(010) 303-300


University with a 100-Year History



“National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia” Foundation announces a closed (intra-University) competition for occupying the following university positions: 

  1. Dean of the Faculty of Management and Technology,
  2. Dean of the Faculty of Design.


The competition for the position of the the Dean of the Faculty of Management and Technology and the Dean of the Faculty of Design of “National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia” Foundation is open for able-bodied citizens of the Republic of Armenia under the age of 65, who:

  1. Hold a scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences or PhD in Technical Sciences,
  2. Hold an academic rank of Professor or Associate Professor,
  3. Have no less than 5 years of experience of occupying a scientific-pedagogical or managerial position in the given field,
  4. Have at least 3 scientific or educational-methodical works published in the last 5 years.
  5. Specialists in the field of art can submit at least 5 creative (or design) works implemented in the professional sphere in the last 5 years.

In order to participate in the competition, it is necessary to submit the following documents:

  1. Written application (addressed to the Rector of the University)
  2. Two photos ( 3×4 size),
  3. Autobiography,
  4. Photocopy of the diploma of higher education,
  5. A document certifying the scientific degree and academic rank,
  6. Personal record sheet (filled in),
  7. Photocopy of the passport,
  8. Character reference from the last workplace,
  9. Military ID card or a document on conscription. 


In order to participate in the competition, please submit applications (documents in original) from November 3 untill December 2, 2022, included, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (except Saturdays and Sundays) to the General Department of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia.

Address: 2nd Building, 105 Teryan Street, tel.: 010-58-01-56.
