Competition 06.10.2016
We have received an offer from the Bender Polytechnic Branch of Shevchenko Pridnestrovski State University to attend the 8th republican scientific-practical conference (as an international participation) on “Modern Construction and Architecture: Energy-saving Technologies”.
The deadline for submitting the applications is by 18 November 2016.
For more information contact NUACA Department of International Cooperation, Scientific Research Sector.
COMPETITION 06.10.2016
State Committee of Science of the Republic of Armenia’s Ministry of Education and the Russian Federation Foundation for the Development of Small Enterprises In Science and Technology in the framework of cooperation signed on 27 June 2016 announces about a competition and support in order to promote applied research bilateral cooperation in the field of development.
The applications should be submitted to the RA Ministry of Education and Science, State Committee of Science on week days from 10:00am-1:00pm and 2:00-5:00pm (address: Yerevan, 22 Orbeli Street, 7th floor, room 708) by 14 November 2016. For more information please follow the link at
In the frames of “Cooperation Memorandum” signed between the State Committee of the RA Ministry of Education and Science and the Russian and New Nakhijevan branch of the Armenian Apostolic Church on 19 January a competition is announced to support the development of the Armenian-Russian scientific cooperation in group research projects and individual young scientists in the following directions:
Up to 6 research projects and 2 individual proposals will be subsidized. Applications should be submitted both in hard copy and electronic versions to State Committee of the RA Ministry of Education and Science, at 22 Orbeli brothers Street, 7th floor, room 708 on work days from 10am to 1pm and 2-5pm. Deadline is 29 July 2016.
The RA Ministry of Education and Science announces a scholarship programme for scientific and technical projects for the scientific workers. Please apply on-line at by 20 July 2016, 6pm Yerevan time.
More information can be obtained at For consultations please refer to the Scientific Secretariat of State Committee of the RA Ministry of Education and Science on workdays form 2-5pm or call at 21-01-40 (118).
Information Day
On February 11 at 3:00 pm the meeting of “Young Scientists Support Program” will be held in the conference hall of NUACA governing body during which current projects will be presented aimed at supporting young scientists.
If you are interested in the participation of scientific conferences abroad, organizing conferences, summer schools or publishing books, scientific articles and do not know whom to refer to or how to obtain financial means do not miss the opportunity to get acquainted with the “Young Scientists Support Program”.
TENDER 16.11.2015
Within the framework of contract (thematic) financing of scientific and scientific-technical activities RA MOES State Committee of Science organizes a TENDER for selecting applications of scientific topics aimed at acquiring the applied product. (Deadline: 10 December)
Information on tender can be found at Announcements of SCS website:
COMPETITION 26.10.2015
The application process for the grants to young scientists (up to 35 years old) involved in scientific and scientific-technical research funded by the RA state budget and supported by the RA president, RA Ministry of Education and Science and the Youth Foundation of Armenia is now open in he frames of the ”Assistance to Young Scientists Programme”.
Applications are submitted on-line at web page. Application deadline is until 23 November 2015 (6pm Yerevan time). For more information please visit at
Additional information is available at the Division of the Scientific Policy of the Staff of the State Committee at the RA Ministry of Education and Science on working days from 2-5pm. Tel: 21-01-40 (extension: 118).
TENDER 11.06.2015
State Committee of Science of RA MoES announces “Tender for acquisition of scientific devices and equipment for updating infrastructure, material and technical base in the field of science”.
The bids shall be submitted to State Committee of Science of RA MoES by hand, on working days, from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00 or by mail (Orbeli 22, Yerevan 0028).
More information and consultation on tender can be found at the Department of Organization of Staff Scientific Activities of State Committee of Science on working days, from 14:00 to 17:00 (Tel.: 21-01-40 (113)).
Deadline for bids submission is 13 July 2015 (
TENDER 05.06.2015
Within the framework of contract (thematic) financing of scientific and scientific-technical activities from RA State Budget the State Committee of Science of RA Ministry of Education and Science organizes “Support Program of Scientific Researches Conducted in the Scientific Organizations of Shirak Marz – 2015″ TENDER for scientific topics.
Bids shall be submitted online being registered at Tender Bids and Reporting System of State Committee of Science of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia at the following address:, until 6 July 2015 including (until 18:00 Yerevan time).
More information and consultation on tender can be found at the Department of Organization of Staff Scientific Activities of State Committee of Science on working days, from 14:00 to 17:00 (Tel.: 21-01-40/113, 108).
Tender Package (