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The online official presentation of the project “Digital Connection of Real and Virtual Environments” (DEvision) took place on May 19, attended by Yerevan Office of the Austrian Development Agency, University of Salzburg, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Yerevan State University, Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transportation and Architecture and representatives of other interested organizations.

The project “Digital Connection of Real and Virtual Environments” (DEvision) was launched on March 1, 2022, which is co-financed by the Austrian Development Agency within the scope of the Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development (APPEAR).

The DEvision project is a joint university initiative involving the University of Salzburg, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Yerevan State University and Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transportation and Architecture. The project is coordinated by the University of Salzburg.

The DEvision project is aimed at integrating a number of global online and mixed learning courses into the undergraduate and graduate programmes of partner universities. The initiative is carried out within the context of Digital Earth vision and digital transformation ideas that affect the societies, economies and environment.

NUACA’s participation in this initiative is conditioned by the expansion of our academic cooperation with the Austrian and Kyrgyz counterparts and the long-term exchange of students and academic staff aimed at promoting innovation and improving the quality of education within the concept of “Digital Earth”. One of the main goals is to expand the geospatial capacity in all the courses where “placing is highlighted”.

The courses to be developed within this project will be integrated into Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programmes. Three courses will be developed and integrated in the “Geodesy and Cadastre” Bachelor’s programme, two courses in the Master’s Degree programme. The developed courses, as a part of continuing education, through short-term training courses will also be offered to social partners  and may lead to professional certification. As open learning resources, these courses will contribute to the development of the geospatial capacity of those not involved in the DEvision project.
