(010) 303-300

Avetisyan Siranush


Date  of  birth,  month,  day        18.05.1985

Adress       st. Dro 4, apt.12, Yerevan


E – mail

Nationality   Republic of Armenia

Education and trainings

  •  2002-2006  Yerevan State University, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, profession: Applied Mathematics, Mathematician-programmer.
  • 2007-2009  The National Academy of Sciences of RA,
    magistracy in the Center of Applied Mathematics.

Work experience

  • 2009 to now lecturer of the Department of Higher Mathematics of the Polytechnic University.
  • 2013 Competitor Mechanics Institute.
  • 2013 Visiting Junior Researcher of the Institute of Mechanics of NAS RA.

Academic fields, directions

  • Applied mathematics, theory of integral transforms and equations, mathematical programming.
  • Integral Transformations , and singular Fredholm integral equations , mathematical physics and applications of Solid Mechanics mixed boundary value problems , Mathematical tsragraorum .

Participation in projecting, scientific  research or  other  programs





  • Armenian,
  • Russian,
  • English

Latest Publications

  1. M. Mkhitaryan, H.V. Tokmajyan, S.A. Avetisyan, M.S. Grigoryan On Steady-State Filtration of Fluid in Strip-Like and Wedge-Shaped Porous Ground Bases. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1020 (2014) pp 373-378, Switzerland. 6th International Conference on Contemporary Problems in Architecture and Construction, 24th -27th June 2014, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
  2. Аветисян С.А.  Об одной смешанной задаче для упругого экспоненциально неоднородного слоя при антиплоской деформации. Актуальные проблемы механики сплошной среды. Труды IV межд. конф.-ии 21-26 цент. 2015, Цахкадзор, Армения. Ереван -2015, с. 15-19.
  3. Аветисян С.А, Мкртчян М.М., Об установившейся фильтрации жидкости в пористой экспоненциально неоднородной полосе при заданном режиме давления. // Известия НАН РА, Механика, т. 68, №2, 2015, с. 68-79.