(010) 303-300


To Mr. V. Vermishyan, Chairman of the RA Urban Development Committee

To Mr. M. Minasyan, Chairman of the RA Chamber of Architects 


The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia expresses its concern over the public statements of the RA Urban Development Committee and the RA Chamber of Architects on issues related to licensing of professional activities in different positions.

The university, being the only higher education institution in the republic of architecture and construction sphere, cannot remain indifferent to the abovementioned reality, as the issue is directly related to the further professional development of our graduates and the formation of normal and civilized relations in the labor market.

Based on the abovementioned, we express our readiness to transfer the public debate to the field of professional roundtable discussion with the participation of public and community representatives, members of the design and construction companies and university faculty.

We believe that in this case it will be possible to find mutually acceptable solutions for all parties, especially the graduates of our university.


 The National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia

