(010) 303-300


Dear Youth! The cooperation of the Career Center, Coca-Cola HBC Armenia Company and IAB International Academy of Business goes on.

On November 28 and 29 at 15: 00-19: 00 pm, the regular part of the Youth Development Program will be held at the Rector’s Conference Hall on the topic “BUSINESS SKILLS”. It focuses on the development of business skills of students and alumni.

The following questions will be addressed within the framework of the training:

  • Project Management:
  • Time management
  • Finance
  • Negotiation skills
  • Business plan
  • Sales skills

Young people aged 18-30 with business ideas can take part in the training. After the training, those who have a viable business idea will be able to participate in the “ARMENIA STARTUPCUP” competition. Winners will present their business idea to the founding jury members.

Registration link:

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1UIIpJlLP35oNcFEXOZiYFGn6c1EmCDI4-BJu6LnUCss/viewform?fbclid=IwAR2j8i6ykcb3W_1CJdWKiWoYVhNhjLgNH53GlRQU94bItzOuEkNNJQ7f9-o&edit_requested=truee .
For additional information, contact the NUACA Career Center or call 010-58-01-56.
