(010) 303-300


Dear students,

Considering the emergency state declared in the Republic of Armenia, NUACA has facilitated the functions of students in educational process of the 2nd semester of 2019/2020 academic year.

The introduced changes are described below.

  • Taking into consideration the results of the implementation of the assigned tasks during the semester, as well as the attendance of the student during the classes (please see the corresponding Procedure), the courses ending up with quiz will be evaluated by marking “Pass”/ “Fail”.
  • The requirements to some courses have been mitigated, in particular:
      • the exams of some courses are replaced by quiz, and the quiz periods are extended;
      • the Term Papers (TP) and  the Academic Year Projects (AYP) of some courses are replaced by computational and graphical works CGP, which will be checked by marking “Pass”/ “Fail”. 

Please refer to the following links to get more information on the introduced changes:


  1. Faculty of Construction 
  3. Faculty of Architecture 
  4. Faculty of Design


  5. Faculty of Management and Technology


  6. Faculty of Urban Economy and Ecology


  • The Grade Point Average (GPA) for the academic year 2019/2020 will be formed based on the 1st semester results and the grades for the exams, TPs and AYPs passed during this semester.
  1. The rotation will be conducted based on the GPA estimated in accordance with the above results. 
  2. In case of any questions please apply to the Dean’s Office of the corresponding faculty:
  3. Faculty of Architecture:  (091) 427599, tosar@mail.ru 
  4. Faculty of Construction: (091)264406, vpartizpanyan@nuaca.am 
  5. Faculty of Design: (091)458892, paytyantatevik@gmail.com 
  6. Faculty of Urban Economy and Ecology: (096)367579, sargsyan_t@nuaca.am 
  7. Faculty of Management and Technology: (010)583763, marinegrigoryan17@gmail.com 