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University with a 100-Year History

NUACA’S gratitude to the German Bundestag mp albert weiler

Dear Mr. Weiler,

On behalf of the teaching staff and students of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia and personally on my behalf I express deep gratitude to you for having great contribution to the adoption of the resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide by the German Bundestag on June 2.

Thanks to your and your associates’ productive activity aimed at identification and appreciation of universal values this resolution was adopted unanimously. We believe that it is not just another important step toward the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, but also a powerful factor in the process of condemnation of crimes against humanity and their prevention.

Dear Mr. Weiler, please convey our gratitude and friendly warm feelings to your fellowmen, Bundestag MPs and the entire people of Germany. Your principled approach towards the restoration of historical justice is exemplary for progressive youth, especially for students building the future of different countries.

All the best Sincerely,

NUACA Rector                              PhD Professor G. Sh. Galstyan
