A prominent scientist, correspondent member of NAS RA, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Suren Mkhitaryan has devoted more than 50 years of his life to science and education. He has combined scientific work with pedagogical activity.
Since 1967 he has been working at the Institute of Mechanics of NAS RA, now as the Head of the department of “Mechanics of elastic and visco-elastic bodies”. Since 2009 Head of Department of Higher Mathematics of NUACA
The field of scientific research involves contact and mixed-edge problems of mathematical theory of elasticity and solidity, the mechanics of decay, the theory of filtration, the development of mathematical methods for the effective solution of integral equations in the theory of contact and mixed edge problems of deformable solid bodies. Mr. Mkhitaryan is the author of more than 150 scientific articles.
Honorable professor, dear Suren Mkhitaryan, NUACA staff and students warmly congratulates on jubilee and wish you grate energy, health, new achievements in the scientific field and all the best.