(010) 303-300

Кhachatryan Emil

Doctor of technical sciences, professor

Date  of  birth,  month,  day  28.09.1948

Adress  Yerevan


E – mail   khachatryan@rambler.ru

Nationality  Republic of Armenia

Education and trainings

  • 1969-1974 Studied at Yerevan Polytechnic  Institute, got the qualification of an engineer- hydro technician.
  • 1975-1978 Studied at the present training PHD of Yerevan Polytechnic  Institute teaching in the chair of HTC.
  • 1982 Defended the thesis of a candidate at the Water-geological Institute and got the scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences.
  •  1985 Associate professor the chair of hydro-technical construction.
  • 1989-1992 Studied in the doctoral of Moscow Hydro-meliorative Institute.
  • 2007 Defended the doctor’s thesis and got the scientific degree of a doctor of technical sciences.
  • 2009 Got a professor’s title.

Work experience

  • 1974-1975 Worked at the “Jrmugh” trest of  Yercitcouncil as a senior engineer.
  • 1985 Docent in the chair of “Hydro-technical construction”. In Yerevanyan department of  Transcaucasian  Hydromet scientific institute as an engineer, a senior engineer, as a general engineer, a junior scientific researcher, senior scientific researcher.
  • 1997-2006The manager in the chair of hydro-technical construction.
  • 2001-2003 The technical head masters councillor  at the institute of “Armhydroenergoproject”.
  • Since 2009 up-to-date As a professor in the chair of “Hydro-construction, water systems and hydro power stations.

Academic fields, directions

  • Hydro-technical construction.
  • The works devoted to the problems of filtration of ground dams and reservoirs, the foresight of water-saline regimes of Ararat plain, the projection and calculation of drainage structures.


Participation in projecting, scientific  research or other programs

  • As a responsible executor participated in the chair of hydro-technical construction, doing several scientific works.
  • 1975-1989  Calculation of the filtration of the reservoirs of “Djoghaz”, “Hakhum”, “Tavush”, “Kaps” and the others, then the decision of the measures of antifiltration  structures; for casting of the dynamics of underground waters of Ararat plain Hoktemberyan, Ejmiatsin, Masis and other regions.
  • 1993-1998 The study of the work of siphons in Kajaran.
  • 1998-2011 The procession of protecting system against the pipe of pumper station of Mkhchyan, Elegis-1. Elegis-7 and other small projections and experts of the head constructions of hydro power stations.


  • More then 80 scientific, scientific methodical works.


  • Armenian,
  • Russian,
  • French

Latest Publications

  1. Է.Հ. Խաչատրյան, Վ.Ս. Սահակյան, Ա.Ա. Օհանյան «Արաքս գետի Կարա-Կալա հիդրոհանգույցի Արմավիրի ջրանցքի գլխամասի վերակառուցման հարցերի մասին» ՃՇՀԱՀ, տեղեկագիր, 2014, N3.
  2. Khacatryan, E. Khacatryan «Forecast of the groundwater afflux in the surroundings of hydraulic structures» Yerevan, bulletin of National Agrarian University of Armenia, 3, 2014, p.79-84.
  3. Է.Հ. Խաչատրյան,Ս.Մ. Սեդրակյան,Մ.Ռ. Պապիկյան «Պատվարների վթարների վերլուծությունը և դրանց կանխատեսման հարցերը» ՃՇՀԱՀ Տեղեկագիր 2015, N3, էջ.67-74.
  4. Khacatryan,A. Khacatryan,H.Nanagulyan «About sedimentation and washing issuse of retaining dams in mountain rivers». Yerevan, bulletin of National Agrarian University of Armenia, 2, 2015,էջ.59-63 p.59-63.
  5. S.Sargsyan, E.H.Khachatryan, A.E. Khachatryan «Few issues related to protection of buildings and constructions from moisturing and groundwater flooding» 7th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Architecture and Construction November 19th-21st, Florenc-Italy, 2015.