(010) 303-300

Sargsyan Emilia

Doctor of philosophy (Ph.D) in Architecture, Position Professor.

Date  of  birth,  month,  day 07.05.1946

E – mail  emilia.sarkisian@gmail.com

Education and trainings

 Work experience

  • 1969 – 1972 In scientifically – research sector of the Yerevan polytechnical institute (ONIR) as the scientist.
  • 1972-1981 Assistant of the Department « Architecture of civil and industrial buildings ».
  • 1981 – 2005 The Associate Professor in Yerevan State University              of Architecture and Construction at the department of               « Architectural design and design of the architectural               environment ».
  • Since 2005 and until now  Doctor of philosophy (Ph.D) in Architecture, Position Professor at the department of « Architectural design and design of the architectural environment ».

Academic fields, directions

  • Design of residential, public and industrial buildings, architectural construction, design of the architectural environment.

Participation in projecting, scientific  research or other programs

  • 5 diplomas handed by the Open competition of the Union of Architects of Armenia.
  • 1 diploma handed by the Open competition of the Union of Architects of Moscow to the USSR.
  • 3 Diploms from the Union of Architects of Armenia for the guidance of diploma works.


  • 60 scientific articles,
  • 18 scientific – methodical work.


  • Armenian,
  • Russian

Latest Publications

  1. Sargsyan E., Arakelyan M. “The issues contributing to the realization of abandoned industrial areas”, 7th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Architecture and Construction, 2015, N7, с. 6.
  2. Սարգսյան Է., Եղիյան Լ. «Մատչելի կացարանի կառուցման արտասահմանյան փորձի առանձնահատկությունները (ԱՄՆ-ի, եվրոպական երկրների և հետխորհրդային պետությունների օրինակների վրա)», N57, էջ 18-23: