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University with a 100-Year History

Met to make Yerevan  a green and smart city

With the mission and desire making Yerevan a smart and green city the architect  Karli Pennik from the Roterdam University and the economist Nikolay Taralunga from the Romanian University of Economics visited NUACA.

During the working days from February 22 to 26 organized in the RA Architects Union the international experts discussed the options and possible projects of transforming Yerevan into a smart and green city in the nearest future together with our University architects, economists and officers of Yerevan Municipality.

The international experts introduced the case studies of Tbilisi, Romania and Holland as success stories. During those days lectures were delivered also by the international expert Rshtun Martirosyan on the topic of designing pilot projects for the social and economic development of Armenia’s minor communities.

On February 26 the group will sum up the results of the meeting. Three teams formed at our University will present their drafts on making Yerevan a smart and green city where 6 issues of city development shall be reflected.
