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The defense of Thesis Papers of the students enrolled in the academic program with the opportunity to study in three universities was carried out.

The defense of Thesis Papers of the students enrolled in joint academic program “Project Management” of the Chair of Economics, Law and Management of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia was organized. The above-mentioned Master’s Degree academic program is implemented by the joint efforts of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE) and Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV, Spain).

All three students, John Sardaryan, Argine Rushanyan, Lusya Mirijanyan, defended their Master’s Thesis Papers with honor and received excellent grades. Two of the students were from NUACA, one from ASUE. The Final Defense Attestation Commission consisted of specialists from the two universities. The students had conducted their research at Polytechnic University of Valencia, while the defense of Thesis Papers took place at NUACA. Students will be awarded two qualifications – a joint diploma of ASUE and NUACA.

Graduates of all universities can apply for the above-mentioned Master’s program. At the end of the study, a Master’s Degree in Management will be awarded.
