The University has a special role in the scientific activities carried out in the field of architecture, construction and other related fields in the Republic. Throughout its century-old history, the University graduates have significantly contributed not only to the development of architecture and construction, but also to the development of science in Armenia.
The key areas of scientific-research activities at the University are:
The scientific potential of NUACA (as of 15.11.2021) is:
NUACA Scientific Potential (as of 11.2024)
The coordination and organization of the University scientific-research activities, as well as the provision of the proper level and efficiency of the scientific-research works are entrusted to the University Scientific-Technical Council, the Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and the Scientific Policy Department.
The scientific activities of the University are based on the principles of enhanced partnership and cooperation, which contributes to the solution of problems of utmost importance for a favorable living environment.
In the upcoming years, extra-budgetary funds will be allocated to the field of science, which will contribute to the expansion of the circle of partners, the integration of scientific-educational and production-related activities, and the use of scientific-educational potential for the solution of the specific economy-related problems.
NUACA 2021-2025 Strategic Plan of the field is aimed at receiving and applying internationally competitive scientific-research outcomes, while the following provisions to achieve them are stipulated:
In 2021, the attestation of the University scientific researchers was carried out, with the aim of enhancing the efficiency of research activities and ensuring an appropriate level, on the basis of the rating assessment of the researchers’ scientific outcomes.
In addition to the incentive procedure, funded by the State Budget, for the publication of various scientific-research programs and scientific articles, with the aim of promotion of the scientific activities and engagement of students in them, the process of organizing annual competitions for the provision of internal grants, funded by the University, has been launched since 2021.