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Индексировано в Web of Science или Scopus системах |
1 |
Мелкумян М., Барсегян Т., |
Проблемы правового регулирования тарифов на электроэнергию и платы за услуги в Республике Армения |
Modern Economy Success |
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196-204 |
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Sahakyan S., |
Interaction Features of Some Acid Ameliorants in the Process of Chemical Reclamation of Sodic Solonetz-Solonchaks |
Egyptian Journal of Soil Science, ISSN Online: 2357-0369 |
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Kalantaryan V.P., Ghazaryan R.S.,Babayan, Yu.S., Tadevosyan A.A. |
Influence of Low-Intensity Millimeter Electromagnetic Waves on the Viscisity and Density of Water-Salt Solutions |
J. of Contemporary Physics |
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Antipov Y.A., Mkhitaryan S.M. |
Hertzian and adhesive plane models of contact of two inhomogeneous elastic bodies |
Euro. Jnl of Applied Mathematics. Cambridge University Press |
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Kuchukov V., Telpukhov D., |
Performance Analysis of Hardware Implementations of Reverse Conversion from the Residue Number System |
Applied Sciences |
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Antipov Y.A., Mkhitaryan S.M. |
Axisymmetric Contact of two Different Power-Law Graded Elastic Bodies and an Integral Equation with two Weber-Schafheitlin Kernels |
Quarterly J. of Mechanics and Applich Mathematics. Oxford University. |
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Sarukhanyan A., Vardanyan Ye., Vermishyan G. |
A study of hydrodynamic viscous fluid flow parameters change regularities in case of a conical diffuser |
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Sarukhanyan A., Vardanyan Ye., Vermishyan G. |
Study of changes in hydrodynamic parameters of viscous fluid in a flat diffuser |
Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Geo Аssets, Engineering. DOI 10.18799/24131830/2022/10/3698, 2022 |
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Ruggieri R., |
Armenian karst project |
Carbonates and Evaporites |
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Reinforcement and restoration of Zvartnots |
Armenian panorama, culture, nature, people, Restoration of historical and architectural monuments in Armenia, printed in the EU, 2022 mdv Mitteldeutscer Verlag GmbH, Halle (Saale), ISBN 978-3-96311-550-9 |
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Muradyan N., Gyulasaryan H., Arzumanyan A., Badalyan M., Kalantaryan M., Vardanyan Y., Larose D., Manukyan A., Barsegyan M. |
The Effect of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on the Compressive Strength of Cement Mortars |
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Гургенян Н.В., Григорян А.Е., Костандян М.Ф., МартиросянА.В., Варданян Н.К., Хачанова И.Б. |
Получение строительных материалов из отходов алюмосиликатных пород |
Химическая технология |
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174-179 |
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Khachiyan E. Y. |
On the Size of an Aftershock Zone of a Large Earthquake. |
«Seismic Instruments», 2022, ISSN 0747-9239, © Allerton Press, Inc.1. DOI: 10,3103/S07447923922050073. |
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Khachiyan E. Y. |
Analysis of the Values of Ground Displacements, Shear Strains, Velocities and Accelerations, and Response Spectra of Strong Earthquake by Synthetic Accelerograms. |
SPG «Earth Sciences», USA, 2022; http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/earth, doi: 10.11648/j.earth.20221105.19 ISSN: 2328-5974 (Print); ISSN: 2328-5982 (Online), Springer. |
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Петросян А.Л. |
Повышение энергетической и экономической эффективности системы газоснабжения городского района |
Энергоснабжение |
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44-50 |
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Shahinyan S. M., Davtyan S. R., Janoyan A. E., Bunatyan A. Kh. |
Makar’s cave: preliminary survey results |
Speleology and spelestology international scientific journal |
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64-66 |