The conference will be held at the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia from 14 to 16 October, 2019.
In 2008 National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia initiated and organised the international conference entitled “Contemporary problems of architecture and construction” in Jermuk, Armenia. In 2010 the 2nd conference was organised in Jermuk, Armenia with the same title. The 3rd conference was organised in Beijing, China in collaboration with the Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Construction from November 20 to 24, 2011, with the participation of representatives from China, Armenia, Poland, USA, Russia, France, Italy, UK, Georgia, Moldova and Thailand. The 4th conference with the same title was held in the Polish city of Czestokhowa from September 24 to 27, 2012, as a joint effort of the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, the Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Construction with the participation of representatives from Poland, Armenia, China, USA, Russia, Italy, Georgia, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia, Belarus, Ukraine and Hungary. The 5th conference was organised in Saint Petersburg, Russia by the Saint Petersburg University of Architecture and Construction, which took place from June 25 to 28, 2013 as a joint effort of the above-mentioned. The 6th conference was organised by the University of Ostrava, Czech Republic from June 24 to 27, 2014 and the 7th in Florence, Italy with the University of Florence and Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco from November 19 to 21, 2015, with the participation of representatives from Italy, Armenia, China, Poland, Russia, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Iran, Georgia, Ukraine, Portugal, USA, Lithuania, Netherlands, Mexico, Philippines, Columbia. The 8th international conference was held in Armenia by the direct organisation of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia from October 26 to 28, 2016 with attendance of representatives from Poland, Armenia, China, USA, Russia, Georgia, Czech Republic, Iran. The 9th conference was carried out in Batumi, Georgia from September 13 to 18, 2017 with participation of representatives from Georgia, Armenia, China, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Italy. And finally the 10th anniversary conference was held in China from September 22 to 24, 2018 organised by Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Proceedings of two previous (3-rd in Beijing, China, 2011 and 6-th in Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2014) conferences were indexed in Scopus.
The Conference is organized on behalf of:
Doctor of science (engineering), Prof. Gagik Galstyan, rector of National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Prof. Zhang Ailin, rector of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Construction, Prof. Norbert Sczygiol, rector of Czestochowa University of Technology, Doctor of science (economics), Prof. Yevgeniy Rybnov, rector of St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Prof. Vaclav Snasel, rector of VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Prof. Luigi Dei, rector of University of Florence, Doctor of science (engineering), Prof. Andrey Volkov, rector of Moscow State (National Research) University of Civil Engineering (MGSU), Doctor of science (engineering), Prof. Gela Kipiani, vice-rector of Georgian State Aviation University, Tbilisi, Georgia, Ph.D. in archeology, associate prof. Merab Khalvashi, rector of Shota Rustaveli State University, Batumi, Georgia, Ph.D. in engineering, prof. Ali Maher, Rutgers University, New Jersey, United States of America
We are looking forward to meeting you in Armenia.
Rector Gagik Galstyan
Important Dates
Conference Organizers

- Papers that fall under the conference topic “Building materials and technologies of binders, concretes, contemporary materials in architecture” will be published in full text in “Key Engineering Materials” periodical on www.scientific.net.
- Papers that fall under the rest of the conference topics will be published in Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Architecture and Construction.
Conference Topics