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One thing is never killed in a war. It is the patriotic spirit of an ARMENIAN warrior, which accompanies him/her at the most difficult moment and forces- WE HAVE WON, WE WILL WIN, we have lived and we will give birth to new generations.

Today, among the brave guys standing at the border and fighting to the death are 471 NUACA students in military service, NUACA professors, for whom defending their Homeland is above everything, and volunteers, who went to help their fighting friends. United with the heroes they defend our existence, the exceptionally strong and unique type of the Armenian, his unquestionable and mandatory right to live.

We believe in the power of our soldiers and we are sure that you are the heroes, who are creating heroic and modern history right now.

Inexhaustible strength and unbreakable faith to you, our brave men, and eternal glory to all the heroes who died to save the existence and the future of the Homeland!

This is a new Sardarapat and #WEWILLWIN (#ՀԱՂԹԵԼՈՒԵՆՔ)!
