(010) 303-300


Preparatory group for Foreign Students

The University organizes preparatory training for foreign citizens. The admission is realized based on the letter of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia and based on the results of the interview. In case of formation of groups the training can be organized in Armenian, Russian, English and French.

In preparatory groups the students are taught following subjects:

  • Painting (drawing, composition),
  • Descriptive geometry,
  • Mathematics,
  • Physics (for those pursuing construction professions),
  • Professional introduction,
  • Armenian language, Russian language (in groups taught in Armenian)
  • English language, Armenian language (in groups taught in English)


According to the results of the final exams, the applicants can be admitted to the Bachelor first course of the University in the relevant specialties.

The duration of study in the Preparatory groups of foreign citizens is 1(one) year.

The applicant submits the following documents to the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia:  

For online application secretariat@escs.am, tel. +374 10 599-647, +374 10 599-646  

  1. Statement on the name of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia.
  2. Application form provided by Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia.
  3. medical certificate about the general state of health (this certificate can also be issued by the medical organizations of the Republic of Armenia)
  4. Copy of the passport (also with a notarized translation),
  5. For Diaspora applicants: a copy of the birth certificate, certified by a notary or a copy of the baptism certificate,
  6. a copy of the graduation document regarding the educational degree (with grades), translated and notarized, and in the case of individual countries, also with international authentication (apostille);
  7. 6 photos of applicant (3x4cm)
  8. Autobiography (CV) in Armenian, Russian or English
  9. for post-graduate professional education, a scientific essay on the topic of the chosen profession, within 20 pages, in Armenian, Russian or English.


Tuition fees set for foreign citizens admitted to the university in 2024-2025 academic year

Groups taught in Armenian

600 000 AMD

Groups taught in Russian

700 000 AMD

Groups taught in English

800 000 AMD