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Engineering Geodesy is considered to be the root of construction processes. Geodesy is science on measuring the Earth’s geometric shape, and building map projections, surveys, and profiles. In other words, the science models the Earth’s surface corresponding to the area. 

The academic programme “Geodesy and Cadastre” involves the combination of the branches such as geodesy, cadastre, geo-oriented data analysis, photogrammetry, remote sensing, and is considered perspective direction in the educational system. 

Geodesy is closely related to geography, astronomy, geophysics, geology, and other sciences. Without Geodesy it is impossible to determine the coordinates of points on the Earth’s surface, to build territory maps of different accuracy and details according to the scale.

In the top trading countries, the service of cartography and geodesy plays a significant role in the economic development. The bases for flourishing the service of cartography and geodesy are considered the state bodies which financially support the services directly related to the country and are viewed as national interest. In many countries including Armenia, the status of a geodesist is approved by the law or provisions approved by the government.

In all countries, the service of cartography and geodesy aims to build territory maps according to the required scales and updates in a timely manner. Nevertheless, the requirements change along with the development of technology.

Currently, the development of geodesy and cartography is completely on another level as the rapid development of technologies, technological tools and equipment almost resulted in total automation. 

The study of policies of educational, business, and state management bodies in the RA has shown that in the near future a high demand for employees will come out, which currently manifests as well, and goals are needed to be set for the development of the field. 

The specialists and students of the Chair of Engineering Geodesy of NUACA are actively engaged in several construction and research projects. In the scope of its professional potential, the Chair supports water resources management and development, road construction, preservation of historical and cultural monuments and tourism development programmes.

Our graduates join the construction companies, state agencies (The Cadastre Committee of the Republic of Armenia, State Property Management Committee and almost all the ministries), mining companies, measurement and geodesy companies, getting high salaries.