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Double-Degree Education

Double-Degree Education


“Project Management” (in the fields of Tourism, Cultural Heritage Management and Geographic Information Systems)

Armenian-Spanish Joint Master’s Academic Programme

National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA), Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE) and Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV, Spain) are implementing joint Master’s academic programme “Project Management” (in the fields of Tourism, Cultural Heritage Management and Geographic Information Systems), combining the knowledge in Economics and Management with technical knowledge and skills. Taking into account the peculiarities of the joint academic programme, the graduates will have the opportunity to work as project managers in the fields of Tourism, Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage, as well as Construction. Two qualifications (diplomas) will provide an opportunity to work both in the Armenian and European labour markets.

In their first year, the students will study at ASUE and NUACA according to their status (state-funded or not state-funded), and in the second year at UPV, having the opportunity to have their internship in the Rimini Campus Branch of the University of Bologna (Italy).

Graduates of ASUE, NUACA and other Armenian universities, holding at least a Bachelor’s degree, are eligible to take part in the competition for admission to the joint Master’s academic programme. The admission is carried out through an interview, during which English proficiency is also tested. The tuition fee during the study in the Republic of Armenia is set at 11,000 AMD for 1 credit. The competition for state-funded places is open to the graduates of ASUE and NUACA of 2017-2018 academic year, whose grade point average (GPA) meets the requirements for the state-funded admission to the Master’s programme with the corresponding qualification. Foreign citizens are also eligible to participate in the competition for admission to the Master’s academic programme.

To continue their studies at UPV, applicants must be fluent in English, as all courses will be organized exclusively in English. In order to obtain a qualification (diploma) awarded by UPV, students must accumulate at least 40% (48 ECTS) of the credits provided by the academic programme (120 ECTS) at UPV and defend their Master’s thesis in Valencia. The cost of one credit while studying in Valencia, depending on the peculiarities of the course, is 30-55 euros.

Upon successful completion of studies in Armenia and Spain, the students of the joint Master’s academic programme will receive two qualifications: joint diploma of ASUE and NUACA, as well as UPV diploma.