A few days ago, the Chair of Ventilation, Gas and Heat Supply at the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia solemnly celebrated the 70th anniversary of its founding.
The chair convened a session to discuss the jubilee event report, the graduates’ final attestation procedure, the composition of the committee, and the staff discipline rules.
In addition to the agenda, the most pressing topic of recent days – the possible re-election of Rector Gagik Galstyan, was also discussed at the session. The staff of the department first of all expressed their deep gratitude to Rector Galstyan for supporting the event dedicated to the 70th anniversary and permanent attention for the functions of the chair.
The fact that the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia has passed an obvious and undeniable path of development and prosperity over the past 5 years was confirmed by all those present. They emphasized that Gagik Galstyan deeply understands the importance of the specialists trained by the chair in almost all sectors of the country’s economy. Proof of this is the restoration and technical upgrading of the specialized laboratories of the chair. With the support of Gagik Galstyan the cooperative negotiation is underway with the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, which is a new and pretentious opportunity for students and faculty to exchange experiences and professional achievements.
The participants also emphasized Gagik Galstyan’s high human qualities, warm and caring attitude towards each member of the University, which are the most important preconditions for a positive description of the University Head. And considering all this, the chair decided to support Gagik Galstyan’s candidacy and unanimously expressed desire to see Him again as the rector of the university.