(010) 303-300

Manukyan Larisa

Candidate of Technical Science,  docent

Date  of  birth,  month,  day 12.09.1957

Adress 66 Sarmen st., Yerevan

Phone  +374 10 58-30-20

E-mail  larisa.manukyan@rambler.ru

Nationality Republic of Armenia

Education and retraining

  • 1976 – 1982 Moscow Institute of engineering geodesy and cartography, Master Degree in Applied Geodesy.
  • 2003  GAF, TERRA Space IKONOS satellite images development and topographical maps creation certificate.

Work  experience

  • 2001 up to now Head of Geodesy and mapping department. The State Committee of the Real Property Cadastre of the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
  • 1998 up to now Senior lecture of  “Higher geodesy” department of Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction.
  • 1999-2000 Lecturer of the map production automation subject Yerevan State University, Faculty of Geography.
  • 1974-2001 head of the Projecting-Calculation division Armenian State Institute for Engeneering Geodesy Surveying and Imagery (Now “Geodesy and Mapping”). In 1992 she was honored “Geodesy and Mapping excellent employee” by the Geodesy and Mapping General Department of the Ministers Council of Soviet Union.

Academic fields, directions

  • Applied geodesy, gravimetry, study of crustal movements on the geodynamic polygons, compilation of topographic maps and plans, photogrammetric processing of aerial and space materials

Participation in projecting, scientific  research or  other  programs

  • Took part in the co-development of the “Near Yerevan Geodynamic Polygon” technical project by the RA National Academy and Armenian State Institute for Engeneering Geodesy Surveying and Imagery.
  • Developed RA state height network, took part in the activities of RA national satellite network creation in the WGS-84 geodetic coordinate system.


  • 30 scientific articles,
  • 5 methodical reference books.


  • Armenian,
  • Russian,
  • English

Latest Publications

  1. Л.В.Манукян, В.А. Маркарян “Создание высокоточной навигационной системы в Республике Армения”. Научно-технический журнал по строительству и архитектуре, ФГБОУ ВПО «МГСУ». 4/2015, с. 134-142.