(010) 303-300


About Us

The faculty offers full-time and part-time learning of bachelor and master degrees with the following specialties: 

  • Real Estate Expertise and Management
  • Safety in Emergency Situations
  • Urban Economy and Thermo-Gas Supply
  • Environmental Protection and Efficient Use of Natural Resources
  • Environmental Expertise
  • Transportation and Traffic Organization and Management
  • Translation Studies (technical translation) English and Armenian
  • Translation Studies (technical translation) Russian and Armenian

Duration of full-time bachelor’s degree education is 4 years, full-time master’s degree is 2 years, part-time bachelor’s degree is 5 years and correspondence master’s degree is 2.5 years.



Urban Economy

Attractiveness of the city, sanitation, population comfort, internal engineering systems of buildings, technical condition of urban infrastructure and level of service are due to the efficient work of specialists in this field. The main task to be solved in the course of professional activities is to create an optimal system of management and performance with highly qualified staff as well as up-to-date technologies and tools. The scope of activities of a student with the mentioned specialty is quite wide: Construction and operation of buildings, structures for water supply, sanitation, thermo-gas supply, electricity supply, road engineering structures, infrastructures, environmental and recreational facilities, organization and implementation of garbage disposal. The student wishing to pursue this specialization must have a basic knowledge of natural and mathematical sciences, on the basis of which student will expand his knowledge by studying urban planning, architecture, construction, water supply and sanitation, road construction, environmental protection, will acquire basic knowledge and design skills on urban infrastructure and building engineering communications.



Ventilation, Gas & Heat Supply

Ventilation, Gas and Heat Supply

Within the scope of its activities, the Specialist deals with the design, construction and operation of buildings' heat supply, gas supply, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, boiler installations and other engineering systems. Currently, along with the development of science and technology, the Ventilation, Gas and Heat Supply specialist is also faced with the issues of energy production, energy saving and efficient use of energy. The purpose of which is to design and build energy-efficient power plants- started from in-house heating, cooling, gas supply, hot water supply systems to powerful modern combined thermal power plants. Those who wish to pursue this profession must have sufficient knowledge in the fields of physics, mathematics and informatics. The profession is in high demand both in our republic, and in the European Union countries, Russia, furthermore in Armenia it has reached a high level of development and has attracted the attention of scientific and technical societies of other countries. Currently Armenian specialists run such powerful organizations as “ArmRusGazard”, “Termoros-AR”, “AR &AR”, “Kanayan& Co” and a number of other companies.


Transportation systems

Transport routes - automobile roads and railways are the blood vessels of every country's economy, which largely determine the degree of effective cooperation between different sectors of the economy. The task of the transport sector specialist is to ensure more efficient passenger and cargo transportation within optimal investment volumes. The increasing numbers of vehicles around the world are causing problems with the organization of traffic, increasing work efficiency and meeting the needs of the population in transportation. Rational traffic arrangements help reduce freight time, increase traffic safety, and reducing the negative impact of the vehicles on the environment. Modern methods, automated traffic management systems, etc., should be used to solve transport problems, which will increase the road network bandwidth, reduce traffic congestion, traffic accidents, increase traffic speed and convenience. Our university has trained transport and communications engineers for over seven decades who design and build the most important transport structures in our country to meet the needs of any era. The alumni can work in the following areas: Department of road accidents expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia, Road traffic police, Ministry of Transport and Communication of the Republic of Armenia, National Bureau of Expertise, auto insurance agencies, Municipality transport systems, roads, transportation management systems, various sectors of organization and management of road traffic.





The centuries-old cultural heritage plays a key role in the tourist attraction of Armenia. Presents the Armenian historical- architectural valuable monuments

at a high level - providing them with the necessary specialists in the field of maintenance and management, design and implement flexible and up-to-date travel packages. Upon graduation, the graduate will be able to develop tourism development principles, organization principles and strategic plans, carry out practical professional activities in the field of tourism, analyze and evaluate the service/tourism/place and role in the country's economic structure and development process, alumni will be able to master service organization skills, assess service infrastructure, assess the role and importance of ethnographic, religious values, national art and architecture in the development of socio-cultural services and tourism, and design and implement various tourism packages.



105 Teryan Street, Yerevan 0009, Republic of Armenia


tel.+374 10567572

Dean of Urban Economy and Ecology Faculty:

PhD, Associate Professor Valerik Harutyunyan

E-mail: vmh-1961@mail.ru, tel. +374 93100825