The activities of the Science Department of the University are regulated in line with the requirements of the laws of the field, University Charter, internal acts, and University regulations.
The Department aims to coordinate the scientific-research works carried out at the University, the effective use and development of the scientific, scientific-educational, and intellectual potential of the University, organization and internationalization of the publication activities of scientific periodicals, scientific and teaching-methodical literature, as well as the organization of postgraduate education.
The main objectives of the Department are:
1) The development of priority, medium-term and long-term programs of University scientific policy, strategy, and scientific research, as well as monitoring of their implementation;
2) Ensuring the publication of scientific periodicals, scientific and teaching-methodical literature of the University;
3) Organization of postgraduate education, ensuring the compliance of its outcomes with the requirements established by National and International Qualifications Frameworks;
4) Organization of documentation related to scientific-research activities;
5) Support and advice, provided to University scientific researchers, lecturers, postgraduate, graduate and undergraduate students;
6) Development of scientometric indicators;
7) Collection and coordination of data on scientific-research activities, monitoring over their implementation and analysis of the outcomes;
8) Establishment of cooperative relations with foreign scientific organizations and scientists;
9) Organization and implementation of national and international scientific conferences within the scope of its competence.
The structural subdivisions of the Department are:
⮚ The Department of Development and Coordination of Scientific Policy
⮚ The Department of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Information.