543710-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AM-TEMPUS-SMGR Structural Development of the Third Cycle Based on Salzburg Principles 2013-2016
Strengthening human potential in research creating a critical mass of qualified researchers through the development, integration and effective management of doctoral education in Armenian HEIs.
– Promoting international recognition of ANQA Level III academic programmes through the development and adoption of award criteria in line with the Salzburg Principles and comparable to international standards.
– Developing a system for assessing and monitoring quality in scientific research through the construction and strengthening of continuous monitoring systems for relevant parameters.
– Promoting and strengthening the integration of science and research in HEIs through the creation/revision of university structures that will promote scientific research, network knowledge in the field of education, research and innovation, and increase the quality, efficiency, flexibility, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinarity of education.
Key outcomes and results include:
– Developing the capacities of HEIs for quality doctoral education: revision/creation of new research units.
-Creation of prerequisites for quality postgraduate education and research.
-Formulation of postgraduate standards and quality criteria for doctoral education.
-Development and launch of 11 new postgraduate programmes in Armenia (11 pilot programmes).
-Adoption of doctoral award criteria and quality criteria