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The “No-Tie” meeting with the Dean of the Faculty of Design and those responsible for professional orientations was held, which was also attended by first-year students.

The Meeting launched with the welcome speech of the Dean of the Faculty of Design Artashes Melikyan: “Welcome everyone! I am happy that today we will have a discussion in such a format and I am open to all your questions and suggestions. Dear freshmen, I once again congratulate you on the beginning of a new phase of your life. Always remember that we are here to support you and you can feel free to contact us in case of any questions or issues, as your success is part of our goal.”

Issues related to studies and professional orientation, as well as student life and other topics related to studies were discussed during the Meeting.

The Meeting ended in a warm and relaxed atmosphere, due to the open format and the created environment. The Dean and those in charge of professional orientations were actively involved in the discussions, answering students’ questions and clarifying important points of the educational process. The Meeting contributed to strengthening the bond between the first-year students and the Faculty, creating an atmosphere of trust and cooperation which will help them integrate more easily into student life and the professional field.
