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University with a 100-Year History


№11   21.05.2024

  1.  On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2.  On the analysis of the results of the discussion of the current state of student attendance, the implementation of laboratory, computational and graphical works, course papers, as well as course projects at the chair meetings from April 29 to May 3, 2024, based on the Decision №15 of the Rectorate Session dated 03.10.2023 (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3.  Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 second term examination periods of I years of full-time graduate studies in the “Hydrotechnical and Hydropower Structures” academic programme of “Civil Engineering” specialty of the Faculty of Construction, “Geoinformation Systems” academic programme of the “Geomatics” specialty, “Informatics (Computer Science)” academic programme of “Informatics (Computer Science)” specialty and “Project Management” academic programme of “Management” specialty of the Faculty of Management and Technology (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4.  Summary of the results of academic debt retake from April 29 to May 6, 2024 of students with up to 12 credits (speaker: Head of the Educational Department).  
  5.  On the current state of the University’s scientific activity (speaker: Head of the Science Department, Acting Vice-Rector  for Scientific Affairs). 
  6.  On the current state of international relations of the University (speaker: Vice-Rector for International Relations).
  7.  Current issues. 


№10   07.05.2024

  1. On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. On the results of the academic internship of full-time graduate students in the “Project Management” joint academic programme of the “Management” specialty (speaker: Dean of the Faculty of Management and Technology). 
  3. Summary of the results of 2023-2024 first term II retake periods of the 2023-2024 academic year of the I years of full-time graduate studies in the “Industrial, Civil Construction and Structure Design” and “Hydrotechnical and Hydropower Structures” academic programmes of “Civil Engineering” specialty of the Faculty of Construction (speakers: Deans of Faculties). 
  4. Summary of the results of the graduation paper pre-defense of students of full-time and part-time undergraduate studies and the Master’s thesis pre-defense of students of full-time and part-time graduate studies of the 2023-2024 academic year (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  5. Discussion of the applications of University students to consider the absence from exams and tests of the I semester of the 2023-2024 academic year valid and to take exams and tests outside of the scheduled period (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  6. On the current state of graduate students’ tuition debt (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  7. Current issues.


№9   30.04.2024

  1. On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. Summary of the results of the examination period and the I, II retake periods of the II semester of the 2023-2024 academic year of the I year full-time graduate studies of the “Environmental Design” academic programme of the “Design” specialty (speaker: Dean of the Faculty of Design).
  3. Discussion of the applications of University students to consider the absence from exams and tests of the I semester of the 2023-2024 academic year valid and to take exams and tests outside of the scheduled period (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4. On the current state of taking the subject differences and academic debts of students who were forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh and were admitted to the University (speaker: Head of the Educational Department).
  5. On the current state of the University’s scientific activity (speaker: Head of the Science Department, Acting Vice-Rector  for Scientific Affairs). 
  6. On the current state of international relations of the University (speaker: Vice-Rector for International Relations).
  7. Current issues.


№8   09.04.2024

  1.  On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 second term examination period and the I, II retake periods in the I, II years of “Project Management” joint graduate academic programme of the “Management” specialty (speaker: Dean of the Faculty of Management and Technology).
  3. On the results of the pre-diploma internship of the students of IV year full-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties). 
  4. On the analysis of the results of the discussion of the current state of student attendance, the implementation of laboratory, computational and graphical works, course papers, as well as course projects at the chair meetings from March 25 to 29, 2024, based on the Decision №15 of the Rectorate Session dated 03.10.2023 (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  5. On the results of the attestation of the graduation works of the students of full-time and part-time undergraduate studies of the 2023-2024 academic year (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  6. Current issues.


№7   26.03.2024

  1.  On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 second term examination period and the I, II retake periods of the II semester of the 2023-2024 academic year of the IV year full-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of the Faculties).
  3. On the results of the pre-diploma internship of the students of V year part-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4. Current issues.


№6   05.03.2024

  1.  On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 second term II retake periods in the I, II years of “Project Management” joint graduate academic programme of the “Management” specialty (speaker: Dean of the Faculty of Management and Technology).
  3. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 second term examination period in the IV year full-time undergraduate studies (except for the Faculty of Architecture) (speakers: Deans of the Faculties).
  4. Current issues.


№5   28.02.2024

  1.  On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first term examination period and the I, II retake periods in the I, II years of “Project Management” joint graduate academic programme of the “Management” specialty (speaker: Dean of the Faculty of Management and Technology).
  3. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first term examination period of the I-III years of full-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of the Faculties). 
  4. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first term II examination period of full-time graduate studies of the “Architecture” academic programme of “Architecture” specialty of the first year students, the “Environmental Design” academic programme of “Design” specialty of the first and second year students, the “Industrial, Civil Construction and Structure Design” academic programme of the “Civil Engineering” specialty of the first and second year students, “Hydrotechnical and Hydropower Structures” academic programme of the first year students, “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” academic programme of the first year students, “Geoinformation Systems” academic programme of the “Geomatics” specialty of the first year students, “Informatics (Computer Science)” academic programme of “Informatics (Computer Science)” specialty of the first year students and “Project Management” academic programme of “Management” specialty of the first year students (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  5. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first term II retake period in the I, II years of part-time undergraduate studies (except for the Faculty of Architecture) (speakers: Deans of the Faculties).
  6. Current issues.


№4   13.02.2024

  1.  On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first term I examination period and I retake period of full-time graduate studies of the “Architecture” academic programme of “Architecture” specialty of the first year students, the “Environmental Design” academic programme of “Design” specialty of the first and second year students, the “Industrial, Civil Construction and Structure Design” academic programme of the “Civil Engineering” specialty of the first and second year students, “Hydrotechnical and Hydropower Structures” academic programme of the first year students, “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” academic programme of the first year students, “Geoinformation Systems” academic programme of the “Geomatics” specialty of the first year students, “Informatics (Computer Science)” academic programme of “Informatics (Computer Science)” specialty of the first year students and “Project Management” academic programme of “Management” specialty of the first year students (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first term examination period in the I, II years of “Project Management” joint full-time graduate academic programme of the “Management” specialty (speaker: Dean of the Faculty of Management and Technology).
  4. Summary of the results of the I retake period of the I semester of the 2023-2024 academic year of the I-III years of full-time undergraduate studies and the I year full-time graduate studies of the “Environmental Design” academic programme (speaker: Dean of the Faculty of Design).
  5. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first term I retake period in the I-V years of part-time undergraduate studies and I, II years of part-time graduate studies (speakers: Deans of the Faculties).
  6. On the work done during the first semester of the 2023-2024 academic year in the direction of the professional orientation of the applicants to prepare them for the admission of the next academic year (speakers: Head of the Admission and Career Center).
  7. Current issues.


№03 31.01.2024   

  1. On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first semester II retake period of the IV year of full-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first semester examination period of the I-III years of full-time undergraduate, and I year of full-time graduate studies in “Environmental Design” academic programme (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first semester examination period of the I-IV years of part-time undergraduate, and I-II years of part-time graduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  5. Current issues.

№02 23.01.2024

  1. On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first semester I retake period of the IV year of full-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. Current issues.

№01  09.01.2024

  1. On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. Summary of the results of Master’s thesis defense of full-time graduate students of 2023-2024 academic year in the “Hydrotechnical and Hydropower Structures”, “Geoinformation Systems”, “Roads, Bridges and Tunnels” academic programmes of  “Civil Engineering” specialty, “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” academic programme of the “Urban Economy” specialty, “Tourism” academic programme of  “Tourism” specialty and “Informatics (Computer Science)” academic programme of “Informatics (Computer Science)” specialty (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first semester examination period of the IV year of full-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first semester check-ups of I-III years of full-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  5. Current issues.

№20 26.12.2023

  1. On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first semester check-ups of IV years of full-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. Summary of the results of Master’s thesis attestation of full-time graduate students in “Civil Engineering” specialty, “Hydrotechnical and Hydroenergetic structures”, “Geographic Information systems”, “Roads, Bridges, and Tunnels”, “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” academic programme of the “Urban Economy” specialty, “Tourism” academic programme of “Tourism” specialty, “Informatics” (Computer Science) academic programme of “Informatics” (Computer Science) specialty (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4. Analysis of the results of the second stage discussions by the Decision of N15 Rectorate Session dated 03.10.2023 on the current state of the implementation of students’ laboratory and accounting works, term papers, as well as term projects (speaker: A. Martirosyan).
  5. Summary of the analyses related to the number of attendances of students who recorded zero percent of laboratory, term paper and term project performance (speakers: A. Martirosyan; V. Hovhannisyan).
  6. On the current state of the students’ attendances to the classes (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  7. Current issues.

№19  05.12.2023

  1. On the implementation of instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first semester check-ups of IV years of full-time undergraduate studies of the Faculty of Architecture (speakers: Dean of the Faculty of Architecture).
  3. Summary of the analyses related to the number of attendances of students who recorded zero percent of laboratory, term paper and term project performance (speakers: A. Martirosyan; V. Hovhannisyan).
  4. On the current state of the students’ attendances to the classes (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  5. Current issues.

№18  21.11.2023

  1. On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first term I and II retake periods of II year full-time students of “Architecture” academic programme of  “Architecture” specialty (speaker: Dean of the Faculty of Architecture).
  3. On the current state of students’ attendance (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4. Current issues.

№17  08.11.2023

  1. On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first term I and II retake periods of II years of full-time graduate studies in the “Hydrotechnical and Hydropower Structures”, “Geoinformation Systems”, “Roads, Bridges and Tunnels” academic programmes of “Civil Engineering” specialty, “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” academic programme of the “Urban Economy” specialty, “Tourism” academic programme of  “Tourism” specialty and “Informatics (Computer Science)” academic programme of “Informatics (Computer Science)” specialty (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. Analysis of the results of Chair meeting discussions from October 23 to 27, 2023, by the Decision of №15 Rectorate Session dated 03.10.2023, on the current state of laboratory work, term paper, and term projects implementation (speaker: A. Martirosyan).
  4. On the current state of students’ attendance (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  5. Current issues.

№16  24.10.2023

  1. On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2023-2024 first term exam periods of II years of full-time graduate studies in the “Hydrotechnical and hydropower structures”, “Geoinformation Systems”, “Roads, Bridges and Tunnels” academic programmes of “Civil Engineering” specialty, “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” academic programme of the “Urban Economy” specialty, “Tourism” academic programme of  “Tourism” specialty and “Informatics (Computer Science)” academic programme of “Informatics (Computer Science)” specialty (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. Issues related to the inclusion of forcibly displaced students from Nagorno Karabakh in the academic processes of the University (speaker: R. Sukiasyan).
  4. On the current state of students’ attendance (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  5. On the preparation process for winter (speaker: P. Karapetyan).
  6. Current issues.

№15  03.10.2023

  1. On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. On setting dates for discussions at chair meetings on the current state of students’ attendance,  implementation of laboratory, computational and graphical projects, course papers and course projects (speaker: A. Martirosyan).
  3. Current issues.

№14 20.09.2023

  1. On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate Session and the working meeting of August 22, 2023.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2022-2023 II term II retake period of I-III years of full-time undergraduate, and I year of full-time graduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. Summary of the results of the 2022-2023 II term II retake period of I-IV years of part-time undergraduate studies, and I year of part-time graduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4. According to the Decision of the Rectorate dated July 11, 2023 (Record №13) on the results of additional internships organized from September 4 to 15, 2023 (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  5. Current issues.


№13 11.07.2023

  1. On the implementation of instructions of the previous Rectorate sessions.
  2. Summary of the results of Master’s thesis defense of two graduate students, returned from Valencia, of the 2022-2023 academic year in the “Project Management” joint graduate academic programme of the “Management” specialty (speaker: Dean of the Faculty of Management and Technology).
  1. Summary of the results of the 2022-2023 spring term I retake period of I-III years of full-time undergraduate, and I year of full-time graduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  2.  Summary of the results of the 2022-2023 spring term I retake period of I-IV years of part-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. Summary of the results of the 2022-2023 spring term I retake period of I year of part-time graduate studies of the Faculty of Construction and the Faculty of Urban Economy and Ecology (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4. On the students who did not participate in their academic internships and practices of the 2022-2023 academic year. (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  1. On the current state of preparations for student recruitment from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and the organization of their studies at the University (speaker: V. Yedoyan, Vice-Rector for International Relations).
  2. On the current state of tuition fee payment (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. Current issues.


№12 27. 06. 2023                                                

  1. On the implementation of instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  1. Summary of the results of the 2022-2023 spring term examination period of I-III years of full-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  2. Summary of the results of the 2022-2023 spring term examination period of I-IV years of part-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3.  Summary of the results of the 2022-2023 spring term examination period of I year of part-time graduate studies of the Faculty of Construction and the Faculty of Urban Economy and Ecology (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  1. On the current state of tuition fee payment (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  2. Current issues.

№11 20.06.2023


  1. On further activities of the University as a member of the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA) (speaker: V. Grigoryan, Head of the Chair of Technology and Organization of Construction Production).
  2. On the implementation of instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  3. Summary of the results of the 2022-2023 spring term examination period of I year of graduate studies of the Faculty of Architecture (speaker: Acting Dean of the Faculty of Architecture).
  4. On the current state of preparations for student recruitment from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and the organization of their studies at the University (speaker: V. Yedoyan, Vice-Rector for International Relations).
  5. On the current state of tuition fee payment (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  6. Current issues.


№10 06.06.2023

  1. Summary of the results of 2022-2023 Master’s thesis defense of the students of the graduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  2. Summary of the results of 2022-2023 graduation paper defense of students of undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. Summary of the test results of the 2022-2023 spring term examination period of the I-III years of full-time undergraduate studies (except for the II year of the Faculty of Architecture) (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4. On the implemented work by Deans of Faculties and Heads of Chairs in the direction of increasing the efficiency of learning and teaching (speakers: Deans of Faculties, R. Sukiasyan).
  5. On the current state of tuition fee payment (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  6. Current issues.


№09 16.05.2023

  1. On the implementation of instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. On the results of the pre-graduate academic internship of full-time graduate students in the “Project Management” joint academic programme of the “Management” specialty (speaker: Acting Dean of the Faculty of Management and Technology).
  3. Summary of the results of the 2022-2023 spring term examination period of I year of full-time graduate studies in the Faculty of Design, Faculty of Construction, Faculty of Urban Economy and Ecology, and “Informatics (Computer Science)” specialty of the Faculty of Management and Technology (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4. Summary of the results of the graduation paper defense of students of full-time and part-time undergraduate studies and the final Master’s thesis attestation stage of students of full-time and part-time graduate studies of the 2022-2023 academic year (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  5. On the analysis of the results of the discussion of the current state of student attendance, the implementation of laboratory, computational and graphical works, course papers, as well as course projects at the chair meetings from May 2 to 5, 2023, based on the Decision №17 of the Rectorate Session dated 11.10.2022 (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  6. On the preparation for the admission of the next academic year and the current state of the work carried out in the direction of the professional orientation of the applicants (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  7. On the current state of preparations for student recruitment from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and the organization of their studies at the University (speaker: V. Yedoyan, Vice-Rector for International Relations).
  8. On the current state of tuition fee payment (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  9. Current issues.


№08 18.04.2023

  1. On the implementation of instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. On the implemented work by Deans of Faculties and Heads of Chairs in the direction of increasing the efficiency of learning and teaching (speakers: Deans of Faculties, R. Sukiasyan).
  3. On the work carried out in the direction of the research of surveys results addressed to exceptional graduates of the University (speaker: V. Hovhannisyan).
  4. On the current state of tuition fee payment (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  5. Current issues.


№07 12.04.2023

  1. On the implementation of instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. On the results of the pre-graduate academic internship of full-time undergraduate students of IV year (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. On the analysis of the results of the discussion of the current state of student attendance, the implementation of laboratory, computational and graphical works, course papers, as well as course projects at the chair meetings from May 27 to 31, 2023, based on the Decision №17 of the Rectorate Session dated 11.10.2022 (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4. On the results of graduation paper attestation of 2022-2023 full-time and part-time undergraduate students (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  5. On the preparation for the admission of the next academic year and the current state of the work carried out in the direction of the professional orientation of the applicants (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  6. On the current state of tuition fee payment (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  7. Current issues.


№22 29.11. 2022 

  1. On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate Session.
  2. On the preparation for the admission of the next academic year and the progress of the work carried out in the direction of the professional orientation of the applicants (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. On the work implemented by the Student Council in the direction of identifying problems related to students and finding ways to solve them (speaker: S. Hakobyan).
  4. On the current state of tuition fee payment (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  5. Current issues.


№21 15.11.2022                        

  1. On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate Session.
  2. Analysis of the results of the discussion of the current state of student attendance, implementation of laboratory and course works, as well as course projects at the chair meetings from October 24 to 28, 2022, based on the Decision №17 of the Rectorate Session dated 11.10.2022. (speaker: A. Martirosyan).
  3. On the work implemented by the Student Council in the direction of identifying problems related to students and finding ways to solve them (speaker: S. Hakobyan).
  4. On the current state of tuition fee payment (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  5. Current issues.


 №20  08.11. 2022                      

  1. On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate Session.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2022-2023 winter term I and II retake periods of II year full-time graduate students of “Architecture” academic programme of “Architecture” specialty (speaker: Acting Dean of the Faculty of Architecture).
  3. On the preparation for the admission of the next academic year and the progress of the work carried out in the direction of the professional orientation of the applicants (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4. On the work implemented by the Student Council in the direction of identifying problems related to students and finding ways to solve them (speaker: S. Hakobyan).
  5. On the current state of tuition fee payment (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  6. Current issues.


№19 01.11. 2022                     

  1. On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate Session.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2022-2023 winter term I and II retake periods of II years of full-time graduate studies in the “Design, Construction and Management of Water Supply and Drainage Systems”, “Roads, Bridges and Tunnels” academic programmes of “Civil Engineering” specialty, “Geodesy and Cadastre” academic programme of the “Geomatics” specialty, “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” academic programme of the “Urban Economy” specialty, and “Informatics (Computer Science)” academic programme of “Informatics (Computer Science)” specialty (speakers: Deans of Faculties). 
  3. Summary of the results of the 2022-2023 winter term examination period of II year full-time graduate students of “Architecture” academic programme of “Architecture” specialty (speaker: Acting Dean of the Faculty of Architecture).
  4. On the results of the study of the grounds for rotation competition carried out in the Secondary Vocational Education College (speaker: A. Martirosyan).
  5. On the progress of preparations for winter (speaker: P. Karapetyan).
  6. Current issues.


№18  18.10.2022

  1. On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2022-2023 winter term examination period of II years of full-time graduate studies in the “Design, Construction, Management of Water Supply and Drainage Systems”, “Roads, Bridges, and Tunnels” academic programmes of “Civil Engineering” specialty, “Geodesy and Cadastre” academic programme of the “Geomatics” specialty, “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” academic programme of the “Urban Economy” specialty, and “Informatics (Computer Science)” academic programme of “Informatics (Computer Science)” specialty (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. On the preparation for the admission of the next academic year and the progress of the work carried out in the direction of the professional orientation of the applicants (speaker: R. Sukiasyan).
  4. Current issues.


№17  04.10.2022

  1. On the implementation of the instructions of the previous Rectorate session.
  2. On setting dates for discussions at chair meetings on the current state of students’ attendance, implementation of laboratory, computational and graphical projects, course papers and course projects.
  3. On the results of the 2022-2023 rotation competition.


№16  14.09.2022

  1. Summary of the results of the 2021-2022 spring term II retake period of I-III years of full-time undergraduate, and I year of full-time graduate studies.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2021-2022 spring term II retake period of  I-IV years of part-time undergraduate, I  years of part-time graduate studies and preparatory groups.
  1. Current issues.


№15  06.09.2022

  1. Current issues related to the start of the 2022-2023 academic year (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  2. About the students who did not participate in their academic internships and practices of the 2021-2022 academic year. (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. Current issues.


№13  28.06.2022

  1. Summary of the results of the 2021-2022 spring term examination period of the I year of the undergraduate studies of the Faculty of Architecture (speaker: Acting Dean of the Faculty of Architecture).
  1. Summary of the results of the 2021-2022 spring term examination period of the I year of the graduate studies of the Faculty of Architecture (speaker: Acting Dean of the Faculty of Architecture).
  2. Summary of the results of the 2021-2022 spring term examination period of the I year of the part-time graduate studies and preparatory groups of the Faculty of Construction and Faculty of Urban Economy and Ecology (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. Summary of the results of the 2021-2022 spring term examination period of the I-III years of full-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4. Summary of the results of the 2021-2022 spring term examination period of the I-IV years of part-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  5. Current issues of the organisation of the educational process (speaker: R. Sukiasyan).
  1. On the current state of scientific activities in the University (speaker: M. Barseghyan).
  2. On the current state of international cooperation of the University (speaker: V. Yedoyan).
  3. On the implemented work to ensure the University’s involvement in the Higher Education Management Information System (speaker: H. Hoveyan).
  4. Current issues.


№12  07.06.2022

  1. Summary of the results of Master’s thesis defense of full-time graduate students of 2021-2022 academic year in the “Project Management” academic programme of the “Management” specialty (speaker: Acting Dean of the Faculty of Management and Technology).
  2. Summary of the results of the graduation paper defense of students of full-time and part-time undergraduate studies of the 2021-2022 academic year (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. Summary of the test results of the 2021-2022 spring term examination period of the I-III years of full-time undergraduate studies (except for the I year of the Faculty of Architecture) (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4. Current issues of the organisation of the educational process (speaker: R. Sukiasyan).
  5. On the current state of international cooperation of the University (speaker: V. Yedoyan).
  6. On the implemented work to ensure the University’s involvement in the Higher Education Management Information System (speaker: H. Hoveyan).
  7. Current issues.


№11  24.05.2022

  1. Summary of the results of the 2021-2022 spring term examination period of the I year of full-time graduate studies in the “Geodesy and Cadastre” academic programme of the “Geomatics” specialty, “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” academic programme of the “Urban Economy” specialty, and “Informatics (Computer Science)” academic programme of “Informatics (Computer Science)” specialty (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  2. Summary of the results of Master’s thesis defense of the students of the graduate studies (except for “Project Management” joint academic programme of the “Management” specialty) of the 2021-2022 academic year (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. On the current state of scientific activities in the University (speaker: M. Barseghyan).
  4. On the current state of international cooperation of the University (speaker: V. Yedoyan).
  5. On the implemented work to ensure the University’s involvement in the Higher Education Management Information System (speaker: H. Hoveyan)
  6. Current issues.


№11  24.05. 2022 

  1. Summary of the results of the 2021-2022 spring  term examination period of I years of full-time graduate studies in the “Geodesy and Cadastre”academic programme of the “Geomatics” specialty, “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” academic programme of the “Urban Economy” specialty, and “Informatics (Computer Science)” academic programme of “Informatics (Computer Science)” specialty (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  2. Summary of the results of Master’s thesis defense of full-time graduate students of 2021-2022 academic year (except for “Project Management” joint academic programme of the “Management” specialty) (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. On the current state of scientific activities in the University (speaker: M. Barseghyan).
  4. On the current state of international cooperation of the University (speaker: V. Yedoyan):
  5. On the implemented work to ensure the University’s involvement in the Higher Education Management Information System (speaker: H. Hoveyan).
  6. Current issues.


№1  25.01.2022

  1. Summary of the results of the 2021-2022 winter term I retake period of IV years of full-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  2. Summary of the results of the 2021-2022 winter term examination period of I – III years of full-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. Summary of the results of the 2021-2022 winter term examination period of I-V years of part-time undergraduate, I, II years of part-time graduate studies, and preparatory groups (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4. On the current state of tuition fee payment (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  5. On the implemented work to ensure the University’s involvement in the Higher Education Management Information System (speaker: H. Hoveyan).
  6. Current issues.

№28 28.12.2021

  1. Summary of the results of Master’s thesis defense of full-time graduate students of 2021-2022 academic year in the “Geodesy and Cadastre”, “Construction and Maintenance of Transport Ways” academic programmes of the “Construction” specialty, “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” academic programme of the “Urban Economy” specialty, “Economics of Enterprises” academic programme of the “Economics” specialty, “Project Management” academic programme of the “Management” specialty and “Informatics (Computer Science)” specialty (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  2.  Summary of the results of the 2021-2022 winter term examination period of IV years of full-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3.  Summary of the test results of the 2021-2022 winter term examination period of I-III years of full-time undergraduate studies (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4.  On the current state of tuition fee payments (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  5. Comparative analysis of the data of the last three years of the number of University students, the total number of hours, the number of student groups, as of December 1 of each year (speaker: V. Hovhannisyan).
  6.  On the implemented work to ensure the University’s involvement in the Higher Education Management Information System (speaker: H. Hoveyan).
  7.  Current Issues

№27 14.12.2021

  1. On the results of Master’s thesis attestation of full-time graduate students in the “Geodesy and Cadastre”, “Construction and Maintenance of Transport Ways” academic programmes of the “Construction” specialty, “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” academic programme of the “Urban Economy” specialty, “Economics of Enterprises” academic programme of the “Economics” specialty, “Project Management” academic programme of the “Management” specialty and “Informatics (Computer Science)” specialty (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  2. Analysis of the results of the second stage of Chair meeting discussions from November 29 to December 3, 2021, held by the decision of the Rectorate dated  October 5, 2021 (Protocol №21), on the current state of students’ attendance, current state of implementation of laboratory, computational and graphical projects, course papers and course projects (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. On the current state of scientific activities in the University (speaker: M. Barseghyan).
  4. On the implemented work to ensure the University’s involvement in the Higher Education Management Information System (speaker: H. Hoveyan).
  5. Current issues.

№25  25.11.2021 

  1. On attendance of students and lecturers (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  2. Current issues of the organization of the educational process (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. On the current state of tuition fee payments (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  4. Current issues.

№24  16.11.2021 

  1. On the current state of organizing the educational process in a hybrid model. (Speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  2. On the process of winter preparations (Speaker: P. Karapetyan).
  3. Current issues.

№23   02.11.2021

  1. Current issues related to remote and hybrid versions of the educational process (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  2. On the current state of tuition fee payments (speakers: Deans of Faculties).
  3. Current issues.

№22   26.10.2021

  1. Summary of the results of the 2021-2022 winter term I and II retake periods in II year Full-time Master’s Degree “Geodesy and Cadastre”, “Construction and Maintenance of Transport Ways” academic programmes of the “Construction” specialty, “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” academic programme of the “Municipal Economy” specialty, “Economics of Enterprises” academic programme of the “Economics” specialty, “Project Management” academic programme of the “Management” specialty and “Informatics (Computer Science)” specialty. (Reporters: Deans of Faculties).
  2.  Current issues.

№21   19.10.2021 

  1. Summary of the results of the 2021-2022 winter term I and II retake periods in II year Full-time Master’s Degree “Geodesy and Cadastre”, “Construction and Maintenance of Transport Ways” academic programmes of the “Construction” specialty, “Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation” academic programme of the “Municipal Economy” specialty, “Economics of Enterprises” academic programme of the “Economics” specialty, “Project Management” academic programme of the “Management” specialty and “Informatics (Computer Science)” specialty. (Reporters: Deans of Faculties).
  2.  On the process of providing teaching materials by lecturers and posting them on the distance learning platform. (Reporter: T. Barkhoyan).
  3. Summary of the results of the admission to the Part-time Bachelor’s Degree. (Reporter: H. Sargsyan).
  4. On the process of the activities carried out in the direction of professional orientation of the applicants. (Reporter: H. Sargsyan).
  5.  Current issues.

№18   14.09.2021

  1.  Summary of the results of the II retake period of the spring examination period of the 2020-2021 academic year of I-III year full-time undergraduate students and I year full-time graduate students.
  2.  Summary of the results of the II retake period of the spring examination period of the 2020-2021 academic year for the I-IV year part-time undergraduate students and I and II year part-time graduate students.
  3.  On University accreditation.
  4.  On the procedure for substituting absent lecturers.
  5. Current issues.

№17   07.09.2021 

  1. Organizational issues related to the academic process of the 2021-2022 academic year. 
  2. On the current state of the formation and approval of the workload of the Chairs.
  3. On issues related to the schedule of the 2021-2022 academic year.
  4. Organizational issues related to the organization of the academic process during the Coronavirus pandemic. 
  5. On the application for free and paid places of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree program for the 2022-2023 academic year.
  6. On the introduction of the “Mulberry” system in the University.
  7.  Current Issues.

№16   31.08.2021

  1. Summary of the results of the full-time undergraduate and graduate admission for the 2021-2022 academic year.

  2. Organizational issues related to the start of the 2021-2022 academic year.

  3. About the students who did not participate in their academic internships and practices of the 2020-2021 academic year.

  4. Current issues.

№15 13.07.2021

  1.  Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 spring term I retake period of I-III years of full-time undergraduate, and I year of full-time graduate studies.
  2.  Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 spring term I retake period of I-IV years of part-time undergraduate studies and I, II years of part-time graduate studies.
  3.  Comparative analysis of the students’ academic debts related to the payment of general academic debts and tuition fees.
  4.  Current issues.

№14 06.07.2021

  1.  On the current state of students’ past academic debts from previous semesters.
  2.  Analysis of the cases of students with one module debt as a result of the 2020-2021 academic year spring term exams.
  3.  On the current state of tuition fees.
  4.  Current issues.

№13  29.06.2021

  1. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 academic year spring term exams of the I-III year undergraduate studies and I year graduate studies full-time education program.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 academic year spring term exams of the I-IV year undergraduate studies and I, II year graduate studies part-time education program.
  3. On the current state of the University scientific activity.
  4. On the activities, carried out to promote the submission of scientific articles by the senior undergraduate and graduate students (reported by M. Barseghyan, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs).
  5. On the activities, carried out for the preparation of the project “Final Attestation Process of the Graduates of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia” (reported by V. Hovhannisyan, Head of the Center for Education Quality Assurance).
  6. On reviewing the “Procedure for the Allocation of Positions through Competition of the Academic Staff of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia” and organizing the selection of the University academic staff at the beginning of the 2021-2022 academic year (reported by S. Sargsyan, Chief Lawyer).
  7. On the current state of implementing the chair staff workloads.
  8. On the current state of tuition fee payments.
  9.  Current issues.

№12  09.06.2021

  1. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 academic year defense of graduation papers of undergraduate students.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 spring term check-ups of I-III years of the full-time undergraduate and I year of full-time graduate studies.
  3. On the current state of scientific activity of the University.
  4. Current issues.
№11  01.06.2021
1.    Summary of the results of thesis paper defense of full-time graduate students of the 2020-2021 academic year.
2.    Preparatory works for the spring term check-ups of I-III years of full-time undergraduate and I year of full-time graduate studies of the 2020-2021 academic year.
3.    Current issues.

№10  11.05.2021

  1. Analysis of the results of Chair meeting discussions from April 26 to 30, 2021, held by the decision of N 31 session of the Rectorate of October 13, 2020, on the current state of students’ attendance, current state of implementation of laboratory, computational and graphical projects, term papers and term projects.
  2. Results of attestation of diploma works of graduate students of full-time and part-time undergraduate studies for the 2021-2022 academic year.
  3. Current issues.

№09  27.04.2021

1.      Attestation results of thesis papers of graduate students of full-time Master’s degree programs for the 2020-2021 academic year.

2.      Current issues.

№08 13.04.2021

  1.  Analysis of the results of Chair meeting discussions from March 22-26, 2021, held by the decision of the 31st session of the Rectorate on 13.10.2020, on the current state of students’ attendance, current state of implementation of laboratory work, term papers and term projects.
  2. Results of the pre-diploma internship of the students of IV year full-time undergraduate studies.
  3. The implementation process of the graduation work of the students in their final year of full-time and part-time undergraduate studies.
  4. Results of NUACA internal scientific grant competition.
  5. Current issues.

№07 30.03.2021

  1. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 spring term I and IIretake periods of IV year full-time undergraduate studies.
  2. Results of the pre-diploma internship of the students of V year part-time undergraduate studies.
  3. Ensuring the participation of the students currently studying abroad in the University’s academic process.
  4. Current issues.

№ 06 23.03.2021

  1. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 academic year spring term exams of IV years of full-time undergraduate studies.
  2. Ensuring the participation of the students currently studying abroad in the University’s academic process.
  3. Current issues.

№05  11.03.2021

  1. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 spring term check-ups of IV years of full-time undergraduate studies.

  2. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 winter term II retake period of I and II years of part-time graduate studies.

  3. Attestation results of thesis papers of graduate students of full-time Master’s degree programs for the 2020-2021 academic year.

  4. Current issues.

№04  02.03.2021

  1. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 winter term I retake period of I, II years of part-time graduate studies and preparatory courses.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 winter term II retake period of I-III years of full-time undergraduate, and I year of full-time graduate studies.
  3. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 winter term II retake period of I-V years of part-time undergraduate studies.
  4.  Current issues.

№03  16.02.2021

  1. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 winter term I and II retake periods of II year full-time graduate studies.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 winter term I retake period of I-III years of full-time undergraduate, and I year of full-time graduate studies.
  3. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 winter term I retake period of I-V years of part-time undergraduate studies.
  4. Current issues.

№02  02.02.2021 

  1. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 winter term exams of I-III years of full-time undergraduate and I, II years of full-time graduate studies.

  2. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 winter term exams of I-V years of part-time undergraduate, I, II years of part-time graduate studies and preparatory groups.

  3. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 winter term II retake period of  IV year full-time   undergraduate studies.

  1. Current issues.

№01  19.01.2021 

  1. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 winter term I retake period of IV year full-time undergraduate studies.

  2. The process of the 2020-2021 winter term exams.

  3. The current state of paying tuition fees.

  4. Current issues.

№38  29.12.2020

  1. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 defense of thesis papers of part-time graduate students.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2020-2021 winter term exams of IV years of full-time undergraduate studies.
  3. Submission process of graduation papers of part-time undergraduate students.
  4. Current state of paying tuition fees.
  5. Current issues.

№37  15.12.2020

  1. The process of working on the graduation papers of full-time undergraduate students and thesis papers of full-time and part-time graduate students.
  2. Analysis of the results of Chair meeting discussions from November 30 to December 4, 2020, held by the decision of the 31st session of the Rectorate on 13.10.2020, on the current state of students’ attendance, current state of implementation of laboratory, computational and graphical projects, term papers, term projects.
  3. Preparatory work towards the involvement of international partners in the activities of the University.
  4. Current issues.

№36  08.12.2020

  1. Current state of the 2020-2021 winter term check-ups of IV years of full-time undergraduate studies.
  2. Current state of paying tuition fees.
  3. Current state of the University involvement in the World University Ranking list.


№35  25.11.2020

  1. Analysis of the results of Chair meeting discussions from  November 2-6, 2020, held by the decision of the 31st session of the Rectorate on 13.10.2020, on the current state of students’ attendance, current state of implementation of laboratory, computational and graphical projects, term papers, term projects.
  2. Current state of paying tuition fees.
  3. Permission to take check-ups after the due time in some cases.
  4. Current state of submitting topics of the thesis papers of the I year full-time graduate students for approval and drafts of orders to appoint supervisors.

№34 17.11.2020

  1. Current issues of organizing the educational process. 

№33 16.10.2020

  1. Current state of providing teaching materials by the lecturers.
  2. Current state of submitting topics of the graduation papers of full-time and part-time undergraduate students for approval and drafts of orders to appoint supervisors.
  3. Organizational issues.
  4. Current issues.

№32 14.10.2020

  1. Discussion on ESCS Minister A. Harutyunyan’s №01/11.2/27362-2020 letter dated 14.10.2020 on organizing educational process in higher and postgraduate professional educational institutions online.


№31 13.10.2020

  1. Current issues related to the organization of educational process under conditions of


  1. Current state of conducting classes (in auditoriums and online).
  2. Summary of part-time undergraduate and graduate admissions․
  3. Setting deadlines for discussions in the Chair meetings on the current state of students’ attendance, current state of implementation of laboratory, computational and graphical projects, term papers and term projects.
  4. Current issues.

№30 29.09.2020

  1. Organizational issues related to the conditions of martial law announced by the RA Government.
  2. Setting deadlines for discussions in the Chair meetings on the current state of students’ attendance, current state of implementation of laboratory, computational and graphical projects, term papers and term projects.
  3. Results of the 2020-2021 rotation competition.
  4. Current issues.

№29 15.09.2020

  1. Summary of the results of the 2019-2020 spring term II retake period of I-III years of full-time undergraduate and I year of full-time graduate studies.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2019-2020 spring term II retake period of I-IV years of part-time undergraduate, I, II years of part-time graduate studies and preparatory groups.
  3. Current issues.

№28 02.09.2020

  1. Organizational issues related to the start of the 2020-2021 academic year.
  2. Organization of the 2019-2020 spring term II retake period.
  3. Students who did not participate in the 2019-2020 academic internship and practice.
  4. Current issues.

№27 14.07.2020

  1. Summary of the results of the 2019-2020 spring term I retake period of I-III years of full-time undergraduate and I year of full-time graduate studies.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2019-2020 spring term I retake period of I-IV years of part-time undergraduate, I, II year of part-time graduate and preparatory groups.
  3. Current state of paying tuition fees.
  4. Current issues.

№26 07.07.2020

  1. Process of the 2019-2020 spring term I period of retake exams.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2019-2020 admission contest of tuition fee free system of full-time graduate studies.
  3. Summary of the results of the 2019-2020 graduation and admission exams of preparatory groups of foreign citizens.
  4. Reorganizing some Chairs of the University through joining them.
  5. Presenting drafts of orders on providing students with scholarships.
  6. Events aimed at stimulating scientific activity at the University.
  7. Process of distributing academic workload of the Chairs.
  8. Current state of paying tuition fees.

№25 30.06.2020

  1. Summary of the results of the 2019-2020 spring term exams of I-III years of full-time undergraduate and I year of full-time graduate studies.
  2. Summary of the results of the 2019-2020 spring term exams of I-IV years of part-time undergraduate and I, II years of part-time graduate studies and preparatory groups.
  3. Current issues.

№24 23.06.2020

  1. Process of presenting drafts of orders on giving assignments to students within the frameworks of academic internship and practice.
  2. Process of distributing academic workload of the Chairs.
  3. Organization of the 2020-2021 admission to graduate studies.
  4. Process of the 2020-2021 spring term exams.

№23  16.06.2020

  1. Summary of the results of the 2019-2020 spring term check-ups of I-III years of the full-time undergraduate and I year of full-time graduate studies.
  2. Current issues.

№22  09.06.2020

  1. Summary of the results of the 2019-2020 defense of graduation papers of undergraduate students.
  1. Process of the 2019-2020 spring term exams.
  2. Organization of the 2019-2020 academic internship and practice.
  3. Current issues.

№21  02.06.2020

  1. Summary of the results of the 2019-2020 defense of thesis papers of full-time graduate


№20  25.05.2020

  1. Providing a successful working process for the 2019-2020 Final Attestation Committees.
  2. Forming the 2020-2021 Admission Committee of the University.

№19  12.05.2020              

  1. Students who applied to the deans for not being able to pay the tuition fee at once.
  2. Organization of the 2019-2020 II semester exams, reduction of the amount of exams and the work required for the term papers and organization of examination period through means of distance learning at the state of emergency.
  3. Process of preparing exam questionnaires and papers and uploading them on the distance learning platform.

№18  06.05.2020

  1. Process of presenting drafts of orders on organizing the final stage of graduation and thesis paper submission.
  2. Current state of submitting the panel of the Final Attestation Committee for approval.
  3. Process of setting the schedule for the defense of graduation and thesis papers.
  4. Students in their final year being technically equipped for distance learning.
  5. Decisions of Scientific Councils of Faculties on the assessment of check-ups and the reduction of the planned exams at the end of the current semester.

№17  28.04.2020

  1. The process of working on graduation and thesis papers.
  2. The process of submitting the panel of the Final Attestation Committee for approval.
  3. Process of preparing exam questionnaires.
  4. Providing the teaching materials by the lecturers teaching in the part-time studies system, uploading them on the distance learning platform, and the process of distance learning.
  5. Current state of collecting tuition fees.
  6. Reconsidering the duration of certain master’s degree specialties and the amount of tuition fees.

№16  23.04.2020

  1. Current state of collecting tuition fees.
  2. Preparatory work for organizing part-time system courses.
  3. Preparatory work for organizing defense of graduation and thesis papers.
  4. Providing the teaching materials by the lecturers, uploading them on the distance learning platform, and the process of distance learning.

№15  21.04.2020

  1. Selection of subjects for the 2019-2020 admission exams of different specialties of the University.
  2. Reconsidering the amount of money for utility costs in the financing of scientific topics.
  3. Reconsidering tuition fees for separate specialties.
  4. Process of providing the teaching materials by the lecturers and uploading them on the distance learning platform.
  5. Process of distance learning.
  6. Organizing defense of graduation and thesis papers of undergraduate and graduate students.


№14  17.  04.  2020 A

  1. Summary of the results of semifinal internship of IV year full-time and V year part-time students.
  2. The progress in the implementation of the decisions and assignments of the previous Rectorate meeting.

  №13  14. 04.  2020 A

  1. Planning the academic process of the University at the extended state of the emergency set by the RA government. 
  2. Defining and managing the timetable of 2019-2020 spring term exams.
  3. Organizing the process of compiling the thesis papers and graduation papers of the students in their final years.
  4. Conducting the academic process for the part-time program.  
  5.  Conducting the academic process for the postgraduate program


  №12  07. 04.  2020 A

  1. Summary of the results of 2019-2020 spring term, I and II period of retake examinations of IV year of the full-time undergraduate program.
  2. Providing the teaching materials in a written form, including them in a distance learning platform and conducting distance learning process.
  3. Deadline extension for graduate and undergraduate students of 2019-2020 to compile and defend their thesis papers and graduation papers.
  4. Announcement on contest for confirming the scientific topics.
  5. Managing the tuition payments.



 №11  03.  04.  2020 A

  1. Providing the teaching materials in a written form by the academic staff and including them in a distance learning platform.
  2. Issues related to conducting distance learning. 
  3. The progress in the implementation of the decisions and assignments of the previous Rectorate meeting.
  4. Topical issues



  №10  31. 03.  2020 A

  1. Summary of the results of 2019-2020 spring term exams of IV year of the full-time undergraduate program.
  2. Presentation of the lectures in a written form provided by the academic staff and including them in a distance learning platform. 
  3. Issues related to conducting distance learning.
  4. Advertising strategy for the University.
  5. Reviewing the defined order of the peer-reviewed articles to be printed in the scientific periodicals of the University at the state of the emergency. 
  6. Timesheet template to track working hours at the state of the emergency.  

 №09  27. 03.  2020 A

  1. Presentation of the lectures in a written form provided by the academic staff and including them in a distance learning platform.
  2. Issues related to conducting distance learning. 
  3. Tuition fee reduction.
  4. Rewarding the employees of the University. 
  5. Managing the collection of tuition payments.
  6. Timesheet template to track working hours at the state of the emergency.  

  №8  20.03.  2020 A

  1. The progress in the implementation of the decisions and assignments of the previous Rectorate meeting.
  2. Participation in the initiative “Financial contribution for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 provided by natural persons and legal entities.”


 №7  17.03. 2020 A

  1.  On conducting distance learning and applying special actions in the state of the emergency set by the RA Government.  


 №06  10. 03.  2020 A

  1. Summary of the results of 2019-2020 spring term exams of IV year of full-time undergraduate program. 
  2. Summary of the results of 2019-2020 winter term, II period of retake examinations of I year of the full-time graduate program. 
  3. Summary of the results of 2019-2020 winter term, II period of retake examinations of I and II years of the part-time graduate program, and preparatory courses. 
  4. The progress in the implementation of the decisions and assignments of the previous Rectorate meeting.
  5.  Discussion on “Affordable Housing for Young Specialists, Scientists and Educators” program. 
  6. Topical issues.


  №05  02. 03.  2020 A

  1. Discussion on № 01/06/5068-20 letter of 02.03.2020 from the Minister of ESCS Arayik Harutyunyan about the suspension of educational institutions from March 2nd to 8th of 2020, to prevent severe acute respiratory infection caused by COVID-19. 
  2. Adjustment in № 02-24-01 order of 24.12.2019 “Academic Planning Process for the II semester of 2019-2020” by the Rector due to the suspension of the University from March 2nd to 8th of 2020. 
  3. Remuneration of the employees for March 2nd to 8th of 2020 period under the circumstances of the suspension of the University. 

   №04  25. 02.  2020 A

  1. Summary of the results of 2019-2020 winter term, I period of retake examinations of I year of the full-time graduate program, I and II years of part-time graduate program, and preparatory courses. 
  2. Summary of the results of 2019-2020 winter term, II period of retake examinations of I-III years of the full-time undergraduate program. 
  3. Summary of the results of 2019-2020 winter term, II period of retake examinations of I-V years of the part-time undergraduate program.
  4. The progress in the implementation of the decisions and assignments of the previous Rectorate meeting.
  5. Topical issues


 №03  11.02.  2020 A

  1. Summary of the results of 2019-2020 winter term, I and II periods of retake examinations of II year of the full-time graduate program. 
  2. Summary of the results of 2019-2020 winter term, I period of retake examinations of I-III years of the full-time undergraduate program. 
  3. Summary of the results of 2019-2020 winter term, I period of retake examinations of I-V years of the part-time undergraduate program. 
  4. The progress in the implementation of the decisions and assignments of the previous Rectorate meeting.
  5. Topical issues


№02  30.01. 2020 A

  1. Summary of the results of 2019-2020 winter term exams of I-III years of full-time undergraduate and I, II years of the full-time graduate programs. 
  2. Summary of the results of 2019-2020 winter term exams of I-V years of part-time undergraduate and I, II years of part-time graduate programs and preparatory courses. 
  3. Summary of the results of 2019-2020 winter term II period of retake examinations of IV year of the full-time undergraduate program. 


N 19 26.11 2019

  1. Current status of students’ academic old debt repayment process.
  2. Summery on the canceled classes due to students’ absences during September, October and November (until November 22) 2019.
  3. Current issues.


N 18 19.11 2019

  1. Summery on the canceled classes due to teacher absences during September, October and November (until November 5) 2019.
  2. Summary on the current status and results at the chair’s sessions about students’ attendance, laboratory, course works and the course projects from October 21 to 25, 2019 by the decision N 16 of the Rector’s council on 01.10.2019.
  3. Summary of current status of tuition fees.
  4. Current issues.


N 17 22.10 2019

  1. Summary of current attendance status of part-time undergraduate 3th and 4th year students.
  2. Summary of current status of tuition fees.
  3. Current issues.


N 16   01.10 2019

  1. About setting deadlines for discussions on student attendance at the chair sessions, laboratory, calculus, course work, and course projects implementation.
  2. Summary of the 2019-2020 academic year rotation competition.
  3. Current issues.


N 14  03.09 2019

  1. About the organizational activities related to the start of the 2019-2020 academic year.
  2. On the organization of the spring season II term liquidation period of the 2018-2019 academic year. 
  3. About the students who did not attend the 2018-2019 academic year’s educational and production practices.
  4. Current issues.


N 11 29.05 2019

  1. Summary of the Master’s thesis defense results of full-time senior group students at 2018-2019 academic years.
  2. Current issues.


N 10 07. 05 2019

  1. Summary of the undergraduate full-time, part-time, and Master full-time senior groups’ graduation works attestation of the 2018-2019 academic year.
  2. Summary of the current status and results at the chair’s sessions about students’ attendance, laboratory, course works and the course projects from April 22 to 26, 2019 by the decision N 19 of the Rector’s council on October 2, 2018.
  3. About the establishment of the admission committee for the 2019-2020 academic year.
  4. Current issues.


N 9 09.04 201

  1. By the decision N 19 of the Rector’s council on October 2, 2018 summary of the current status results at the chair’s sessions about students’ attendance, laboratory, course works and the course projects from March 25 to 29, 2019.
  2. Current issues.


N 8 26.03 2019

  1. Summary of the I and II liquidation period’s results in full-time IV year undergraduate groups of 2018-2019 academic year’s spring term.
  2. Summary of the pre-postgraduate internship in part-time V year undergraduate groups.
  3. Current issues.


N 6 26.02 2019

  1. Summary of the examination results in full-time IV-year undergraduate groups of 2018-2019 academic year’s spring term.
  2. Summary of the II liquidation period’s results in full-time I- year Master groups of 2018-2019 academic year’s winter term.
  3. Summary of the II liquidation period’s results in part-time I-II-year undergraduate and preparatory groups of 2018-2019 academic year’s winter term. (except for the Faculty of Architecture),
  4. Current issues.


N 5 26.02 2019.

  1. Summary of the I liquidation period’s results in full-time I- year Master degree groups of 2018-2019 academic year’s winter term.
  2. Summary of I liquidation period’s results in part-time I-II- year Master and preparatory groups of 2018-2019 academic year’s winter term. (except for the Faculty of Architecture),
  3. Summary of the II liquidation period’s results in full-time I-III-year undergraduate degree groups of 2018-2019 academic year’s winter term.
  4. Summary of the II liquidation period’s results in part-time I-IV-year undergraduate degree groups of 2018-2019 academic year’s winter term. (except for the Faculty of Architecture),
  5. Current issues.


 N 4 12.02 2019

  1. Summary of the I  liquidation period’s results in full-time I and III- year undergraduate degree groups of 2018-2019 academic year’s winter term.
  2. Summary of the I  liquidation period’s results in part-time I-IV- year undergraduate degree groups of 2018-2019 academic year’s winter term (except for the Faculty of Architecture)
  3. Current issues.


N 3  05.02 2019

  1. Summary of the I and II liquidation period’s results in full-time II- year Master degree groups of 2018-2019 academic year’s winter term.
  2. 2. Organizational issues related to the start of the 2nd semester of the 2018-2019 academic year.
  3. Current issues. 


N 2  30. 01. 2019

  1. Summary of the examination results in full-time I-III- year undergraduate and I,II- year Master degree groups of 2018-2019 academic year’s winter term.
  2. Summary of the examination results in part-time I- V-year undergraduate and I, II- year Master degree groups of 2018-2019 academic year’s winter term.
  3. Summary of the II liquidation period’s results in full-time undergraduate degree IV year groups of 2018-2019 academic year’s winter term.
  4. Current Issues.


N 1 22. 01. 2019

  1. Summary of the examination results in full-time I-III-year undergraduate and the I, II- year Master degree groups of 2018-2019 academic year’s winter term.
  2. Summary of the I liquidation period’s results in full-time bachelor degree IV year groups of 2018-2019 academic year’s winter term.  
  3. Current issues.


N 24   25. 12. 2018

  1. Summary of the 2018-2019 academic year’s master’s thesis defense results of part-time senior groups.
  2. Summary of the 2018-2019 academic year’s examination period results in the senior groups of the full-time undergraduate studies.


N 23   11. 12. 2018

  1. Summary of the winter term’s examination results in full-time undergraduate degree senior groups of 2018-2019 academic year’s winter term.
  2. Analysis of the current situation and results of the second stage of students’ attendance at the chair sessions, laboratory, course works and the course projects implementation from November 26 to 30, 2018 by the decision of the Rector’s council on October 2, 2018, N 19.
  3. Current issues.


N 22   20. 11. 2018

  1. Current status of students’ academic old debt repayment.
  2. Summary of failed classes because of the absence of student groups and lecturers during September, October and November 2018.
  3. Summary of the results of the undergraduate admission on part-time courses of the 2018-2019 academic year, / Reporter, H.Sargsyan /.
  4. Current issues.


N 20  23. 10. 2018

  1. Summary of current attendance status of 3th and 4th year students of undergraduate part-time learning.
  2. Summary of current status of students’ old debt repayment.
  3. About the addition of a new subject matter in masters curriculum of Construction.
  4. Current issues.


N18  20. 09. 2018

  1. Summary of 2017-2018 academic year’s spring II term’s examination results full-time undergraduate students of I-II year and the first year Master degree groups. 
  2. Summary of 2017-2018 academic year’s spring term’s second liquidation period results in part-time first and forth year undergraduate (except from the Architecture Department), part-time first and second year master degree and preparatory groups.
  3. Current issues. 


N 17   04. 09. 2018.

  1. Summary of 2017-2018 academic year’s spring term’s second liquidation period results.
  2. 2. About the students who did not attend the 2017-2018 academic year’s educational and production practices.
  3. Current Issues:


Manuk Gevorg Barseghyan Acting Rector
Robert Rafik Sukiasyan Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
Vardges Hayk Yedoyan Vice-Rector for International Relations
Sargis Aristakes Tovmasyan Head of the Science Department, Acting Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs
Paylak Andrush Karapetyan Chief of the Staff
Anahid Sergey Khachatryan Acting Director of High School after M. Abeghyan
Anahit Valter Hovhannisyan Director of the Secondary Vocational Education College
Arman Gagik Arakelyan Advisor to Rector
Armen Ruben Shatvoryan Acting Dean of the Faculty of Architecture
Artashes Arsen Melikyan Dean of the Faculty of Design
Marine Samvel Grigoryan Acting Dean of the Faculty of Management and Technology
Valerik Mamikon Harutyunyan Acting Dean of the Faculty of Urban Economy and Ecology
Aram Ashot Sahakyan Acting Dean of the Faculty of Construction
Levon Haykaz Levonyan Secretary of the Scientific Council
Kristine Pavel Harutyunyan Chief Accountant
Angin Victor Martirosyan Head of the Academic Programme Department
Varazdat Paylak Hovhannisyan Head of the Education Quality Assurance and Development Center
Slava Sargis Sargsyan Chief Lawyer
Sona Razmik Hakhverdyan Head of the Human Resources Management Department
Hayk Ararat Sargsyan Head of the Admission and Career Department
Tatev Manvel Barkhoyan Head of the Marketing, Information Technologies and Communication Department
Vanik Zhirayr Atanesyan Deputy Head of the Financial-Economic Department
Gohar Harutyun Matulyan Head of the General Department
Sahak Levon Levonyan (Secretary) Chief Specialist of the Education Process Organization Department
Susanna Eduard Hakobyan President of the Student Council
Harutyun Hakob Ghasabyan President of Trade Union