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University with a 100-Year History


NUACA publishing activity is regulated in accordance with the requirements of the industry laws, the University Charter and internal acts.

Within the framework of publishing activities, the University implements the organizing and internationalizing of publishing works of scientific periodicals, scientific and educational-methodical literature.

The implementation of publishing functions has two directions: scientific research, and academic, educational-methodical.

The University publishes two periodicals:

  1. Journal of Architectural and Engineering Research (E – ISSN: 2738-2656)
  2. Scientific Papers of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (ISSN: 1829-4200)

Monographs, textbooks and educational-methodical manuals are guaranteed by the Scientific-Technical and Educational-Methodical Councils of the publishing University.

Some books, methodological guides and manuals published at the University in recent years are presented below.

Book Cover


Books Published in 2020

The collection of articles summarizes the results of the work of international speleological expeditions in 2004–2019, which were carried out by the efforts of the Speleological Center of Armenia and “National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia” Foundation. The Government of the Republic of Artsakh, in particular the governmental staff of Kashatagh, the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography NAS RA, the scientific periodical “Spelestology of Speleology” of the Russian Federation, as well as cave explorers from 17 countries assisted in organizing the work. The articles presented in the book were published in various international periodicals, presented at the “HYPOGEA 2016, 2017, 2018” conferences of EuroSpeleo Forum in the form of reports. The Collection will be interesting for architects, historians, archaeologists, tourism specialists and just readers, as though it is scientific; it is accessible to a wide range of readers.

The manual is envisaged for students specializing in construction and urban economics. It is written in accordance with the course guide of the “Resistance of Materials” course, which is offered during the second semester of the undergraduate programme at NUACA.

The course “Legal Foundations of Architecture and Urban Development” is included in the graduate academic programme of “Architecture” specialty. The educational-methodical manual presents the aim and the objectives of the course, topics included in the course, the means of regulating legal relations in the entire chain of professional activities, individual gaps in them, international standards of ethics and behavior of architects.

The manual is envisaged for graduate students and lecturers of the Faculty of Architecture. It can also be useful for architects involved in design activities.

Materials Published in 2021

The series of the present educational-practical manuals includes:

MANUAL 1. Research methods of general physical-mechanical characteristics of construction materials,

MANUAL 1.1. Research methods of physical-mechanical individual characteristics of binders, aggregates and reinforcing materials.

MANUAL 1.2. Research methods of physical-mechanical individual characteristics of natural stones and construction concrete and mortars.

MANUAL 1.3. Research methods of physical-mechanical individual characteristics of concretes and mortars of special purposes.

MANUAL 1.4. Research methods of physical-mechanical individual characteristics of wooden, polymer-based, ceramic, casting, glass, glass wool and mineral wool construction materials.

MANUAL 2. Research methods of physical-mechanical characteristics of construction items.

MANUAL 3.  Research methods of thermo-technical characteristics of construction items.

The series of manuals is developed through the project “ART-LAB,” implemented together with the PIU of the RA Ministry of Science and Education, on the basis of existing normative and technical documents, as well as basic materials of scientific research. It is envisaged for students of higher education institutions, postgraduate students specializing in architecture and construction, as well as engineering and technical staff of the field.



The manual presents the interesting way of formation, gradual transformation and crystallization of artistic thinking in the process of mastering educational subjects of composition, drawing and painting. It is envisaged for students enrolled in full-time or part-time courses of “Architecture” and “Design” specialties at National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia.

The educational-methodological manual is envisaged for teaching the subject of “Technical Maintenance of Buildings and Structures” of Construction College.

The educational-methodological manual describes the processes associated with the maintenance of buildings and structures as technical maintenance and repair or exploitation. Issues related to monitoring of technical condition, diagnostics and repairs of buildings and structures, standards of technical condition of structural units, factors leading to structural violations, reinforcement and strengthening of constructions are presented.

The methodological manual is envisaged for students of the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Design as an additional material for a better understanding of the role and significance of drawing in the chosen profession. The manual can be useful for those who are interested in drawing, its features and issues.


The methodical instructions are envisaged for students enrolled in full-time and part-time undergraduate studies in Urban Economy and Construction.

The goal is to acquire practical knowledge about mining machinery, including its mechanisms, components, as well as its working principles and selection criteria.

It can also be useful for industry professionals.


The aim of the manual is to provide practical support to students in the course project of the subject “Technical Means of Traffic organization.” The necessary explanations on the design of the explanatory and graphic part, as well as examples of the calculation are given.

The annexes provide design reference materials and normative data.

It is envisaged for students studying “Transport Systems” specialty and for specialists of traffic management.


These methodical instructions are envisaged for the course work of students of “073201.00.6 – Construction” specialty, “073201.09.6 – Construction and Operation of Transport Routes” academic programme on the subject of “Transportation Tunnels and Subway” in order to help to do the work on time and with quality.

The methodological instructions include the task of course project, as well as information on the calculation of loads of road and rail tunnels, edges and the selection of the main sizes of main structures.

The methodological instructions can also be useful for final papers, as well as for engineering and technical staff working in design organizations and in production.


The manual is a reprint of the second manual published by the author with some changes and additions. This includes topics corresponding to the academic programmes of technical HEIs. It may be useful for graduate students and people interested in Mathematics.


The manual is envisaged for graduate and postgraduate students studying the fundamentals of physical-chemical, physical-mechanical and thermal-technical research of construction materials, as well as for researchers and specialists of construction material production.


The Coursebook presents the scientific basis of insulation and finishing construction materials production of various operational value and technological solutions of production.

The principles of raw material selection used and targeted regulation principles of structuring processes of the material formed on its basis, as well as technological features and solutions for the final product with the necessary characteristics, have been observed.

Special attention is paid to the saving of fuel, energy, material, and labor resources, as well as environmental problems. The Coursebook is intended for students of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies in “Engineering and Technical Expertise of Construction Materials and Structures.”

It can also be useful for civil engineers. For undergraduate students the Coursebook displays the general descriptive part of raw materials and technologies of production of materials and preparations presented in the Coursebook, for graduate students – descriptions of physical-chemical phenomena in technological production processes and methods of directional management thereof, and for postgraduate students – physical-mechanical and physical-chemical scientific fundamentals of processing of materials of complex multi-component structure.



The questions related to the design of earthquake-resistant structures of buildings and structures erected on the territory of the Republic of Armenia are observed in the manual. In particular, the main provisions of calculations of load-carrying systems of earthquake-resistant buildings and structures, the source data required for them and the basic structural requirements for the design are outlined. Buildings with reinforced concrete and steel frame, as well as stonewalls and reinforced stone masonry are considered.

The manual is envisaged for graduate students studying “Industrial, Civil Engineering and Design of Structures” specialty.



The Collection contains extensive methodical material, a large number of solved and to be solved problems of various content and complexity encompassing the core aspects of hydraulics with the required depth of coverage.

Some examples and problems included in the Collection are universal, some are taken from the educational manual “Сборник задач по машиностроительной гидравлике” под редакцией И. И. Куколевского и Л. Г. Подвидза, М. 1981. The rest were developed and written by the author and are of an exclusively applied nature.

Each section of the Collection includes four subsections: a brief theory overview, solved examples, problems to be solved independently and self-test questions.

The Collection is designed to serve as an educational manual for students enrolled in higher education institutions specializing in Hydraulic Engineering, Water Supply, Heat and Gas Supply, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical professions. It can be of interest and benefit to a wide range of specialists making hydraulic calculations.



The Manual includes determination of the strength of concrete by methods of non-destructive and destructive testing according to the RA standards. Both mechanical and physical strength modes of non-destructive concrete have been considered. Instruments and equipment for determination of concrete strength by methods of non-destructive and destructive tests as well as their preparation for tests were presented.


Educational Manual for students of “073201.00.7 – Construction” specialty, “073201.09.6 – Construction and Operation of Transport Routes” academic programme. It is intended for teaching the “Road Construction Materials and Technologies” graduate course.


The educational-methodical manual presents the analysis of methods of laboratory evaluation of physical and mechanical properties of materials used in the field of road construction in Armenia and leading countries (USA, Europe, UK, Russia), as well as data on construction quality management systems, general properties of materials and organizations setting standard criteria.

The manual provides standard laboratory testing procedures of the properties of grounding, fillers, road bitumen and asphalt concrete mixtures, accepted and used both in Armenia and abroad, within the framework of which the quality of materials in road construction is controlled.

The educational-practical guide is intended for the students of “073201.00.7 – Construction” specialty, “073201.09.6 – Construction and Operation of Transport Routes” academic programme. It is intended for teaching the “Road Construction Materials and Technologies” graduate course.

Educational Manual for students of “073201.00.7 – Construction” specialty, “073201.09.6 – Construction and Operation of Transport Routes” academic programme.

It is envisaged for teaching the “Inspection and Testing of Bridges” graduate course.

The aim of the Manual is to introduce the modern technologies of bridge monitoring to graduate students taking the course “Inspection and Testing of Bridges”.

The methods of bridge monitoring through instrumentation, the main provisions of their implementation and the main technical requirements for instruments and devices necessary for monitoring are considered in the Manual. The structure of monitoring organization, principles of the instrument installation necessary for monitoring, as well as methods of the analysis of recorded data are described.

Materials Published in 2022

The educational manual is intended for students studying “Architecture” specialty. It includes lectures of the course program of the course “History of Architecture”.

The manual covers Armenian architecture from the 1820s to 1990s. It is classified and staged according to chronological and stylistic features.

Urban development achievements, architectural, stylistic, construction features and tendencies of development of residential, public, industrial, resort and other types of buildings and structures of each period are presented.

The methodical instructions are envisaged for students enrolled in full-time and part-time undergraduate studies in “Technical Maintenance and Safety of Motor Vehicles” of the “071601.00.6-TRANSPORT SYSTEM” academic programme.

The aim is to complete the theoretical course of the subject “Technical Maintenance and Safety of Motor Vehicles,” as well as to consolidate knowledge about road traffic accidents and their consequences from the point of view of structural safety of the car from the system “DCRE.”

The aim of the manual is to demonstrate the methods for developing territorial planning documents, on the example of a master plan of a residential district as a course project.

It can be interesting and useful for both students and professionals interested in the planning of residential districts.

The Manual includes various theoretical questions and practical problems related to cash accounting, through which the student is given the opportunity to acquire and consolidate various knowledge related to the aforementioned field, to acquire various skills, capabilities, and abilities on the accounting module.

The Manual is intended for students of secondary vocational education institutions, specialists engaged in the study of monetary funds and financial documents and their application in practice, natural persons engaged in financial and economic activities, as well as all those interested in the study of monetary issues.

This educational-methodological manual is designed to enhance the safety measures for tailings, which are regarded as potentially hazardous facilities within organizations operating metal mines in the Republic of Armenia. Its primary goal is to safeguard the environment and human health.

The provisions/regulations presented in the manual are applicable to all tailing dumps regardless of their status (planned, built, in force, suspended, abandoned or closed).

The Manual was prepared on the basis of international experience relating to the safety of tailing dumps and the principles defined by the provisions of the Legislation of the Republic of Armenia and international treaties of the Republic of Armenia on cork, waste, environmental protection, emergency situations, technical safety and other areas.

The Manual is intended for students receiving professional education in the field of mining, ecology and emergency situations (specialties: Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources, Ecological Expertise, Safety in Emergency Situations), mining specialists, management bodies and other interested parties.

The Manual provides basic information on the design of precast reinforced concrete plants, the necessary equipment for their implementation and rational operating modes. The data required for the choice of moulding and support work methods, information about modern and efficient production lines and methods of technological calculations are presented. The issues of designing of the master plan and auxiliary production, technological processes and quality control of products are covered.

The Manual was developed in accordance with the academic programme of the “073201.00.6 – Construction” specialty, in particular “073201.02.6 – Production of Construction Materials, Blanks and Structures,” in which the materials provided can be useful to students of the aforementioned specialty for the course project and final works, as well as for the engineering and technical staff of reinforced concrete structure factories.

The Monograph presents the general concepts of modern Armenian architecture of the 20th and early 21st centuries, the main stages of its development, as well as the features of historical periods. The stylistic directions, their characteristic features, the causes and background of their occurrence, as well as the creative personal contribution of famous architects are described on the example of iconic structures of Yerevan.

It is intended for students of National University of Architecture and Construction, architects, and art lovers.

The Coursebook relates to the methods of studying the shape and size of the Earth, the “Higher Geodesy” subject and the identification of fundamental problems arising therefrom, justified by the concepts of normal potential and normal field, external potential of level ellipsoid, gravity level ellipsoid, curvature of the lines of force at the external point, normal field.

The Coursebook includes information about the shape of the Earth and the gravitational field, the main structure of the Earth, the geoid and quasi-geoid, the general ellipsoid of reference, as well as normal Earth.

The Coursebook presents methods of classification and construction of horizontal and vertical survey networks and applicable geodetic coordinate systems. The most detailed and complete presentation was made of the satellite-based National Geodetic Control Network and the reconstruction of the State Vertical Survey Network of RA.

The Coursebook presents the features of the research of modern horizontal and vertical movements of the Earth’s crust in geodynamic polygons with the application of new digital technologies.

The Coursebook is addressed to HEI students studying “Higher Geodesy,” researchers, postgraduate students, and can also be applicable and useful to specialists working in the field of geodesy and cartography.