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The 75th international trade fair “Ideas – Inventions – New Products” iENA 2023 took place in Nuremberg, Germany. The Project is being implemented in cooperation with IFIA. The Fair lasted three days during which iENA presented inventions from all over the world. More than 500 inventions were presented to the Nuremberg trade community during iENA. This Nuremberg Fair provided an excellent opportunity to interact with potential investors and licensees and to introduce innovations in personal conversations. The Head of the Chair of Technology and Organization of Construction Production of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, RA Distinguished Construction Worker Vardges Grigoryan and NUACA lecturer Ashot Mkhitaryan also participated in the International Fair-Competition. The invention refers to concrete pumping and mixing machines. Mr Grigoryan’s invention was awarded with a silver medal.

In this respect, Vardges Grigoryan and Ashot Mkhitaryan were hosted by the  Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in the Federal Republic of Germany and received words of gratitude from the Ambassador personally.
