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University with a 100-Year History


A regular Session of the Rectorate was held. During the session, Rector Yeghiazar Vardanyan proudly noted that an interesting tradition is being formed and the next Rectorate Session should start with the achievements of our University staff  and words of appreciation.

At the beginning, Mr. Vardanyan handed over a certificate of appreciation on behalf of the University to  PhD in Physical-Mathematical Sciences and  Associate Professor of the Chair of Theoretical Mechanics and Strength of Materials Julieta Muradyan for her long-term effective work at the University, training of young specialists and conscientious scientific-pedagogical activity. As Mr. Vardanyan mentioned, Ms. Muradyan decided to end her teaching activity. She worked at the University for tens of years, has a number of published scientific articles and 4 methodical manuals, has educated and brought up many generations and has done her work with honour, for which he once again extended his gratitude on behalf of the entire staff of the University. Ms. Muradyan said in her gratitude speech that the University has become her second home. She remembered that when she was hired, she was the youngest employee of the Chair, but today, 65 years later, she is the most senior. Extending her gratitude to the entire staff, she singled out the Chair and the University management for always appreciating and rewarding her work.

Afterwards, the Rector congratulated the Dean of the Faculty of Management and Technology, PhD in  Physical-Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Marine Grigoryan. Marine Grigoryan’s article ranked first among 100 articles selected in the competition organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International Scientific Association of Young scientists and was awarded with the first-class award among the CIS countries, being recognized as the best lecturer of 2022 in the sphere of Physical-Mathematical sciences in the field of science and education.

“Ms. Grigoryan is young, hardworking, and dedicated to her work and I am glad that in addition to doing her work conscientiously, she is also able to perform on such important platforms,” the Rector noted.

Ms. Grigoryan extended her gratitude to her colleagues, noted that she does her work with love and is proud to be able to make her modest contribution to the rating and development of the University, assuring that such attention is even more motivating and binding.
