Modernization of the “Construction and Operation of Transport Routes” academic programme through the introduction of the laboratory with the latest testing equipment.
The Results of the Procurement of Goods and Services
International Procurement
1.1 Call-for-Tender-Announced-on-17.12.2019
1.2 World-Bank-P445193-12
3 ,Contract Awarding
Selection of Individual Consultants
1․ Announcement _Խ1
Contract Awarding _Խ1
Announcement _Խ2
Contract Awarding_Խ2
Announcement _Խ3
Contract Awarding_Խ3
Announcement _Խ4
Contract Awarding_Խ4
Announcement _Խ5
Contract Awarding_Խ5
Contract Awarding_Խ1
Announcement Խ2_ Digitization of Courses
Announcement Խ3_ Digitization of Courses