(010) 303-300

Foreign students


The admission of foreign citizens in the NUACA is held in accordance with the decision No. 700 of the Government of the RA on Admission Procedure to the Armenian Higher Educational Institutions for Foreign Citizens”, April 28, 2011. Everybody who has completed secondary education and submits the required documents listed below is admissible.

The required documents are:

  1. Application in the name of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia;
  2. Application form /filled out in person/ according to the given sample images application form;
  3. Medical certificate stating the health status of the applicant. This certificate may be issued by the medical organizations of the RA;
  4. Copies of all pages of passport or birth certificate and (or) baptismal certificate;
  5. Copy of the final document stating the educational level;
  6. Four photos (size 3 × 4)
  7. Curriculum vitae (CV) in Armenian, English or Russian languages;
  8. A 20-page long research paper for post-graduate studies on the topic of chosen specialization in Armenian, English or Russian languages.

Pre-undergraduate level

Preparatory groups operate in the structure of NUACA for foreign citizens who have a poor knowledge of the Armenian language or in the case of specific needs. The admission is based on the legal orders of the RA Ministry of Education and Science and on interview results. In the case of formed groups the training could be organized in Armenian, English or Russian languages together with special courses onDrawing, Mathematics, Physics, Professional Introduction Course Reveiw, Armenian and foreign languages. Due to final results ofthe examination the applicants could be admitted to the University for undergraduate studies. The learning period of this stage is one year.

 Undergraduate Studies

The admissions is held based on

  • The results of foreign citizens’ preparatory groups’ final graduation examinations;
  • General provisions;
  • Legal acts of the RA Ministry of Education and Science in accordance with the test results of the student’s knowledge.

The examinations required for the admissions are

  • Drawing, Maths, a language (Armenian, English or Russian) exams for the Faculty of Architecture and Design,
  • Maths, Physics and a language (Armenian, English or Russian) exams for the Faculty of Construction,

Foreign students of the secondary schools of the RA can submit their grade of the Armenian language graduation test to the University as an admissible score. Study period is 4 years.

Master Degree Studies

Everyone holding a bachelor degree can apply for Master studies according to

  • Interstate and intergovernmental treaties;
  • General provisions;
  • Legal acts of the RA Ministry of Education and Science;
  • Inter-university treaties.

Study period is 2 years and in the frames of Bologna process the mobility in the Master studies is for 1 term or for 1 academic year.

Education in foreign languages for BA and MA degrees is being organized only on full-time basis.

PhD studies

Students holding Master degree can chose to continue education in PhD studies in accordance with legal acts of the RA Ministry of Education and Science in full-time education duration of 3 years or part-time distance learning programme of 4 years. In the case of availability the University can support with accommodation.

In 2020-2021 academic year there are 144 international students (128 from the Armenian Diaspora and 16 foreign) at the University from the following countries:

  • Syrian Arab Republic – 50
  • Georgia – 31
  • Russian Federation – 27
  • Republic of India – 8
  • Islamic Republic of Iran – 7
  • Lebanese Republic – 7
  • Republic of Iraq – 3
  • Arab Republic of Egypt – 3
  • Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan – 2
  • Republic of Turkey – 2
  • Kingdom of Morocco – 1
  • Ukraine – 1
  • Republic of Kazakhstan – 1
  • Republic of Uzbekistan– 1

Total– 144




Groups taught in Armenian language

600 000 AMD

Groups taught in Russian language

700 000 AMD

Groups taught in English or French languages

800 000 AMD

Faculty of Architecture


Undergraduate Programme

  Master Studies

Groups taught in Russian language

790 000 AMD

890 000 AMD

Groups taught in English or French languages

890 000 AMD

990 000 AMD

The other faculties


Undergraduate Programme

  Master Studies

Groups taught in Russian language

690 000 AMD

790 000 AMD

Groups taught in English or French languages

790 000 AMD

890 000 AMD

Post Doctorate Studies


Foreign citizens of the Armenian nationality

800 000 AMD

Foreign Citizens

990 000 AMD


For more questions please refer to the NUACA Division of International Relations.