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University with a 100-Year History

Board of trustees


  1. Election of the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of “National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia” Foundation (the Session is opened by senior member of the Board of Trustees, Professor at the Chair of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture, People’s Painter of the Republic of Armenia Hrant Tadevosyan):
  2. Election of the Secretary of the Session of the Board of Trustees of “National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia” Foundation.
  3. Current issues.


  1. On 2022 annual activity report of the University.
    (Speaker: University Rector Y. Vardanyan)
  2. On approval of 2022 University Budget Performance.
    (Speaker: University Rector Y. Vardanyan)
  3. On 2023 University Budget Draft.
    (Speaker: University Rector Y. Vardanyan)
  4. On approval of 2023 University structure and staff list.
    (Speaker: University Rector Y. Vardanyan)
  5. On 2022 University contracts that exceed 10 million AMD.
    (Speaker: University Rector Y. Vardanyan)
  6. On 2023 University financial audit organization selection through the State Procurement Procedure and the presentation of the published results of the previous year.

    (Speaker: Head of the Financial-Economic Department P. Karapetyan)

  7. On increasing the salary at the University.
    (Speaker: University Rector Y. Vardanyan)
  8. On signing an agreement with “IEdu International Cooperation Center” to enroll applicants from India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.
    (Speaker: University Rector Y. Vardanyan)
  9. Current issues.



  1. Discussion on the issue of improving and expanding the area of “National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia” Foundation.
    (Speaker: Rector Y. Vardanyan)
  2. Discussion on the issue of making a donation to National Agrarian University of Armenia.
    (Speaker: Rector Y. Vardanyan)
  3. Discussion on the proposal of “Igdir Construction” LLC to “National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia” Foundation.
    (Speaker: Rector Y. Vardanyan)
  4. Discussion on the issue of procurement from one person (by tender).
    (Speaker: Rector Y. Vardanyan)
  5. Current issues.




  1. Election of the Chairperson and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of “National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia” Foundation.


  1. The University Rector’s Annual Report.
  2. On approval of 2022 University Budget Performance.
  3. On 2022 University Budget Draft.
  4. On approval of University structure and staff list.
  5. On 2022 University contracts that exceed 10 million AMD.
  6. On the selection of University financial audit organization.
  7. Current issues
  • Order on encouraging the University Employees with Monetary Rewards.
  • To allow obtaining bank guarantees exceeding 10 million AMD within the framework of State Procurement Tenders.


27.01 2021

  1. Annual Report of the University Rector.
  2. On the approval of 2020 University Budget Performance.
  3. On the 2021 University Budget Draft.
  4. On the discussion and approval of the draft of 2021-2025 University Strategic Plan.
  5. On the 2020 University contracts exceeding 10 million AMD.
  6. On the selection of the firm to implement the financial audit of the University.
  7. Current issues.

02.12 2019

  1. On the termination of the employment contract of Gagik Shaghabeg Galstyan, the Director of “National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia” Foundation, due to the expiration of his term, and on the appointment of an Acting Director of the Foundation.
  2. Current issues.



  1. Election of the Chair of the Board of Trustees of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (the session is opened by the most senior member of the Board of Trustees).
  2. Annual Report of the University Rector (speaker: the University Rector G. Galstyan).
  3. On the 2018 University Budget Performance and the 2019 University Budget Draft (speaker: the University Rector G. Galstyan).
  4. On the approval of the University Staff List (speaker: Science Secretary of the University L. Levonyan).
  5. On the recognition of receivables for educational and other services provided by the University as uncollectible and writing them off (speaker: the University Vice-Rector M. Ghazaryan).
  6. On the University contracts exceeding 10 million AMD (speaker: University Vice-Rector M. Ghazaryan).
  1. On the selection of the firm to implement the financial audit of the University (“Yerevan-Audit Consult” CJSC) (speaker: the University Vice-Rector M. Ghazaryan).
  1. Current issues.





Name, Surname



Yeghiazar Vardanyan

Chairperson of the Board, Chairman of the RA Urban Development Committee


Alfred Kocharyan

Board Member, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia


Kristine Ghalechyan

Board Member, Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of the Republic of Armenia


Suren Tovmasyan

Board Member, Head of the RA Cadastre Committee


Harutyun Sargsyan

Board Member, Deputy Head of the Higher Education and Science Committee of RA MoESCS


Vlad Asatryan

Board Member, Council Chairman of “Kamurjshin” CJSC (by consent)


Gagik Vardanyan

Board Member, Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Baghramyanshin” OJSC (by consent)


Seyran Aristakesyan

Board Member, Director of “Artashat ENC” Co. Ltd (by consent)


Samvel Vardanyan

Board Member, Director of “Eghvardshin” OJCS (by consent)


Mkrtich Minasyan

Board Member, Member of the Chamber of Architects of Armenia (by consent)


Avetik Arzumanyan

Board Member, Acting Head of NUACA Chair of Production of Construction Materials, Items and Structures, Associate Professor, PhD in Technical Sciences


Tatev Paytyan

Board Member, Associate Professor at NUACA Chair of Interior and Exterior Design, PhD in Technical Sciences


Karen Rashidyants

Board Member, Acting Head of NUACA Chair of Architectural Design and Design of Architectural Environment, Professor, PhD in Technical Sciences


Hrant Tadevosyan

Board Member, Professor at NUACA Chair of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture, People’s Painter of the Republic of Armenia


Artashes Sargsyan

Board Member, Associate Professor at NUACA Chair of Roads and Bridges,  PhD in Technical Sciences


Areg Nurbekyan

Board Member, student at NUACA Faculty of Construction


Susanna Hakobyan

Board Member, student at NUACA Faculty of Management and Technology


Elena Abrahamyan

Board Member, student at NUACA Faculty of Design


Khachatur Khachatryan

Board Secretary, NUACA PhD Applicant


Ani Vardanyan

Board Member, exempt student at NUACA Faculty of Architecture