(010) 303-300



Dear applicant,

Admission applications for the 2022-2023 academic year will be accepted by May 10, until 6:00 p.m..

The competition for admission to higher education institutions is held in two stages: main (2 stages) and additional.

Stage 1

  • The application for the first stage is open from April 15 to May 10 included, until 6:00 p.m..
  • At this stage, the admission is carried out in accordance with the rule “1 university-1 specialty” (for state-funded and not state-funded places).
  • Online admission applications are submitted through dimord.am website. 
  • To fill out the application form electronically, the applicant receives the individual code given to each applicant from their school.
  • Graduates of previous years of primary or secondary vocational education institutions are provided with an ATC personal number from a school close to their place of residence and identified for that purpose.

Stage 2  

  • The application for the second stage is open from June 26 to July 1 included, until  5:00 p.m..
  • The second stage of admission is open to foreigners, RA citizens graduated from educational institutions of foreign countries in the given academic year, applicants who have been demobilized from the summer conscription of the given year or by July 31.
  • At this stage, the admission is carried out in accordance with the rule “1 university-1 specialty” (for state-funded and not state-funded places).
  • Online admission applications are submitted through dimord.am website. 
  • To fill out the application electronically, the applicant receives the individual code given to each applicant from the school close to their place of residence and identified by the ATC for that purpose.
  • Soldiers, demobilized before July 31, can participate in the admission competition with the certificates of the unified state examinations received before conscription.

Additional stage

  • The application for the additional stage is open from July 19 to 26 until 6:00 p.m..
  • This stage is open to applicants who received a positive score from the entrance exams but dropped out of the competition, after the results of the entrance exams of the main stage are approved by the Republican Admissions Committee, in case of vacancies in universities, by filling out the application form online.
  • The additional stage of the competition is held by application for up to six specialties of one or more universities, if the applicant has a positive score from the subjects of the given specialties, and there are vacancies for these specialties (state-funded and not state-funded).

Dear applicant, 

For more details regarding the admission procedure, please go through dimord.nuaca.am website.