “Debuts of Cooperation” international award ceremonies of the Intergovernmental Foundation for Educational
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) announces the implementation of the long-term program “SDGs Global Leader (2021-2023 Japan Fiscal Year)” for joint development of knowledge.
Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation at Rutgers University of New Jersey is conducting the “Fundamentals of Project Management” course at National University of Architecture and Const...
Within the framework of the grant provided by the RA Ministry of High-tech Industry, the training center “Sunny School” (“EGEA” LLC) is co-financing the “Cyber Security” course, 3 times a week ...
We are presenting the joint project entitled “South Caucasus through the Lens” implemented by the “Free Association” Non-Governmental Organization of Tbilisi, the Republic of Georgia and the “Friedric...
Please find attached the information about the measure approved by the RA Government Decision №2008-Լ dated December 10, 2020, as well as the procedures
On the initiative of NUACA Student Council, from now on every week there will be an admission for students at the Rector’s office, as well as at the offices of ․․․
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Center of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia implements the professional course “Pricing and Making an Estimate in the RA Const...
The Russian Center of Culture and Science in Yerevan, through the mediation of the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, is inviting schoolchildren
The regional office of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) announces a graduate scholarship programme for students of the Faculty of Architecture.
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA107 grant programme, in cooperation with National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia and Valencia Polytechnic
The Science Department and the Student Council of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia initiated to organize a University conference
By the RA Government Decision № 1306-Ն dated August 18, 2022, amendments were made to the procedure approved by the RA Government Decision № 1125-Ն dated July 3 ...
“Yeremyan Projects” organization is hiring a chief engineer in the field of construction for the project opening in Tashir City. Experience will be viewed as an advantage. Type of work (rate) is full-...
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, in cooperation with RE-School (Russia) and École de Chaillot (France) educational organizations, carries out “RE-School MA 2022-2023” a...
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, in cooperation with RE-School (Russia) and École de Chaillot (France) educational organizations, carries out “RE-School MA 2022-2023” a...
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces admission to part-time graduate program for 2022-2023 academic year for the specialties mentioned in the link.
You are invited to participate in the solemn ceremony of awarding graduation documents to the graduates of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia on August 26 at 5:30 p.m. in ...
According to the Decision of the RA Government on the entrance examinations for part-time education in higher education institutions for the 2022-2023 academic year, it is necessary to take at least t...
Within the framework of cooperation between National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia and Don State Technical University, a joint master’s ․․․
German Academic Exchange Service “DAAD” announces the “Fundamental Academic Values Award” competition. The award is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
“CCC” International LLC is hiring a Typesetter / Graphic Designer for Comics (manga, webtoon)․ The remuneration in case of full-time employment - starting from 130․000 AMD.
Those who have not applied (regardless of the reasons) for the second stage of examination, from June 26 to July 1, until 5:00 p.m., can only apply for the examination subjects/examinations on the ATC...
To receive NUACA entrance intra-University examination sheet for the 2022-2023 academic year please approach the Admission Committee with the ID card (the document with which you filled out the applic...
The Chair of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation in cooperation with “VENGE Engineering” company is organizing a scientific and technical seminar, which will introduce the latest
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, the Student Council and the Education Quality Assurance and Development Centre are organizi...
By the decree of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia, the terms of the admission of foreign citizens and Diaspora Armenians for the 2022-2023
Within the framework of the ERASMUS+ TACEESM project, an international student summer school entitled “Integration of the Port Area in the City of Malaga” is organized at the University of Malaga in S...
Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property announces admission to undergraduate and graduate studies. The projects are funded by the Russian Federation and Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO), according...
Within the framework of cooperation between National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia and the Francophone University Agency (AUF), a master class will be ․․․
The presentation of “Shushi: Amen!” documentary will be held in the big hall of the Cinema House (address: 18 Vardanants St., Yerevan, entrance from Khanjyan St.) on May 30, at 7:00 p.m..
The official representative office of the Francophone University Agency (AUF) in Armenia and Brusov State University jointly organize the national stage of the famous international contest “My Thesis ...
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, in cooperation with the Francophone University Agency (AUF), is hosting Hayk Mnatsakanyan, General Manager of Start Doon, an Armenian-F...
The University of Ferrara in Italy is organizing the third online summer school entitled “After the Damages”, which will take place from July 5th to 19th, 2022. The summer school will
The Japanese non-governmental organization “Fukushi Jyukankyo Chiiki Center” is organizing a “Toyohashi Brut Art” painting and sculpture contest for children and young people with disabilities.
High School after M. Abeghyan of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia starts the admission of students for 2022-2023 academic year.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Center (InnESC) of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia in cooperation with Karpet Design and Architechts organizes a master class e...
The Student Council and NUACA Education Quality Assurance and Development Center have initiated an exhibition entitled “Spring Breath” within the framework of the events dedicated to the 100th anniver...
Admission applications for the 2022-2023 academic year will be accepted by May 10, until 6:00 p.m.. The competition for admission to higher education institutions is held in two stages: main (2 stages...
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces admission to postgraduate full-time studies (free of charge) for the 2022/2023 academic year.
“Teach for Armenia” is pleased to invite professionals from different fields to apply their professional skills, discover their potential and provide children with equal educational opportunities by b...
The symbolic tree planting will be held in the Victory Park, the aim of which is to plant more than 27 million trees. The tree planting is dedicated not only to the memory of the heroes of the Great P...
Erasmus Student Network in Armenia is organizing an International Evening for students and interested parties. The evening gathering will bring together international students and volunteers from more...
If you are going to apply to the Faculty of Architecture or Design at National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, where taking a university exam is required, we inform you that wh...
On April 20 at 4:00 p.m., a solo exhibition of the People’s Painter of the Republic of Armenia, Professor Hrant Tadevosyan, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National University of ...
The Assessment and Testing Center announces a call for the 2021-2022 academic year state final exams and the specialty selection for 2022 university admissions as well as submission of applications fo...
The applicant who took two unified state examinations in the same subject participates for the admission to the corresponding specialty with the application for state-funded or not state-funded educat...
For the 2022-2023 academic year, 2927 places have been allocated for the admission to the Bachelor's and continuing and integrated education programmes with the full reimbursement of tuition fee (free...
The Science Department is organizing a series of scientific seminars. The reports will be made by senior scientific researchers involved in NUACA basic laboratories. The seminars are planned to be hel...
Attaching importance to the participation of students in scientific-research activities in the field of construction, an additional grant competition is announced in accordance with Protocol N06 of th...
There is a great demand in the RA labor market for specialists of pricing and making estimates in the field of construction, having the skills to make the right decisions in the field of construction ...
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA), as an associate member of Francophone University Agency (AUF), is announcing a competition for a training specialist to conduct...
On March 26 and 28 the Urban Development Committee, with the support of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), is organizing a two-day free training course on “Earthquake-Resistant Construction”, designed ...
NUACA Chair of Physical Education and Sports held the “University Cup-2022” interfaculty chess tournament. Students of different years from 4 faculties took part in the tournament.
Armenian Educational Foundation has announced a scholarship program for the 2022-2023 academic year. The scholarship competition is intended for students at a paid and full-time system.
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Center (InnESC) of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia is organizing an open class on “Fundamentals of Project Management”.
On March 14-17, the expert panel of National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation (ANQA) will have an expert visit at the University within the framework of NUACA Institution...
A meeting-lecture entitled “Modeling in Architecture” was held, conducted by Armen Shatvoryan, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, PhD in Architecture, Associate Professor.
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia is announcing a competition for a week of teaching at the University of Malaga, Spain (Architecture, one place) within the framework of ...
The German "Copernicus Berlin" Association is inviting you to participate in the Scholarship Competition within the framework of the "International Excellence Scholarship" (IES).
“ASEDL” is hiring an engineer-project manager who will be in charge of supervising project implementation, including measurement, drawing, installation works, etc.
From November 29, the educational process at the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia will be organized in the offline format.
The RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports and the Media Initiatives Center are organizing Media Literacy Week in Armenia on November 8-14, 2021.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Center (InnESC) of the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia offers advanced professional courses for everyone interested.
Through the mediation of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia (RA MoESCS), on the initiative of the National University
The University entrance exam results of the subjects "Drawing" of the Faculty of Design and "Armenian Language", "Russian Language" and "English Language" of the Faculty of Urban Economy and Ecology a...
The Chair of Economics, Law and Management together with the Armenian Association of Accountants is organizing an open lesson entitled "Students with a Mindset of a Successful Person
For implementing the project "Prevent, Mitigate, and Manage Crisis Consequences at NUACA" within the framework of "University Governance and Digital Transformation 2021"
On the initiative of the Chair of Urban Planning of the NUACA, renowned Russian architect Nikita Shangin will deliver a lecture on "Reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow
The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia is one of the partner universities of the Erasmus + All4R&D project. The project aims to promote the Academy-Industry cooperation
“Zvonok” international educational platform for preschoolers, schoolchildren and students is organizing the “Stop Virus” Olympiad to prevent the spread of viruses and diseases among children.
Within the framework of Erasmus + KA107 grant programme, NUACA announces a competition for a 5-month study at the Polytechnic University of Valencia for the second semester of 2021-2022 academic year.
French University in Armenia launches Accelerator 28 program with the aim to support business creation, entrepreneurship promotion in Armenia, thus promoting,
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces admission to part-time graduate program for 2021-2022 academic year for the specialties mentioned in the link.
Dear graduates,
We are pleased to inform you that the Diploma Awarding Official Ceremony will take place in front of the Temple of Garni on August 2 at 6:00 p.m..
Through the mediation of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia (RA MoESCS), on the initiative of the National University of Architecture
Starting from July 19, applicants who have got a positive grade from the entrance exam, but have dropped out of the competition, can participate in the competition
The results of the examination in "Physics" for “Information Technologies (in Construction)” stream of High School after M. Abeghyan and the results of the
The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces admission to part-time postgraduate program (on free basis) for the 2021/2022 academic year in the following specialties:
The Science Committee of the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports organizes a COMPETITION of proposals for scientific projects aimed at achieving applied results within the framework ...
Applicants to doctoral studies can submit their documents starting from the date of publication of the announcement until July 23 of the current year inclusive.
Under the auspices of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Orenburg Region on September 2-8, 2021 Orenburg will host the International Youth Forum “...
From now on the "GALLERY" section is available on the University website, where you can upload photos related to the daily life and activities of our University.
The Architecture, Interior and Exterior Design sector of “ARMAT Interior & Architecture” organization is hiring architects to make working drawings for the design-project package.
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA), together with Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE) and Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV, Spain), announces admi...
"MIKSHIN" LLC is currently hiring construction foremen who will organize the relevant activities on the construction site (related to monolithic reinforced concrete multi-storey residential buildings)...
The Science Committee of the RA MoESCS announces a call for proposals for the COMPETITION for scientific topics to support programs of dual significance within the framework of contractual (thematic)
"Apricot" LLC production of construction panels is hiring a sales specialist who ensures the promotion of EPG revolutionary technology, with a flexible work schedule.
The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia of RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports announces admission to full-time postgraduate program (on free and paid bas...
The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia continues the series of meetings with the representatives of cultural, social and scientific spheres.
The Francophone Digital Center of Yerevan, in cooperation with the Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan organizes the first contest entitled "My Thesis in 180
The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces the admission to the full-time graduate study program for the 2021-2022 academic year. Citizens
The Enterprise Incubator Foundation announces a competition for design ideas for a Platform adjacent to the main entrance of the Engineering City and a Park planned on the second floor of the parking ...
"ASEDL" Limited Liability Company is looking for an engineer-measurer, who will carry out measurement and drawing works of clients' projects and supervision of the project production process.
The Department of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague, together with Beirut Municipality, invites you to participate in a design competition
The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia continues the series of meetings with the representatives of cultural, social and scientific spheres.
The Francophone University Agency in Central and Eastern Europe within the framework of the cooperation with the Embassy of Uruguay in Romania and the Representation of the "International Organization...
The University of Ferrara in Italy is organizing the second summer school entitled “After the Damages”, which will take place from July 5th to 20th, 2021. The summer school will cover man-made and nat...
The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia continues the series of meetings with the representatives of cultural, social and scientific spheres.
The Chair of Ventilation, Gas and Heat Supply and "Termoros Armenia" company jointly organize a seminar-course dedicated to the latest equipment of heating
The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia is announcing a competition within the framework of the "Erasmus+ KA1" grant programme
The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia is announcing a competition for one place to deliver a lecture or to have a professional
The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia continues a series of meetings with the representatives of cultural, social and scientific spheres.
"BIM Consulting" is looking for an energy efficiency specialist who will perform energy efficiency calculations for buildings. The relevant specialist will be engaged in the calculation of energy effi...
Specialized Administration and Management Institute of La Francophonie (ESFAM) and Francophone University Agency in Central and Eastern Europe happily invite you to participate in the regional webinar...
The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia initiates a series of meetings with representatives of cultural, social and scientific spheres.
The 13th International Conference "Contemporary Problems of Architecture and Construction" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the University will be held on October 6-8 of the current year.
If you want to get information about Digital Marketing, to participate in an interesting and training seminar, NUACA Chair of Economics, Law and Management gives you such an opportunity.
On April 21, at 2:00 P.M. a seminar organized by the Chair of Hydroconstruction, Water Systems and Hydroelectric Power Plants will be held in Auditorium
Within the framework of the TACEESM Erasmus+ project, an information day entitled "Transforming Architectural and Civil Engineering Education towards a Sustainable Model" will be held remotely on Apri...
According to the principles defined by RA ESCS Ministry, the submission of the applications for the 2021-2022 academic year admissions will be held online.
The 24th annual conference of Gavar State University will be held online on July 3 of the current year. To participate, it is necessary to fill in an electronic application form by June 20, 2021,
The Armenian Educational Foundation announces a scholarship competition for the new 2021-2022 academic year. Scholarships are provided in the amount of tuition fees for a given academic year to
The 13th International Conference entitled "Contemporary Problems of Architecture and Construction" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the University will be held on October 6-8 of the current year...
According to the information provided by RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs and RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, the Government of the Slovak Republic has provided...
The Chair of Economics, Law and Management of NUACA Faculty of Management and Technology organizes a six-day practical workshop on March 30, April 1, 5, 7, 9 and 13 at 03.00 P.M....
The Chair of Economics, Law and Management of NUACA Faculty of Management and Technology organizes a six-day workshop entitled "Finance for Everyone" on ...
The Francophone University Agency (AUF) in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is announcing a call for proposals for member-universities of its network, with the ...
The European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation invites you to participate in the online webinar entitled "How to Prepare a Successful Proposal ․․․
Dear students, If you are interested in contemporary design methods and want to learn about BIM technologies widely used in the world or strive to be an advanced and in-demand specialist, we invite yo...
ARPI SOLAR is looking for sales representatives to sell solar systems. The company provides free education and training, a driver and a car. The registration is completed according to the RA Labor Cod...
Anna Grigoryan, lecturer at the Chair of Economics, Law and Management, will conduct a series of interactive seminars on March 16, 18 and 19 at 3 p.m. in auditorium 2021.
RA Ministry of ESCS announces a competition for the 2021-2022 academic year to receive higher and postgraduate education in the universities of Romania. 8 places are allocated
On April 3, 2021, the final stage of the Armenian Universal School Science Festival will be held at the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, during which schoolchildren ․ ...
If you wish to see the logo created by you in more than 119 countries around the world and win the € 1,500 prize, then you can also take part in the competition to create a 60th anniversary logo of th...
According to the announcement of the official website of Yerevan Municipality, by the decision of the Mayor on “Confirming the 2021 Basic Action Plan on Preparation of Civil Protection and Civil Defen...
From September 1st, 2021, the officer courses will launch at RA MOD V. Sargsyan Military University and Marshal A. Khanperiants Military Aviation University. The duration of the course is one year.
Dear 9th Graders,
If you wish to continue your studies at NUACA High School after M. Abeghyan, get acquainted with this important and interesting message.
Please be informed that NUACA High School after M. Abeghyan starts the admission to 10th grade of the 2021-2022 academic year in the following sub-streams:
If you are interested in taking the vacant position of the Responsible for the Maintenance Department, please read the following functions, responsibilities, required skills and contact “ASEDL” Limite...
The Francophone University Agency in Central and Eastern Europe announces the launch of the 2021 professional internship, which must be part of compulsory academic curriculum.
The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) has announced the launch of a research grant program on Artsakh. The research may cover social, cultural, psychological, legal, economic, technological, hu...
Dear first year students,
Please be informed that the deadline for submitting the applications for the tuition fee discount system has been extended. You can submit your applications by March 2, 2021...
Dear NUACA Staff and Students,
On February 12, at 1 P.M., the Student Council invites you to the studio on the 3rd floor of the University (room 2341),
"My French Film Festival 2021" will be held in Armenia on February 2-11. The Embassy of the French Republic in Armenia invites you to watch “Félicità” by Bruno
Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev announces a competition for a two-year Master's programme for the academic year 2021-2023...
“ASEDL” Limited Liability Company is hiring a responsible person for the maintenance of the construction site. For the vacant position can apply persons, who have:
“Eugen Ionescu’’ Doctoral and Postdoctoral research grants. The Francophone University Agency (AUF) announces the start of the calls for applications for “Eugen Ionescu’’ Doctoral and Postdoctoral Res...
The University of Padua in Italy is announcing the launch of a grant programme for young researchers. The programme consists of three sub-programmes: STARS starting grants, STARS consolidator grants, ...
The University of Bologna informs about an opportunity for international students to study at the University of Bologna for the academic year 2021-2022 within the scope of a grant programme.
Within the framework of the “Bright Future for Youth” project, Aleppo Compatriotic Charitable Organization (Aleppo-NGO) and WCC Armenia Round Table Foundation announce an open scholarship opportunity ...
Armenian National Science and Education Fund (ANSEF) announces a new competition for postdoctoral positions. The competition is targeted for postdocs currently working outside Armenia (competition ID ...
The RA MESCS Science Committee, in cooperation with the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus, is announcing "RA MESCS SC – RB SCST- 2021" CALL FOR PROPOSALS for the sup...
Within the framework of the agreement signed on November 4, 2010, RA MESCS Science Committee and the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research announce "RA MESCS SC – BRFFR - 2021" com...
Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (FH Kärnten Campus Klagenfurt Primoschgasse) has announced the launch of the Ernst Mach Grant Program for international students, which gives an opportunity to...
According to the decision of the RA ESCS Ministry, as a result of the war unleashed by Azerbaijan against the Republic of Artsakh from September 27 and COVID-19 pandemic, the deadline for the admissi...
According to the decision of the RA Government, the process of reimbursing the tuition fees of the students who have taken part in the military operations during the war, as well as the children and s...
The geopolitical, economic and social realities formed in the country and the existing problems presuppose the adaptation of all perspective programs to those realities and the choice of the most effe...
This year’s graduate-applicants may submit a relevant certificate about the compliance of higher professional education instead of a Master’s degree diploma. Postgraduate applicants can submit their d...
The RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports has published the changes made in the list of entrance exams for the 2021-2022 academic year.
The cultural and spiritual buildings of Artsakh are endangered. What is waiting for this rich architectural heritage in the future and are there realistic ways to save and preserve it?
Dear applicants, we would like to inform you that admission to part-time studies has commenced in the College. Guided by point 5.1 of Chapter 2 of the Admission Procedure in the RA Educational Institu...
According to the decision made by ESCS Ministry on October 14, starting from October 15, the educational process in all educational institutions will be organized remotely for two weeks.
The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, within the framework of the Erasmus + KA1 grant program, announces a competition for one place for a 5-month course in "Constructio...
The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, within the framework of the Erasmus + KA 1 grant program, announces a competition for 1 place for a lecture in the 2nd semester of ...
We inform that at the University of Coruña, Spain (Universidade da Coruña) a summer school for postgraduate students majoring in Architecture will be held on July 19-30, 2021. The working language is ...
The Board of Trustees of the “National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia” Foundation announces an open competition for the position of the Rector of the University.
The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia informs that since 1 October 2020 checkpoints are operating, therefore, the movement of all persons and vehicles going to the Republic of Artsa...
During the military actions unleashed by Azerbaijan, NSS of the RA hotline receives calls from many citizens, who get strange messages of disturbing nature from various phone numbers about the militar...
In the conditions of martial law it is FORBIDDEN:
To photograph or videotape the movement of our armed forces, military equipment and objects of military and strategic importance.
Please find below information on the webinar: Funding opportunities for third Eastern Partnership Countries under the Horizon 2020 Green Deal Call (18th of September).
Within the scope of the Erasmus+ KA107, NUACA announces a competition for students with the specialty of “Construction” to exchange for the second semester of 2020/2021 academic year to the Polytechni...
Dear Applicant,
Are you facing difficulties in choosing a profession and do you want to become a competitive specialist in high demand in the labor market, but you are not able to study full-time?
Art competition “Technologies that Change the World” commenced in Armenia dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the nuclear industry held by the Rosatom State Corporation and the Armenian NPP in collab...
The Embassy of Switzerland in Armenia has launched annual Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships 2021/2022, to promote international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 18...
Unpaid French courses will be conducted for administrative and academic staff of the University at the Center for Academic Achievements of the University Agency of Francophonie of the National Univers...
Alfa Pharm CJSC is looking for a Head of the Economic Department, who will conduct and coordinate the proper implementation of all the work of the Construction-Economic Department of the Company.
The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces part-time master’s degree admission. The applications should be submitted online starting September 1st – 25th, 2020 by 6:...
Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) announces a call for proposals for PhD Support Program 2020. Postgraduate students and PhD applicants from universities and research institutes of the Republic of...
We would like to inform you that the exams of the 2nd stage of the admission of NUACA High School after M. Abeghyan will be held on the 24th and 25th of August with the following timetable:
The results of the entrance exam of “Drawing” for the specialty “Clothes Modeling and Design” of NUACA Secondary Vocational Education College have already been released and can be found in the list be...
RA citizens holding a bachelor’s degree, specialist diploma and master’s degree may be enrolled in the master’s programme (contest based). Citizens holding a master’s degree may obtain a second master...
The results of the entrance exams of the “Humanities” stream of NUACA High School after M. Abeghyan are released and can be found in the lists below. Those applicants, who scored 12 and more, overcame...
The results of the entrance exams of the “Physics and Mathematics” stream of NUACA High School after M. Abeghyan are released and can be found in the lists below.
Today, the entrance exams of the “Architecture” stream of NUACA High School after M. Abeghyan took place, the results of which can be found in the images below.
Открытие скейт-парка в Ереване - совместный социальный проект Союза армян Украины и мэрии города Еревана, целью которого является создание активной зоны отдыха и проведения досуга молодежи. Автор пе...
For the first time, the Science Committee of the Republic of Armenia within the framework of scientific and scientific-technical contractual (thematic) activities funding runs a contest for the select...
Taking into account the state of emergency over COVID-19 declared in the country and the importance of following the anti-epidemic measures, we highly recommend being cautious.
We would like to inform you that the intra-university exam of “Composition” for the applicants of the Faculty of Design will be conducted on July 1 and the same exam for the applicants of the Faculty ...
Within the programme “Jerair Nishanian Foundation Scholarship” Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) announces a competition for tuition fees for freshmen in full-time studies, who entered the bachelor degre...
Science Committee of the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sport holds a contest “Research Assistance Program for Postgraduate Students and Young Applicants 2020” for selection of scient...
From July 1 to July 15, 2020, University of Ferrara in Italy will organize a two-week International Online Summer School under the heading of “After the Damages”, addressing the participation of speci...
ADVANCE STEM Research Grant Program Foundation for Armenian Science and Technology (FAST) has launched ADVANCE STEM Research Grant Program, which is ...
We would like to inform you that the submission of articles to the periodicals “Scientific Papers” and “Bulletin” of the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia continues onlin...
The competition will be held at the Alliance Française in Armenia on the 21st of March, 2020. Armenian young people aged 13-25 may participate in the French Language Competition.
The Chair of Theory of Architecture, Restoration and Reconstruction of Historical-Architectural Heritage, Fine Arts and History of National University of ...
On March 17, at 3:00 PM, the Chair of Higher Mathematics organizes a seminar on “Mathematical Models of Engineering Issues” dedicated to the International Day of Mathematics (room 2308).
The event with the title of “Asia Dialogue on Cultural Heritage Conservation” will be held in Fuzhou (China) on the 27th and 28th of June, 2020. The travel costs will be covered by the participants, w...
22nd event of Open studio will be held at NUACA. This time, three-day design-charrette (intensive, collaborative, and creative workshop) will be handled by architect and fashion designer, Vicken Derde...
BIM Championship will be run at Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, from 17th to 24th April 2020. Graduate and undergraduate (juniors and seniors) students ...
RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Science Committee and Russian Foundation for Basic Research announce a contest “RA ESCS SC-RFBR-2020” of support of collaborative projects for rese...
The Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design, and Arts named after A.D. Kryachkov will hold the 15th academic conference with the title of «XV Баландинские чтения» on 15th and 17th April 2...
The Francophone University Agency invites to attend the course of employment and professional orientation. The applications can be submitted until March 13th, 2020 ...
The Francophone University Agency in Central and Eastern Europe is announcing with great pleasure that the applications for the internship of 2020 are already accepted.
The Department of Economics, Law and Management, together with the Student Council of NUACA, implements the charity program “Be Santa”, within the framework the New Year wishes of 3-10 years ...
N 2 meeting of Board of Trustees at the “National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia” Foundation will take place at 3:00 pm, on December 2, 2019, in NUACA 2023 meeting hall.
To promote cultural tourism in Armenia, “My Step” Charity Foundation has launched the “Silk Note” Festival, within which Yerevan will host world-renowned musicians in November. The “Jamiroquai” band w...
The Russian-Armenian University (RAU) invites you to participate in the "International Day" event on October 25, 2019, where representatives of DAAD and the Youth Initiative Center will present opport...
Within the framework of the academic cooperation between the Arctic University of Norway and the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA) (funded by Eurasia Foundation 2...
Central and Eastern Europe Office of the Francophonie University Agency announces a Creative Writing Contest on the occasion of Teacher's Day: Titled “Thank you, my lecturer” ...
In collaboration with the Pan-Armenian Association of Architects and Engineers and the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Iranian-Armenian architect Aris Mikayel will con...
We are pleased to announce that Synopsys, in collaboration with Girls in Tech Armenia, has launched a technical student competition for girls whose winners will receive a full scholarship to participa...
We are pleased to invite you to the “Conversation with the Aurora Award nominees” meeting, which will be held on October 17 at 10:00 am - 12:00 pm at the American University of Armenia.
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the opening ceremony of the Ruben Arutchyan’s exhibition to be held at the Grand Exhibition Hall of the Artists’ Union of Armenia at 16:00pm on October 6...
The Student Scientific Society of Vanadzor State University is organizing a scientific session on November 8, 2019. The theme of the reports is free. The best reports presented at the session will be ...
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation informs about the international competitions held within the framework of “NAUKA 0+” 9th Pan-Russian Festival of Science, schoolc...
Competition for catering services in a cafeteria located at the second building courtyard of the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA) is announced. Clients of the ca...
The Department of Civil, Construction-Architecture and Environmental Engineering of the University of Aquila, Italy has announced a competition for participating in the 2019-2020 Master's degree progr...
“HVAC GRUP” Ltd is seeking a design-engineer to work in the field of HVAC-heating, ventilation, air purification. The employee should be able to design heating and ventilation systems (hvac systems), ...
Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) announces a competition for Master degree first-year students of the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia within the framework of the “Haladji...
The Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil in the Republic of Armenia is pleased to inform that Armenia has been included in the 2020 public selection process of the Brazilian Education Ministry...
The renowned French-Armenian architect, member of the British Royal Institute of Architecture, winner of international prestigious competitions and a professor of Harvard, Illinois, Chicago and Pennsy...
According to information received from the Italian Embassy in Armenia, the deadline for applications for participation in the scholarship program provided by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is...
On June 24-28, 2019, the International Work Week for university professor staff of the EU partner countries’ will be held at the Warsaw University of Ecology and Management, within the framework of ER...
Please be informed that executive director of WiRED International Company of Health Education and Information DR. Gary Sellnoun, and two other members of the Rotary Club of San Jose, California, will ...
Please be informed that executive director of WiRED International Company of Health Education and Information DR. Gary Sellnoun, and two other members of the Rotary Club of San Jose, California, will ...
Within the framework of the Armenian-Italian cooperation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy offers a total of 45 weeks' scholarship program for 2019-2020. The application deadline is May 12, 20...
[Media Advisory] Erasmus+ National Agency in Austria (OeAD-GmbH), together with the National Erasmus+ Offices in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan is organizing a one-week cooperation and study trip to ...
Within the framework of cooperation between the National School of Architecture of Lyon, French and the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, the first-year master's and Fre...
In the framework of the Erasmus + Staff Mobility For Teaching Program, The Dean of the Design Department of Warsaw's Ecology and Management University, Professor Jan Settner will deliver a lecture on ...
On May 6 at 6 pm, an informational event on the Fulbright program will be held in Art Studio. We are looking forward to those who are interested in this program. Entrance is free.
The Metric Studio is engaged in architecture and interior design and invites experienced architects to work; it is desirable to have experience in construction management and have teamwork ability.
“The Polish Aid” Foundation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland (www.polskapomoc.gov.pl ) announces the launch of the Stefan Banach scholarship program for 2019-2020.
We have the honor to inform that “Coca-Cola Hellenic Armenia” jointly with "Management Mix" Company is implementing a three-year 'Youth Development' project, the main goal of which is to develop the "...
"SHTIGEN ENERGY SYSTEMS" LLC is organizing a training course on solar energy utilization at NUACA. Classes will begin on April 19, 2019 at the Conference Hall at 17:00 and will last for 4 weeks, with ...
EUROPAN 15 announces a competition on "Effective Cities". Applicants must have at least a Bachelor of Architecture (architects, urban builders, engineers). The deadline for submission of projects is J...
We invite you to participate in "Innovations Management" V International Youth Scientific School to be held on May 16-18, 2019 in Tsakhkadzor (hereinafter School). ...
"HVAC-PD ENGINEERS" company designs and simulates heating, cooling, ventilation, air conditioning, water supply and drainage systems for residential and multi-apartment buildings...
The US Embassy in Armenia is pleased to announce that two educational exchange programs, Fulbright Student and Fulbright-Hovnanian programs are for the acquisition of Master's degree in the 2020-2021 ...
The US Embassy in Armenia is pleased to announce that two educational exchange programs, Fulbright Student and Fulbright-Hovnanian programs are for the acquisition of Master's degree in the 2020-2021 ...
The US Embassy in Armenia is pleased to announce that two educational exchange programs, Fulbright Student and Fulbright-Hovnanian programs are for the acquisition of Master's degree in the 2020-2021 ...
Du 10 au 17 mars, le chef intérimaire de la Chaire de théorie de l’architecture, de restauration et de reconstruction du patrimoine historique, de beaux-arts et d’histoire, professeur agrégé Emma Haro...
Job Requirements: Higher Education, Work experience in this field Excellent knowledge of the AUTODESK REVIT program (Knowledge of the 3D MAX program will be an advantage) Knowledge of foreign language...
We are pleased to inform you that ITALIAN DESIGN DAYS will be celebrated on March 22 at the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia. ...
Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Art, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after ...
ECOS expects brave, alternative and non-standard solutions to help create the innovative image of the Republic of Armenia in the field of high technologies, at the same time giving the architects and ...
Ian Mikhalovsky, lecturer of Warsaw Ecology and Management University, Invited within the framework of European Erasmus + project, will deliver a lecture on March 12, 13 and 14 at 3 pm in the 2407 cla...
On March 11, at 12:00 am, 2019 a seminar titled "THE MAGIC OF LETTER ART" will be held, which will be conducted by specialists invited from Poland, the Czech Republic and Armenia.
In cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, within the framework of the 10th anniversary of the EU E...
Within the framework of the Erasmus + KA 1 Grant program, NUACA announces a competition for 1 semester study at the following universities: Details of cooperation with each university and applying con...
Within the framework of the Erasmus + KA 1 Grant program, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy announces a competition for a 1-week business trip to the Polytechnic University of Milan during the se...
The Japan Science Promotion Association (JSPS) is organizing 2019 scholarship programs for international researchers aiming to promote internationalization of science in Japan.
The joint dissemination seminar will take place on February 14, 2019 at the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA) within Erasmus+ InnoCENS
On February 14, at 15:00, the representative of Armenia and Georgia of IED Institute, Tamar Jaginova and Director of Fashion Campus School Irina Kharatyan will visit to the NUACA.
Within the framework of the Erasmus + KA 1 Grant program, NUACA announces a competition for 1 semester study in Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy.
This year, IHE Delphi University has hosted more than 80 Master's International Students within the Netherlands Fellowship Program (NFP - Netherlands Fellowship Programs). Now the NFP has been renamed...
The United States Embassy in Armenia is pleased to announce the Study of the United States Institutes Summer 2019. The program will take place at various colleges, universities, and academic instituti...
On December 12, 2018, a session dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the SPITAK earthquake will be held at the at the Rector's council Conference Hall (2023).
We invite young creative students and professors (filmmakers, musicians, actors, directors, designers, sculptors, artisans, artists, and other creative professionals)
Within the framework of the Erasmus + KA 1 Grant program, University of Alcalá, Spain announces a competition for a 1-week business trip to the University of Alcalá during the second semester of the 2...
The Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia and the Belarusian Foundation for Basic Research announce a joint contest of research projects
Within the scope of cultural programs, the Embassy of France in the Republic of Armenia stated: Contest essay in French, entitled «L’Arménie de l’an 2050 telle que je la rêve» / ""Armenia in 2050 as I...
The Armenian National University of Architecture and Construction of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia announces the post-graduate courses of the 2018/2019 academic year...
"Geodesy and Cartography" SNCO of RA Real Estate Cadastre Committee organizes trainings and professional development courses for the committee specialists and employees as well as those not working in...
Dear students, From 1 January 2019 to the first half of March, the Saad Foundation of the Islamic Republic of Iran is organizing Persian language training courses for students studing persian language...
Converse Bank announces a competition for business projects on the occasion of International Savings Day. The theme of the competition is; “My Saving Option”
On October 15 at 12:00 pm, we are pleased to invite you to the exhibition hall at Pavstos Byuzand Street 3, Yerevan to participate in Armine Aghayants's "My soul's palette" charity exhibition.
About the Director General of the Berlin State Library and Prussian Foundation Barbara Schneider-Kempf activities Under the direct support and sponsorship of Mrs. Barbara Schneider-Kempf, the followi...
Dear Youth, Career Center, with great pleasure, invites you to take part in "Coca-Cola HBC Armenia" company's "Youth Development" three-year program, organized by IAB International Academy of Business...
RA Ministry of Defense has initiated a draft amendment of 430-N decision adopted on April 12, 2018 of RA Government, according to which it is envisaged to implement the second stage of the reception w...
Work with a dynamic and creative team IAB International Academy of Business is looking for PR and Marketing Coordinator for Permanent Work Type of work: part time, with 3 months trail period
The Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia organizes COMPETITION for scientific topics aimed at obtaining practical results within the framework of contr...
Dear colleagues, Attached please find the First Circular of “30 years after the Spitak Earthquake: Experience and Perspectives” International Conference and abstract template to be held on 03-07 Decem...
Dear students and graduates, We would like to inform you that " SGM Grand" LLC requires real estate and movable property market value appraisers. Required education level: higher.
Dear graduates of the Construction Department, Traditional ceremony of granting the diplomas and graduation gathering will be held on 3 July, at 4:00pm. The venue is the construction site of Yeraz r...
Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce that on 26-29 September 2018 the Informatics and Automation Institute for Scientific Information Analysis and Monitoring of the RA NAS will organize the sec...
In the framework of the NUACA cooperation with the Udine University in Italy, an international summer school on "Bacchus: the Process of Winemaking" is organized on both free of charge and paid bases ...
Dear graduates, "Kilikia Beer Factory" seeks for technical personnel. For more information you can call at 010-58-01-56 or refer to the NUACA Career Center.
Dear graduates and colleagues, The NUACA Career Center informs that the Brandy Factory of Yerevan is looking for a graphic-designer (up to 35 years old) skillful in specialized computer software. The ...
The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA) organizes open day meetings with the applicants interested in studies at the NUACA оn 15 June 2018, at 2:00 pm. During the m...
Dear graduates and colleagues, We would like to inform you that SAS Group needs architects and designers with excellent knowledge of 3DS MAX and AutoCad. It is desirable that the employee have English...
Dear Colleagues, Within the frameworks of “Aurora” international humanitarian project Samantha Power And Human Rights Activist John Prendergaste will be speaking on June 8 at the America...
In 2018 from 18 to 22 June, the Francophonie International Institute of the French Lyon Jean Moulen 3 University organizes a Francophonie Summer University in Lyon entitled “Territories Developm...
Dear graduates, Please be informed that “SAS Group” is seeking for the following specialists: Service manager Corporate manager Software administrator Confectioner-designer Cashiers Consul...
BUSINESS PLAN AND START-UP CREATION Date: May 17, 2018 Venue: National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA), 2nd Floor, Session Room # 2239 Time: from 10:00 am to 12:00 p...
PROJECT MANAGEMENT DOUBLE DEGREE MASTER PROGRAM Date: May 17, 2018 Venue: National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA), 2nd Floor, Session Room # 2239 Time: from 12:30 pm...
The Beijing University of Construction and Architecture organizes a summer school on "Architecture and Construction" from July 15 to 28. Students from all faculties are eligible for the participation...
The State Technical University of Don will be organizing International Scientific and Technical Conference on “Construction and Architecture: Theory and Practice of Industry Development 2018 (CA...
Center for International Education and Study Abroad (CIESA) is organizing a Summer Institute for Armenian University students who are interested in attending week-long summer courses onBusiness Manage...
The Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen of Armenia and the curator company LOGOS EXPO Center, with the support of the RA Ministry of Education and Science request your attendance at the 18th intern...
DEAR ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, DESIGNERS, CONSTRUCTORS, RESTORERS, On April 13, the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia will host the Russian delegation of the “Composit...
SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is awarding scholarships for studying in Italy in the academic year 2018-2019. General information on the scholars...
ONE DAY CONFERENCE at the ARMENIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 24 Marshall Baghramyan Street Yerevan – 2nd Floor on April 3rd 201 8 at 12:00 Of DIASPORAS & ‘DIASPORICS’: Seek...
Dear graduates, We would like to inform you that DECORAGROUP LLC is looking for a graphic designer who is proficient in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Corel Draw programs. It would be desirable for th...
The Armenian Educational Foundation (AEF) announces for 2018-2019 academic year’s bursaries for tuition fees. The bursaries will be provided since September 2018 to financially disadvanta...
The meeting of the Armenian students from Diaspora with the representatives of the directorial body of the Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia is scheduled in the auditorium 2202 on 20 Mar...
Dear students, The NUACA Career Center organizes a discussion meeting with the “DeltaPro” enterprise on March 19, 2018 at 2:00 pm (the 2nd floor, the NUACA hall of meetings). Company Dire...
A student workshop is organized in Florence, Italy on 23-30 April 2018. Students of the Faculty of Architecture are encouraged to apply. Knowledge of English language is required. The topic of the wor...
Within the fully financed ERASMUS+ KA1 program a mobility opportunity is available for studying at the University of Alcala for one semester during 2018-2019 academic year. The study language is Spani...
The NUACA Career Center and the Student Council in co-operation with the “Coca-Cola Hellenic Armenia” company call for a contest. For more information please refer to the Career Center or ...
Conference title Problems of Earthquake Resistance in Cultural Heritage Monuments Protection and Civil Engineering Georgia, Tbilisi Honorary Committee 29.06.2018-2.07.2018 Iuri Svanidze M.ASCE – ECCE...
The exhibition of the works of the NUACA Chair of “Drawing, Painting and Sculpture” faculty will take place in the lobby of the Polytechnic University, on 27 February 2018, at 11am.
Dear graduates, We kindly inform that the architecture-design company needs architects for drafting and supervising projects and interior, exterior, graphic designers. Salary is promising. For more i...
Dear students, lecturers and administrative staff, The University Center of Academic Achievements of the Agency of Francophone Universities invites you to attend free of charge French courses. The co...
In the framework of “Hrant Dink” foundation and “Youth Initiative Center” of Gyumri NGO the NUACA delegation will leave for Turkey from 10 to 14 of February. Delegation member...
Korean University announces competition for 2018 Master and Post-graduate Education scholarships. For more information contact the NUACA Department of International Relations. Application deadline: ...
The Agency of Francophone Universities announces the call for professional internships for BA and MA degree students (except from the undergraduate freshmen). Knowledge of French language for the inte...
Dear Colleagues, We inform that the National University of Architecture and Construction organizes the Tenth International Conference on Modern Problems of Architecture and Construction in Beijing, C...
Deadline: 1 February 2018 The Spencer Foundation is seeking applications for its Small Research Grants Program that supports education research projects. The program’s aim is to fund academic work tha...
As part of the ERASMUS Plus program, our University delegation has participated in the study visit organized by Turku University of Applied Sciences on the theme of innovative pedagogy. Highlighting t...
We are pleased to inform that from the 18th to the 20th of December 2017 the 14th Scientific Conference of lecturers (postgraduate students) of V. Sargsyan Military University of the RA Ministry of D...
The Director of Central and Eastern European territory of the Agency of Francophone Universities Mr. MOHAMED KETATA accompanied by the Head of the Digital Center of Francophonia in Yerevan Mrs. RUZANN...
We are happy to inform that the professors from Rutgers State University will visit our University again. Within the framework of the cooperation established among the Rutgers State University of New ...
A photo exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Albert Sokhikyan will be organized in October of this year. For the exhibition photographs are collected illustrating the activities and academ...
Today is the birthday of the NUACA vice-rector on scientific affairs Yuri Safaryan. Doctor of Architecture, professor and distinguished architect Yuri Safaryan celebrates his 80th anniversary today. ...
The organizers of NOPRIZ (National Organization of Russian Planners and Researchers) offer the Armenian planning and construction firms to participate in the well recognized in the Russian Federation ...
In August 28th, 2017, at 15:00, auditorium 2024 will take place the presentation of 5 architectural student project works that passed the initial stage of the competition named after Jurgis Baltrusait...
Based on the cooperation agreement signed in the framework of the Erasmus + HERITAGE program between the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, the Armenian State University ...
The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia announces admission to the full-time master program for the 2017-2018 academic year. The first phase of admission is open only to gr...
“Among the hundreds of submissions for a German national memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe, Horst Hoheisel´s design embodied very precisely the impossible questions at the heart of Germany´s mem...
The State Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia and the Eurasian Association for the Support of Scientific Research announce about the grant for multila...
The 16th meeting of the series of seminars called “An Open Studio” will take place in the NUACA auditorium 2021 on 17 May at 5pm. Designer Aram Nikolyan will deliver an open lecture on ...