(010) 303-300


Architecture is an exceptional profession, where the art and exact sciences, philosophy and technique, environment and cultural heritage preservation, social and technological factors, psychology and manners, and eventually the stamp of the era and people’s mindset combine. 

The Faculty consists of three chairs:

  • Chair of Architectural Design and Design of Architectural Environment
  • Chair of Urban Planning
  • Chair of Theory of Architecture, Restoration and Reconstruction of Historical-Architectural Heritage, Fine Arts and History

The classes are conducted in Armenian, as well as English and Russian languages as traditionally the 20-30% of the students of the Faculty is foreign citizens.


The Faculty has established close relations with the higher national architectural schools of Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon, Saint-Étienne, Architecture University of Florence, The Polytechnic University of Milan, Lisbon School of Architecture, as well as several higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Since 1994, the diploma provided to the graduates of the Faculty of Architecture is officially recognized equivalent to the French diploma.

The modern equipment allocated in the art studios, classrooms as well as the presence of the laboratory of the Monument’s Surveying and Diagnosis contribute to the effective academic process of the Faculty.


Future Architects, 

Receiving a master’s degree in the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, you will certainly stand next to the architects having many years of professional experience and meet the requirements of the client and the society with your own designs!

As a result of studying diligently and purposefully, you will graduate from our University as knowledgeable architects, whose mission is to make our country and city prosperous and decorate them with significant structures.

Dear Applicants,

We would like you to make a wise choice and wish you a bright future!