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Université Nationale d'Architecture et de Construction D'Arménie

Les promus ont dit adieu à l’école

Today the last bell rang at all the colleges and high schools of the Republic. The 12th grade students bade farewell to their schools full of pledge and hope to create a better future and become worthy citizens of their homeland.

The day was festive and exciting also at the Manuk Abeghyan High School of the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia. A hundred and twenty-two graduates from seven groups were on the stage to utter words of gratitude and bid farewell to their teachers.

The ceremony of the Last Bell was attended by the NUACA Rector Gagik Galstyan, the  Student Council president and counselor to the Rector Hovsep Hoveyan, teachers, guests and parents. The students did everything possible to satisfy their audience and make their day both special and memorable.

Congratulating the graduates Rector Galstyan wished them evergreen, peaceful and productive way. He proudly pointed out that each new generation surpasses his previous by his maturity, by mature attitude towards life and encouraged them to become a good man, a caring mother, courageous and patriotic soldiers. Theatrical staging with poetry, songs and dances, words of appreciation to the teachers, as well as enormous level of excitement-all these comprise the essence of the Last Bell events and every year evolving with the same feelings and dreams.
