(010) 303-300


A competition for the vacancy of a teacher of “Drawing” (31 lessons), “Russian Language” (4 lessons) and “Chemistry” (3 lessons) subjects is announced at High School after Manuk Abeghyan of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia.

The Competition is held in two stages: testing and interview. The testing stage is conducted according to the questionnaire developed by the RA MoESCS. The questionnaire for the interview stage is structured by the institution and each participant is interviewed individually.

In order to participate in the Competition, you must submit:

  • application (Form 1); one photo (size 3×4);
  • document certifying higher education (diploma);
  • identity document;
  • a certificate of length of work experience from the workplace and a copy of the work book, if available according to the Article 26 of the Part 1 of the RA Law “On Public Education”;
  • CV (Form 5);
  • citizens of other states – a document certifying the right to work in the Republic of Armenia;
  • male citizens of the Republic of Armenia – a military ID card;
  • a list of published articles or documents certifying the academic title (if available);
  • a certification document if you have a qualification category;
  • in case of being excluded from the institution, information about having demonstrated a result of 60 percent or more in the voluntary certification (in case of participation) according to the procedure established by theDecision No. 596-Н of the Government of the Republic of Armenia dated April 28, 2022.

The responsible person appointed by the Director compares the original documents with the copies and returns the originals. If the list of submitted documents is not complete or there are drawbacks, the participant can take and supplement them by the deadline of document acceptance.


Documents are accepted from January 22 to February 6 including, every day from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., except for Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

The Competition will take place on February 12 at 2:00 p.m. at NUACA High School after M. Abeghyan, address: Khanjyan 9, Yerevan.

For information you can call at tel.: (010) 52-64-71.
