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Independence lives in everyone’s eyes: manifestations and attitudes are different. Students of the Armenian National University of Architecture and Construction, however, almost always look in the same direction and see the beauty, the original and the noble.

Even today, on the eve of the 27th anniversary of Armenia’s Independence Day, is one more occasion to show love and care for the Homeland. The architects, designers and builders of our university were combined with the Exhibition through the eyes of Independence generation organized by the Student Council. Shining and proud eyes, brave soldiers, trees blossoming in Armenian soil, native water. A little bit of Komitas notes and again lovely Armenia.

With this content, photos and paintings were welcomed to the guests of the exhibition, sparkling with the sounds of violin and cello from the talented musicians at the university.

“Independence is freedom and great responsibility, freedom of thought and creativity.” you have to think so, in order to create
