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Computer Science studies the theoretical foundations of information and calculation, the practical means of their implementation and use in computer systems. Computer Science includes both theoretical (analysis of algorithms, computational complexity theory, automata theory) and applied science areas (bioinformatics, operating systems, computer networks, databases, information security, mobile devices). 

Computer Science is an extensive science, therefore it is not limited in the frames of the study of electronic computing machines.

Dutch scientist, Edsger W. Dijkstra once said, “Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.”

 NUACA Chair of Informatics was established in 1988, as a part of the former Faculty of Architecture and Construction of Yerevan, by the order No. 444, entitled “Automated Management of Construction and Design Automation Systems” of the Scientific Council of the University.

The Chair prepares undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students for future careers of the following specializations: Informatics and Computing Techniques, Management Information Systems, as well as provides other programmes of the University with the basic skills of information technology.

The Chair has 3 labs furnished with modern equipments.  It has organized its activity based on the Yerevan Telecommunication Research Institute, which has provided NUACA with additional educational labs as well as enabled to train highly qualified staff, thus being both scientific and technical basis for the Chair.

Upon receipt of the students’ request, the Chair regularly provides additional free courses in the scope of programming, computer networks, and electronic calculators. 

Students carry out laboratory, and practical work on modern lab stands and participate in real-life projects regarding the creation of hardware and software.  

The advantages of the Chair are:

  • Highly-qualified academic staff with practical experience and dominated by young professionals.
  •  Practical and scientific relations with the enterprises of the particular field.
  • Availability of the existing laboratory database at the Yerevan Telecommunication Research Institute.
  • Possibility to provide students having high academic performance with a job.