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Chair of Building Structures

Disciplines related to building structures have been conducted since 1921 in the newly established faculty of civil engineering at Yerevan State University. The Chair of Building Structures was founded in 1931 with its heads Ruben Hakobyan (1931-1952), Victor Ter-Israelyan (1952-1962), professor Gurgen Abovyan (1962-1967).

In 1967 the Chair was divided into two directions known as “Chair of Seismic Stability of Stone, Iron and Concrete Structures and Buildings” and “Chair of Metal, Wooden Structures and Buildings Testing” with their heads Hakob Babayan (1967-1974 and 1980-1981), Gurgen Grigoryan (1974-1977), docent Temur Margaryan (1977- 1979), professor Robert Avetisyan (1979-1980), professor Boris Karapetyan (1980-1994), professor Suren Darbinyan (1994-1995) for the former and Avetiq Ter-Israyelyan, Gurgen Abovyan, Harma Sargsyan (1972-1977), docent Zhan Zakharyan (1977-1989), docent Edmon Manukyan (1989-2006) for the second.

Famous scientists and academicians A. Nazarov, professor V. Pinajyan, professor S. Hovnanyan, professor A. Sahakyan contributed to the Chair development together with PhD and docents V.A. Stepanyan, T.A. Goroyan, S.G. Ionnisyan, V.Q. Ghukasyan, G.V. Vardanyan, A.V. Belubekian, R.H. Azaryan, S.E. Kamsarakan, H.R. Martirosyan.

In 2006 the two chairs were reunited and the new Chair is called the Chair of Building Structures (head of Chair is R.S. Avetisyan).

Dadayan Tigran Leonid Head of department doctor of Engineering, associate professor
Grigoryan David Hamlet Doctor of Engineering
Karapetyan Lusine Gurgen Doctor of Engineering, associate professor
Asatryan Vrezh  Chair Assistant
Balasanyan Irina Lecturer