(010) 303-300

Sergoyan Armen

Candidate of technical sciences

Date  of  birth,  month,  day 30.07.1966

Adress           Yerevan


E – mail   asergoyan@gmail.com

Nationality  Republic of Armenia

Education and trainings

  • 1990 Graduated from Yerevan Architecture and Construction Institute (previously YPI) and got the qualification  of an engineer-builder, by speciality of water supply and drain.
  • 2008 Candidate of technical sciences.

Work experience

  • 1990-1992 As a qualificated-researcher in the chair of water supply and drain, rational  use and   protection of water resources of Yerevan Institute of Architecture and Construction.
  • 1992-1993  As a projector-engineer in  Katnaghbyur.
  • Since 1994 up-to-date As a lecturer in the chair of hydro technical construction, water systems and water power stations (previously water supply and drain) and the deans deputy (2005-2006) of the faculty of hydro construction and city economy of Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction.
  • 2003 – 2008 As a plaintiff of a scientific degree of a candidate of technical sciences in Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction.

Academic fields, directions

  • Water supply and drain, city economy and construction.

Participation in projecting, scientific  research or other programs

  • The program of reconstruction of the intensification of the work of structures  of the  cleaning station of sewage of Kakhs.
  • In the  project  of the system of water supply of Sevan and the sewage net.
  • Project of technical basis of the zone of the water supply system of the town Stepanakert in RMK.
  • 2006 Lectures concerning the sphere of town building of the Armenian Republic for the civil  servants by the following themes.
  • Organization of the city economy.
  • The normative base of legal regulation of town economy.
  • 2009 The project of the reconstruction of water supply system of the town of Stepanakert of RMK.
  • 2010 According to realization of the agreement of collaboration of (Yerevan  state university of architecture and construction) YSUAC with Otto-Fon-Gyurec university of Magdaburgh of FDR in the program of “ Basic study of the opportunities of the use of every -day hard waste” as a technical  manager.
  • 2013  The implementation of professional training of civil servants of the water sector of the Nagorno Karabach Republic Government in the following topics:
  • The provision of drinking water treatment and disinfection processes in urban water supply systems.
    -Drinking water quality monitoring and research (analysis) in the water treatment process.
    -Water demand assessment decision and evaluation of losses
    -Domestic wastewater structure and quality requirements.
    -Domestic wastewater treatment processes.


  • 9 scientific articles.


  • Armenian,
  • Russian,
  • English

Latest Publications

  1. Ա.Հ. Սերգոյան «Հայաստանի Հանրապետության բնակավայրերի ջրահեռացման համակարգերի ներկա վիճակը և դրանց տեխնիկական վիճակի բարելավման ուղիները»: Հայաստանի շինարարների միության գիտական աշխատությունների ժողովածու.-Եր.: ՃՇՀԱՀ, 2014թ., էջ 158-166:
  2. Ա.Հ. Սերգոյան «Ջրմուղի օղակաձև ցանցերի նախագծումը և հաշվարկը»: Մեթոդական ցուցումներ, Երևան 2014: