Today is the 50th anniversary of the Head of the Chair of Building Structures of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor Tigran Dadayan.
Tigran Dadayan is the author and structural designer of about 50 structures in Armenia and abroad. Among them, we can distinguish Surb Khach Church in the Arabkir Administrative District, St. Amenaprkich Church in Nor Hachn, St. Hovhannes Mkrtich Church in Abovyan, the Armenian church built on the banks of the Jordan River, and a number of residential multi-storey and industrial buildings.
At the same time, he vigorously practices scientific activity. T. Dadayan is the author of more than 70 scientific articles, several monographs and 6 educational-methodical manuals.
Mr. Dadayan is a member of the Scientific-Technical Council under the Chairman of the Urban Development Committee. He actively participates in professional discussions, considering it an important platform for combining different professional opinions and forming a complete understanding of problems and their solutions. The construction norms “Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures” and “Steel Structures” were developed under his supervision. He also authored two sections of the construction norms “Earthquake-Resistant Construction”.
Tigran Dadayan was awarded with the Gold Medal of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia on the occasion of his 50th anniversary and his significant contribution to the field of education and science by the decision of NUACA Scientific Council.
On behalf of the entire staff and students of the University, we congratulate you on this important day, wishing you health, professional success and new achievements.